Simple tool to manage your Symfony Project
Mainly clone the github repository in your desired directory
mkdir -p ~/work/tools/BASM
git clone ~/work/tools/BASM
You can integrate symfony manager by updating your bash profile based on that gist which should setup a symfony manager within your bash. In order to integrate smoothly with your bash instance, you should have a look to beaudev bash profile tool which load this gist in any bash instance.
You will then be able to add configuration file in your sm_path
and then have access to symfony manager preconfigured command lines.
Launch it like a simple script.
For simple use add it to your path, or better, add an alias (in ~/.bash_aliases for example)
alias sm="~/work/tools/BASM/"
Then use it like :
$ sm -h // show help
Commands : OPTIONS
-a : Dump bundles assets resources and generate assets
-b : Update composer dependencies
-c : Clear and setup cache
-e <environment_name> : Set symfony environment
-f : Do not ask question mo'fo'
-g : Launch Behat tests
-i : Install a version of the application
-k : Check tools and/or install them
-l <sm_config_file> : Load config from a spcific file
-p <installation_path> : Set an installation path
-s : Drop and ReInstall Database
-t : Launch Phpunit tests
-u <install|update|none>: Update a version of the application with option for the database :
- install: install database from scratch (drop everything first)
- update: update the database
- none: do not update the database
-v <svn_version> : Set svn tag/version
-w : Generate and then watch assets
-y : Update database
-z : Update Symfony Manager
You can mix those option together :
$ sm -casf
# clear cache AND
# copy assets AND
# install database with fixtures AND
# force the question to preferable answer
It is possible to load a configuration from several places.
Either through the -f option, to link with a specific file, or if you just want to work on a specific project, just put a "sm-config-<project_name>" file in your home directory (you can prefix it with a dot to hide it). A sample "sm-config-default" can be found in the default BASM directory
First BASM check for the presence of a configuration file passed as a parameter, then it uses the .sm_config file in the home directory, then it looks in the current directory. If nothing is fine, then it just use default values, which should not feed your needs ;)
Check sm-config-default example file
This simple manager gives you the ability to lose less time with annoying symfony commands, as it takes care of rights ;) A good way of using it for several projects might be to define several alias, with different config file and store them in a common directory (for example /home/user/work/config-tools/sm-config).
With bash, you could add something like that in the ~/.bash_aliases file to parse that directory and add alias for your projects automatically for both the symony manager (starting with sm_ and the <project_name>) and a shortcut to the home of the project (starting by po_ and the <project_name>)
# sm conf alias loader
# default shortcut for the calling symfony manager without any conf files
alias sm_='$sm_path'
for conffile in `ls $sm_conf_directory`; do
alias sm_$project_name="${sm_path} -l $sm_conf_directory/${conffile}"
project_path=`cat $sm_conf_directory/$conffile | grep application_install_path | sed 's/application_install_path="//g' | sed 's/"//g'`
alias po_$project_name="cd $project_path"
I tend to prefix my configuration files with sm-config-<project_name>, but this is not mandatory, and the alias shortcut will be sm_<project_name>
I use this script on many of my symfony projects, thus I tend to update it as much as possible. It's still pure bash script, but it's quite stable, and I would love to have any improvement propositions through well documented PR ;)
- Better handle errors
- Integrate extract translation commands from JMS
- Integrate phpcr init and operation support