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TransLoc OnDemand Automation Testing

An automation testing repository for TransLoc's OnDemand and Authentication applications using Python, Pytest, and Selenium.

  1. Installation
  2. Running Tests
  3. Troubleshooting


To begin running tests, simply ensure that your virtual environment has up to date Python dependencies by installing via ./requirements.txt, then install Chromedriver:

webdriverdownloader chrome

Once chromedriver is installed, add the path to your bash_profile by running open ~/.bash_profile

Add the following:

export PATH=$PATH:/Users/{your_terminal_name}/bin

Then save and exit. Once done, source the profile: source ~/.bash_profile

Running Tests

In order to run automation tests, a .env file must be created within the project root. Your .env file should resemble the following:


AUTH_TOKEN={"value": ""}

Pytest will automatically run against the .env file using the pytest-dotenv plugin. By default, Pytest will run tests headlessly unless "headed" is inserted into the BROWSER variable or passed as a command line argument.

From your terminal inside of the project root, input the following:


This will run tests within an instance of Google Chrome. This test run will be the same as running the following in your terminal:

AGENCY=imperialdemo ENV=dev HEADLESS=true PORT=8080 TEAM=mamlambo pytest

Supported .env Values

The following values are currently supported:

HEADLESS - True, False
ENV - "dev", "localhost", "stage"
TEAM - "bloop", "kraken", mamlambo", "thunderbird"

All other values are not validated. In order to avoid errors, ensure that you input valid entries for both AGENCY and PORT.

Running Tests using Localhost

To run against local, set the ENV to "localhost" and provide a port to listen in to. Once modified, run the tests as you normally would.

ENV=localhost PORT=8080 pytest

Running Tests in Headed Format

To run tests in headed format, set the HEADLESS variable to False.

HEADLESS=false pytest

Running Tests in Parallel

Parallelization is provided with the pytest-xdist plugin. To run tests in parallel, add the following to the base command found above:

-n {number_of_processors}

Parallelization may also be provided through Python subprocesses. To utilize subprocesses, add the following to the base pytest command:

--dist={load_or_each} --tx '{number_of_subprocs}*popen//python={python_path}'

The most efficient set up is to run automation using four cores or subprocesses (-n 4) as parallelization suffers from diminishing returns. While additional cores may be used, the time reduction is seconds compared to minutes when four cores are used. In addition, auto may be used for pytest-xdist. In this configuration, pytest-xdist will automatically determine the number of cores for the machine, then allocate tests to each worker.

Caution when using auto with -n as maxing the number of cores available may cause instability.



Should your installation steps fail from Sec. 1, proceed to follow these guidelines:

Verify your python install is using version 3.6.9

Run the following command:

python --version

If properly installed and sourced, the readout should print 'Python 3.6.9' in your terminal. If not, try sourcing your Pyenv install with the following:

pyenv global 3.6.9
python --version

Verify your python install is using Pyenv as the source

Run the following command:

which python

If properly sourced, the readout should print /Users/{user}/.pyenv/shims/python in your terminal. If not, try sourcing your Pyenv install with the following:

pyenv global 3.6.9
which python

Verify your virtualenv is using Pyenv as the source

Run the following command:

source ~/{virtualenv_directory}/{project}/bin/activate
which python

If properly sourced and installed, the readout should print the following in your terminal:


If not, you will have to remove the existing virtual environment and proceed with a fresh virtual environment creation.