import json import os from pathlib import Path import pprint # pylint: disable=unused-import # for testing import shutil from typing import Any, Dict, List, Set, Tuple import requests import statham.schema.parser import statham.serializers.python from jinja2 import Template from json_ref_dict import RefDict, materialize from statham.titles import title_labeller API_SCHEMA = "" SCHEMAS = [ "user", "notification", "notification.list", # summary (no profile="..." listed at GET /me/summary) # setting (/me/settings returns profile="") # device (/me/devices returns profile="") # app (/me/apps returns profile="") # payment (/me/payments returns profile="", but that doesn't exist. There seems to be a "Payment" model in the user schema, though?) # promos (/me/promos/foo returns profile="", but that doesn't exist) # shares (/me/shares returns profile="", but that doesn't exist) # steps (/me/steps returns profile="", but that doesn't exist) # reports (no profile="..." listed at GET /reports) "account", "account.list", "repeat", # institutions (/institutions returns profile="", but that doesn't exist) # countries (/bank/countries returns profile="", but that doesn't exist) # connections (/bank/connections returns profile="", but that doesn't exist) # imports (/bank/imports returns profile="", but that doesn't exist) # planning (/planning returns profile="", but that doesn't exist) "entry", "entry.list", "entry.sum", "entry.sum.list", "location", "location.list", #"review", #"review.list" #"entries.timeline", #"entries.timeline.list", "budget", "budget.list", "category", "category.list", "category.sum", "category.sum.list", "tag", "tag.list", "tag.sum", "tag.sum.list", "currency", "export", "export.list", # "export.filters", "image" ] ObjectDict = Dict[str, Any] def fix(obj: ObjectDict) -> ObjectDict: # Upgrade number/integer property ranges to JSON Schema draft 07 spec (statham doesn't like the old booleans) type_ = obj.get("type", None) if type_ in ("number", "integer"): min_max = (("exclusiveMinimum", "minimum"), ("exclusiveMaximum", "maximum")) for orig, repl in min_max: if orig in obj: if obj[orig]: obj[orig] = obj[repl] del obj[repl] else: del obj[orig] # Replace type of 'date' (which is invalid) if type_ == "date": obj.update({"type": "string", "format":"date"}) # Retitle objects to their original Java names, because the others are not unique if type_ == "object" and "javaType" in obj: obj["title"] = obj['javaType'].split('.')[-1] return obj # Clean up previous runs of the script shutil.rmtree('schemas/', ignore_errors=True) # Make somewhere to store original schemas original_schema_path = Path('schemas/original/') original_schema_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Get schemas for schema_path in SCHEMAS: response = requests.get(API_SCHEMA + schema_path) if response.ok: schema_resp = response.text original_schema_path.joinpath(schema_path + '.json').write_text(schema_resp) # Make somewhere to generate fixed schemas fixed_schema_path = Path('schemas/fixed') fixed_schema_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Create a dummy item.json for the fixed schemas dummies = [ "item.json", "export.filters.json", "export.format.json", "export.resource.json" ] for dummy_json in dummies: item = { "type": "object", "properties": {}, "description": f"Dummy Item, because Toshl devs do not include {dummy_json}" } dummy_data = json.dumps(item, sort_keys=True, indent=4) fixed_schema_path.joinpath(dummy_json).write_text(dummy_data) # Fix all of the schemas, and while we're at it, # create a top level object with definitions for all schemas. top: Dict[str, Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = {"definitions": {}} for original_schema_file_path in original_schema_path.glob('*.json'): top["definitions"][original_schema_file_path.stem] = {"$ref": f"{}#"} fixed = None with as f: fixed = json.load(f, object_hook=fix) with fixed_schema_path.joinpath('w') as f: json.dump(fixed, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) with fixed_schema_path.joinpath('top.json').open('w') as f: json.dump(top, f, sort_keys=True, indent=4) # Convert the JSON schemas into Python objects using statham. # These form our return types. curr_dir = Path.cwd() os.chdir(fixed_schema_path) schema = materialize(RefDict('top.json'), context_labeller=title_labeller()) os.chdir(curr_dir) returns = statham.schema.parser.parse(schema) returns_path = Path('toshling/models/') returns_path.write_text(statham.serializers.python.serialize_python(*returns)) # Import our new return types. import toshling.models.return_types # Iterate the LDOs from all schemas, with the aim of # automatically discovering all API methods api_methods = [] for n, s in schema['definitions'].items(): # Get links (handle the extra crap statham puts into the definitions object) links = [] try: links = s.get("links", []) except Exception: pass for link in links: href = link["href"] method = link.get("method", "GET") crumbs = [ crumb.split('?')[0] for crumb in href.split('/') if crumb and crumb[0] != "{" ] crumbs.append(link["rel"]) if crumbs[-1] == "self": crumbs[-1] = "get" if crumbs[-1] == crumbs[-2]: crumbs = crumbs[:-1] # Get the argument type. argument = None if "schema" in link: # Sub in a sensible title and parse the argument structure. link["schema"]["title"] = '.'.join(crumbs + ["argument"]) argument = statham.schema.parser.parse_element(link['schema']) # Toshl uses `!attribute` a bunch, which statham turns into # `exclamation_mark_attribute`. Change these to `not_attribute` negated_keys = [ key for key in if key[:16] == "exclamation_mark" ] for negated_key in negated_keys: not_key = "not" + negated_key[16:][not_key] = # Try guess some return types. return_ = None if crumbs[-1] in {'get', 'list', 'update'}: guesses = [] guesses.append(s['title']) class_parts = [p.capitalize() for p in n.split('.')] if class_parts[-1] in {'List'}: class_parts = class_parts[:-1] guesses.append(''.join(class_parts)) for guess in guesses: try: return_ = getattr(toshling.models.return_types, guess) break except Exception as e: pass api_methods.append((tuple(crumbs), method, href, argument, return_)) # Toshl has a lot of duplicate method/endpoint pairs, lots of which are invalid. # We will take only those with the longest crumbs # (which usually means there is a verb on the end). # Also discard/modify/add methods we know need modifying. discard = { ('accounts', 'account'), ('budgets', 'budget'), ('categories', 'category'), ('entries', 'entry'), ('entries', 'locations', 'location'), ('entries', 'transactions'), ('entries', 'transactions', 'repeats', 'repeating transactions'), ('entries', 'transaction_pair'), ('months', 'month') } modify = { } add = { } seen = set() filtered_api_methods = {} sorted_apis = sorted(api_methods, key=lambda x: (x[2].split('?')[0], x[1], -len(x[0]))) for crumbs, method, href, arg, ret in sorted_apis: key = (href.split('?')[0], method) if key not in seen and crumbs not in discard: api_method = {'method': method, 'href': href, 'argument': arg, 'return': ret} api_method.update(modify.get(crumbs, {})) filtered_api_methods[crumbs] = api_method seen.add(key) filtered_api_methods.update(add) filtered_api_methods_reversed = sorted( filtered_api_methods.items(), key=lambda x: x[0][:-1], reverse=True ) # pprint.pprint(filtered_api_methods, sort_dicts=False) # Write the argument models Python module. arguments = (api_method['argument'] for api_method in filtered_api_methods.values() if api_method['argument']) arg_types_path = Path('toshling/models/') arg_types_path.write_text(statham.serializers.python.serialize_python(*arguments)) # Automatically generate Python code for the endpoints. classes: List[Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]] = [] subclasses = [] prev_length = 0 for crumbs, api_method in filtered_api_methods_reversed: classname = ''.join(n.capitalize() for n in crumbs[:-1]) if not classes or classname != classes[-1]['name']: class_ = {'name': classname, 'methods': []} if len(crumbs) < prev_length: if prev_length - len(crumbs) > 1: raise RuntimeError("We don't handle intermediate paths yet.") class_['subclasses'] = subclasses subclasses = [(crumbs[-2], classname)] elif len(crumbs) > prev_length: subclasses = [(crumbs[-2], classname)] elif len(crumbs) == prev_length: subclasses.append((crumbs[-2], classname)) classes.append(class_) prev_length = len(crumbs) method = {'name': crumbs[-1]} method.update(api_method) classes[-1]['methods'].append(method) end_tmp = Path('') template = Template(end_tmp.read_text()) end_out = Path('toshling/') end_out.write_text(template.render(classes=classes))