For newer versions, see GitHub releases.
- JENKINS-48420 Allow disabling lightweight checkout capability for Subversion with the property -Djenkins.scm.impl.subversion.SubversionSCMFileSystem.disable=<true/false>
- JENKINS-48420 Provide lightweight checkout capability for Subversion
- JENKINS-53325 Use trilead classes from Jenkins core
- JENKINS-53615 Attempt to (de-)serialize anonymous class hudson.scm.SubversionWorkspaceSelector$1
- svnkit to 1.9.3
- JENKINS-50327 Update to 2.10.4 causes NullPointerException in HTTPDigestAuthentication.createDigest
- JENKINS-51817 NPE throw in RemotableSVNErrorMessage due to wrong usage of C'tors
- JENKINS-45801 Fetching changes fails with SVNAuthenticationException due many svn:externals
- JENKINS-49219 Get 'credentials <none> in realm' after svn update
- JENKINS-36451 Repository Browser URL not saved in Project Pipeline Configuration
- JENKINS-50287 Make as-it-is checkout only files initally
- java 8 required for presence of lambdas
- svnkit to 1.9.2
- JENKINS-30176 Add VisualSVN Repository Browser to Subversion Plugin
- JENKINS-50339 log-entry: 'svnkit-1.9.1.jar might be dangerous' after LTS update
- JENKINS-50287 Make as-it-is checkout only files initally
- JENKINS-50288 Add new option "cancelProcessOnExternalsFail" for ModuleLocation
- JENKINS-50289 Update to SVNKit 1.9.1
- JENKINS-41626 Branch indexing on subversion repo does not work properly
- JENKINS-49624 Can’t select SVN credentials for shared library in folder using Modern SCM
- JENKINS-48546 - Fix the binary compatibility issue, introduced by JENKINS-14541 as well
- Fix the regression in 2.10 caused by JENKINS-14541
JENKINS-14541 Add support of the quiet checkout mode
JENKINS-14824 Subversion Tag parametr now can be used in CLI
JENKINS-24802 notifyCommit endpoint didn't trigger builds if an external without credentials with same "url start" is checked before the "main repo"
JENKINS-15376 Prevent memory leak when using the "Subversion Tag" parameter
JENKINS-44956 SVN repository browsers don't add hyperlinks for Pipeline jobs
#190 SVN Repository View now closes the repository session in the case of Runtime exception
#192 Streamline handling of credentials by using the Credentials Plugin 2.1.15 with new API
- JENKINS-26100 Ability to define variables for Pipeline builds, when using Jenkins 2.60+ and a suitable version of Pipeline: SCM Step.
- JENKINS-32302
handling credentials under certain circumstances. - JENKINS-42186 Memory leaks.
- JENKINS-44076 Fix for affected paths field in changelog when using parameterized repository URLs.
- JENKINS-32167 Logging about usage of credentials in SVN externals, to assist in diagnosing authentication issues. (Not claimed to be a fix for all issues.)
- Support for Phabricator browser.
- JENKINS-22112 Show committer info on build status page.
- JENKINS-2717 No-op workspace updater.
- JENKINS-36521 Print raw (not HTML-escaped) commit messages.
Pulls in SCM API Plugin 2.x; read this blog post.
- New SVNKit (1.8.14).
- JENKINS-31155 JENKINS-38048 Support for Pipeline libraries.
- Moved the Pipeline
step to this plugin. Note that you must also update the Pipeline: SCM Step plugin at the same time. - Better support for Pipeline’s Snippet Generator in multibranch projects.
- Fixed a reported hang in branch indexing for multibranch projects.
- issue #32169 NPE when using svn:// and file:// protocols in URL form validation (regression)
- issue #27718 Build parameter for "List Subversion Tags (and more)" are not exposed in a workflow script
- issue #16711 Improved handling of repositories (URL) with spaces
- 2 findbugs issues solved
- issue #31385 Additional message logs when svn:externals is used and SVNCancelException is thrown
- issue #14155 Automatically select and build the latest tag (via "List Subversion tags" build params)
- issue #31192 Subversion HTTPS + PKCS12 Certificate in CPU infinite loop
- SVNKit library upgraded to 1.8.11. Special thanks to Dmitry Pavlenko (maintainer of SVNKit) for his help
- issue #30774 Subversion parameterized build throws error in job configuration. The global configuration option Validate repository URLs up to the first variable name has been removed.
