- Operations on Linked List: Count number of nodes, Reverse List, and Concatenate two Linked Lists
- File(s): LINKLIST.C
- Polynomial Addition and Subtraction
- File(s): POLY_ADD.C
- Infix to Prefix and Evaluation
- File(s): IN-PRE.C
- Implementation of Stack
- File(s): STACK.C
- Implementation of Deque
- File(s): DEQUE.C
- Binary Search Tree
- File(s): BIN_TREE.C
- Graph- BFS and DFS
- File(s): GRAPH.C
- Insertion and Selection Sort
- File(s): SORT.C
- Hashing- Linear and Quadratic Probing
- File(s): hash.c
- Priority Queue using Heap
- File(s): Heap_queue.c
- Read the text file, one line at a time and print the line read with the text reversed
- File(s): FILE.C, sample.txt