- issue #31067 Subversion polling does not work when the repository URL contains a variable (global variable)
- issue #24802 notifyCommit don't trigger a build if two svn repositories have same URL start
- issue #26264 Cleanup AbortException call
- issue #30197 Migration from 1.x to 2.5.1 can fail (ClassCastException)
- issue #26458 E155021: This client is too old to work with the working copy
- issue #29340 E200015: ISVNAuthentication provider did not provide credentials
- Findbugs was configured and some issues solved
- issue #29211 E200015: ISVNAuthentication provider did not provide credentials
- issue #29225 Failed to tag
- issue #20103 ListTagParameter value doesn't show up in build API
- issue #27084 SVN authentication (NTLM) fails using Subversion Plugin v.2.5
- Update the version of Maven Release Plugin.
- Replace custom SVNKit library in exchange for using the default binaries.
- JENKINS-18935 Upgrade to svn 1.8.
- JENKINS-25241 Upgrade trilead-ssh.
- JENKINS-24341 Check if the project can be disabled before the disabling
- Fixes to form validation and pulldowns when used from unusual contexts, such as Workflow.
- NPE when showing Workflow build index page.
- SECURITY-158 fix.
- JENKINS-22568 Subversion polling does not work with parameters.
- JENKINS-18574 JENKINS-23146 Fixed behavior for multiple locations in same repo.
- JENKINS-18534 Prevent queue items with distinct Subversion tag parameters from being collapsed.
(2.5-beta-1 botched due to upload error)
- JENKINS-23365 Adapting to new SCM API in Jenkins 1.568+.
- JENKINS-25241 SSH library fix needed for 1.585+.
- SECURITY-158 fix.
- JENKINS-23146 Revised fix from 2.4.2.
- JENKINS-18574 JENKINS-23146 Fixed behavior for multiple locations in same repo.
- JENKINS-22568 Subversion polling does not work with parameters.
- JENKINS-18534 Prevent queue items with distinct Subversion tag parameters from being collapsed.
Known issues introduced in this version: JENKINS-23146
- svnexternals causing issue with concurrent builds (issue 15098)
- Fix additional credentials help (pull request 69)
- changelog use external path for affected path, not workspace related (issue 18574)
- Call to doCheckRevisionPropertiesSupported broken (issue 22859)
- Subversion Parameters show "Repository URL" instead of the name (issue 22930)
- Plugin takes not excluded revprops from global configuration into account (issue 18099)
- Update MapDB dependency (for multi-branch project types support) to 1.0.1
- Change default of ignoreExternalsOption to true. Add help text explaining some of the security risks involved in checking out externals (namely that they can be a route to hijacking credentials that in most cases have full read access to the entire repository and not just the limited subset of the repository that an individual committer's credentials may have read access to. The recommended way to handle externals is to add those as additional modules directly. Thus ensuring that even if a committers machine is hacked or otherwise compromised, their credentials cannot be used to commit a modified build script and svn:external definition that allows the entire contents of the Subversion repository to be zipped up and FTP'd to a remote server)
Note: Version 2.0 contained a fix for JENKINS-18574. However, the fix caused 2 regressions, so it was reverted in this version
- Fixed authentication for externals in post-commit hook JENKINS-21785
- Fixed a regression which broke polling and checkout when using externals JENKINS-22199
- Fixed a regression causing broken changelog entries JENKINS-22778
- Fixed a NPE when running on slaves (See:
- Fixed an issue with the Subversion Tagging plugin (See:
- issue #21679 (side report) failure to find Subversion SCM descriptor if anonymous is missing the credential management permissions
- (pull #67) Improve List Subversion Tags parameter definition performance
- (pull #66) ListSubversionTagsParameterDefinition form validation broken
- JENKINS-21712 requires an upgrade of the minimum version of the credentials plugin to 1.9.4 and a switch to using the <c:select/> jelly tag for selecting the credentials.
- JENKINS-21701 Added credentials support for the tag parameter type.
- Added credentials support for the tag action.
- JENKINS-18250 (pull #37) Improved authorization check for legacy (pre-credentials) authentication.
- (pull #60) Fixed post-commit cache.
- Credentials management switched to credentials plugin based
implementation. Upgrading to 2.0 will migrate your existing
credentials from the semi-random scattered store that pre-2.0 used
to the credentials plugin's store. You are advised to take a backup
of your Jenkins instance if you have many jobs using different
credentials against similar repositories. The following issues have
been encountered by users upgrading.
- The same username required different passwords when accessing a repository from a windows slave or from a *nix slave. Only one password (appears to be random as to which) was imported into the credentials store. Jobs that required the other password had their credentials reset to "none". Solution was to manually add the credential and configure the affected jobs to use the correct credentials.
- prefer trilead-ssh from plugin vs core classloader (issue #19600)
- SVN_REVISION is not exported if server url end by / with further @HEAD suffix (issue #20344)
- encryption of passphrases wasn't sufficiently secure (issue #SECURITY-58)
- Expand environment variables in repository URLs (pull request 38)
Version does not exist
- new depth option to leave --depth values as they are (JENKINS-17974)
- Fixed support for pinned externals (JENKINS-16533)
- Fixed: HTTPS with Client Certificates gives 'handshake_failure' (JENKINS-19175)
- Upgrade to SVNKit 1.7.10 (minor bugfixes)
- added files merged from a branch results in those files having doubled content (JENKINS-14551)
- Use svn switch instead of checkout if changed module location stays within the same Subversion repository. (JENKINS-2556)
- Fixed: change information was lost if build failed during svn checkout. (JENKINS-16160)
- Update svnkit library to 1.7.6
- New option to filter changelog based on the same inclusion/exclusion filters used to detect changes. (JENKINS-10449)
- New options for ignoring externals and setting the repository depth (JENKINS-777)
- Fixed: support for svn:externals (JENKINS-16217 and JENKINS-13790)
- Remove MailAddressResolverImpl that has serious negative impact on UI performance (JENKINS-15440). Moved to dedicated plugin subversion-mail-address-resolver-plugin.
- switch to ignore property-only changes on directories (JENKINS-14685)
- support ignoring post-commit hooks (needs Jenkins 1.493+) (JENKINS-6846)
- ignore disabled projects when evaluating post-commit notifications (JENKINS-15794)
- fixed a problem with working copy cleanup under svn 1.7
- additional logging about the revision being checked out
- fail build on update/checkout failure (JENKINS-14629)
- switch to fresh checkout on corrupted workspace detection - workaround for (JENKINS-14550)
- support for Assembla browser
- Fixed svn:external handling (JENKINS-13790)
- Fixed a problem where SVNKit was dropping some of the chained exceptions (JENKINS-13835)
- Supported Subversion 1.7 (JENKINS-11381)
- Fixed an invalid assumption in processing post-commit hooks, namely that all jobs are immediate children of the Jenkins singleton. For quite some time there has been an extension point that allows this assumption to be broken (the CloudBees Folders plugin is one example plugin that invalidates the assumption).
- Fixed JENKINS-10227: Parameter "List subversion tag" was not displaying tags which have the same date.
- Fixed JENKINS-12201: NullPointerException during SVN update.
- Fixed JENKINS-8036: Subversion plugin to support SVN::Web browser.
- Fixed JENKINS-12525: SVN URL converted to lowercase -> Changes found every time it has an pull request.
- Fixed JENKINS-12113: Local module directories weren't expanded with environment variables.
- Fixed blocker bug in 1.36 (JENKINS-11901).
- Attention: this version contains a blocker bug; Don't use it!
- Updated to SVNKit
- Build aborted during checkout/update should be marked as ABORTED instead of FAILURE. Note: fix needs Jenkins 1.440 to be effective (JENKINS-4605).
- ListSubversionTagsParameterValue doesn't implement getShortDescription() (JENKINS-11558).
- Changelog shouldn't be duplicated because of svn:externals (JENKINS-2344).
- SCM build trigger not working correctly with variables in SVN URL (JENKINS-10628).
- Setting SVN credentials for a job should not require administer permission (JENKINS-11415).
- List Subversion tags: Tags filter were blank when re-configuring a job (JENKINS-11055)
- When adding a new module location to an existing one, Jenkins re-checks out all module locations (JENKINS-7461).
- accept parameter for checkout to local module-path (JENKINS-7136).
- Broken link in help text of Subversion configuration (JENKINS-11050).
- tag this build is missing the tag url field (JENKINS-10857).
- Subversion no longer passes revision information to other plugins via SubversionTagAction(JENKINS-11032).
- Subversion Tagging does not work correctly with alternate credentials(JENKINS-10461).
- SVN post-commit hook doesn't work at root of repository (JENKINS-11263).
- SubversionChangeLogSet does now implement getCommitId() (JENKINS-11027).
- Increased functionality of List Subversion tags build parameter (JENKINS-10678)
- Hudson mentioned in SVN credentials confirmation page (JENKINS-10733).
- Variables (build parameters and environment variables) are now expanded in Local module directory (JENKINS-4547)
- SVN_URL and SVN_REVISION are not set when using @NNN in Subversion URL (JENKINS-10942)
- Local module directory contains @NNN when @NNN is used in Subversion repository URL.(JENKINS-10943)
- URL that receives POST doesn't need to be protected. It is properly hardened to deal with malicious inputs.
- Fixed a build error if build is running with different VM than Jenkins is (JENKINS-10030).
- Fixed the symlink handling problem with "emulate clean checkout" update strategy (JENKINS-9856)
- Fixed a continuous polling bug (JENKINS-6209)
- Order affected paths by name (JENKINS-10324).
- Blank build parameters not correctly handled in URLs (JENKINS-10045).
- Added a new Sort newest first option to List Subversion tags build parameters (JENKINS-9828).
- Repository URL is now expanded based on all environment variables (including build parameters) rather than just build parameters (JENKINS-9925).
- Added new Tags filter and Sort Z-A options to List Subversion tags build parameters (JENKINS-9826).
- Added global configuration opt-out for storing native command line authentication (JENKINS-8059).
- plugin breaks native svn command line authentication (JENKINS-8059).
- svn revision number returns an error (JENKINS-9525).
- replaced Hudson with Jenkins.
- Check and Remove empty Repository URL from List (JENKINS-9143).
- 1.24 had accidental Java6 dependency (JENKINS-9222).
- Added a new job parameter allowing to dynamically list svn tags.
- Improved error diagnostics in case of failed WebDAV authentication
- Introduced a new extension point to control the checkout behaviour.
- Added a new checkout strategy that emulates "svn checkout" by "svn update" + file deletion.
- Fixed revision number pinning problem (JENKINS-8266)
- Fixed a per-job credential store persistence problem (JENKINS-8061)
- Fixed a commit notify hook problem with Jetty (JENKINS-8056)
- Support revision keywords such as HEAD in repository URL configurations.
- Fixed StringOutOfBoundException. (JENKINS-8142)
- Fixed "Unable to locate a login configuration" error with Windows Subversion server (JENKINS-8153)
- Expose Subversion URL and revision information for all modules in environment variables (JENKINS-3445)
- Added system property to control whether SCM polling runs on the Hudson master or on slaves (JENKINS-5413)
- Make sure stored credentials have restricted file permissions
- Fixed a serialization issue.
- Fixed a configuration roundtrip regression introduced in 1.18 (JENKINS-7944)
- Supported svn:externals to files (JENKINS-7539)
- Requires Hudson 1.375 or newer.
- Builds triggered via the post-commit hook check out from the revision specified by the hook. The hook specifies the revision with either the rev query parameter, or the X-Hudson-Subversion-Revision HTTP header.
- Uses svnkit 1.3.4 now. (JENKINS-6417)
- Failure to retrieve remote revisions shouldn't result in a new build (JENKINS-6136)
- Updated German & Japanese localization.
- Fixed that "svn log copier thread" is nerver destoryed if exception is thrown while checking out.(JENKINS-6144)
- Fixed JENKINS-6030, where the new includedRegions feature broke the excludedRegions.
- Added Spanish translation.
- Add includedRegions feature, analogous to the excludedRegions feature (JENKINS-5954).
- Fixing polling for projects where last build was run on Hudson 1.345+ with Subversion plugin 1.11 or older (JENKINS-5827)
- Polling period can be set shorter than the quiet period now. (JENKINS-2180)
- Exposed properties to the remote API. (report)
- Validation for "excluded users" field was too restrictive. (JENKINS-5684)
- Avoid ClassCastException in change log computation if job SCM is changed from Subversion to something else. (JENKINS-5705)
- Allow commit comment to be provided when tagging. (JENKINS-1725)
- Fix display of existing tags when there are multiple repositories.
- Minor updates to aid in debugging problems triggering jobs from a post-commit hook.
- SSL client certificate authentication was not working (JENKINS-5349)
- Make all links from help text open a new window/tab, to avoid leaving the config page when there are unsaved changes (JENKINS-5348)
- Export tag information via remote API (JENKINS-882)
- SSL client certificate authentication was not working (JENKINS-5230)
- Tagging UI allows users to specify one-time credential for tagging (JENKINS-2053)
- Fix a bug in the notifyCommit post-commit hook wrt a commit spanning multiple jobs (JENKINS-4741)
- Polling can now ignore commits based on configurable keywords in the commit messages. (patch)
- Several minor bug fixes
- Fixed a bug in the exclusion pattern matching
- Fixed a bug in an interaction with the Trac plugin.
- Fixed a bug in the interaction of concurrent builds and Subversion polling (JENKINS-4270)
- Fixed a bug in polling on slaves (JENKINS-4299)
- Fixed "authentication cancelled error" problem (JENKINS-3936)
- Polling is performed on the slaves now (report)
- "Tag this Build" fails for 1.311+ with SVN Plugin (JENKINS-4018)
- Subversion checkouts created files for symlinks (JENKINS-3949)
- Fixed "endless authentication to SVN when invalid user/password" issue (JENKINS-2909)
- Initial version split off from the core, to isolate SVNKit that has a commercial-unfriendly license.