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139 lines (97 loc) · 5.29 KB

File metadata and controls

139 lines (97 loc) · 5.29 KB


To run it, it's necessary to have Poetry installed. Then run,

poetry install

To configure the database connection, the Backend uses a DB_DEFAULT variable that must have a JSON string such as:

export DB_DEFAULT="{
    \"ENGINE\": \"${DB_DEFAULT_ENGINE:=django.db.backends.postgresql}\",
    \"NAME\": \"${DB_DEFAULT_NAME:=playground_kcidb}\",
    \"USER\": \"${DB_DEFAULT_USER:=<DB-USER>}\",
    \"PASSWORD\": \"<DB-PASSWORD>\",
    \"HOST\": \"${DB_DEFAULT_HOST:=}\",
    \"PORT\": \"${DB_DEFAULT_PORT:=5432}\",
    \"OPTIONS\": {
      \"connect_timeout\": ${DB_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT:=2}

Attention to and placeholders

After connecting to Google Cloud, execute the server with:

poetry run python3 runserver

Running unit tests

The backend includes unit tests covering some parts of the source code. To run the tests, use the following command:

poetry run pytest

All unit test files must follow this naming convention: *

endpoints using the built-in requests library from python. Because of that, it's necessary to be running the server for the django tests to be performed. When running pytest with the server

The django tests are being done 'externally', that means, instead of using the utilies the framework has for testing (like Client from Django or APIClient from DRF) we are performing requests to the endpoints using the built-in requests library from python. Because of that, it's necessary to be running the server for the django tests to be performed. When running pytest with the server offline, all django tests will be skipped.

Also, since django tests might be slow (depending on the endpoint you are requesting, each test case can take between 1.5s and 5s) we added a new command-line flag to run all test cases. By default, only a subset of tests cases is run to save time, especially during push. To run all test cases, use the --run-all flag:

poetry run pytest --run-all

Cron jobs

We have support for cron jobs using django-crontab. To set up cron jobs, edit the CRONJOBS variable in /backend/kernelCI/

To run said cron jobs locally, execute poetry run ./ crontab add You don't need to run the backend or server for those cron jobs to work, they will be run in your machine. You can also use other args such as show to show the cron jobs and remove to remove them.

These cron jobs will also be automatically executed from the backend container if you are running with docker. You can check that the cron jobs are listed inside the docker container with docker exec -it dashboard-backend-1 crontab -l or docker exec -it dashboard-backend-1 poetry run ./ crontab show

Deploy instructions

To check if it is ready for a deploy you can run

poetry run python3 check --deploy

To generate a DJANGO_SECRET_KEY you can use

openssl rand -base64 22


export DJANGO_SECRET_KEY=$(openssl rand -base64 22)

We are not using sessions or anything like that right now, so changing the secret key won't be a big deal.


In the /requests directory we have scripts that execute requests to endpoints using httpie


For debugging we have two env variables

DEBUG and DEBUG_SQL_QUERY that can be set to True to enable debugging. The reason DEBUG_SQL_QUERY is separated is that it can be very verbose.

Open API generate

You can update the OpenAPI schema by running the script

Discord Webhook Integration

The webdashboard backend can send notifications to discord via a webhook. In order to enable that, export an environment variable with the URL to the discord webhook called DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL, which should be in the structure of:

export DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL<webhook_id>/<webhook_token>

For an introduction on discord webhooks, visit

For more detailed developer resources, visit

IDE Specific:

You are free to use whichever tool you would like, but here are tips for specific IDEs

(Optional): Running in PyCharm

In order to debug backend in PyCharm, just follow these steps:

  • open contents of backend in PyCharm
  • click over Python version at the bottom right window corner, then Add New Interpreter -> Add Local Interpreter...
  • click on Poetry Environment, select Existing Interpreter and then find python executable on correspondent folder.
  • at the top bar, on the bug icon, create a configuration with the following parameters:
    • in Run session of the dialog, select script, then find the script at the backend folder
    • at script name input, just enter runserver
    • at Environment Variables, enter the following values:
      • DB_DEFAULT: {"ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql", "NAME": "playground_kcidb", "USER": "<youremail>", "PASSWORD": "<yourpassword>", "HOST": "", "PORT": "5432", "CONN_MAX_AGE": null, "OPTIONS": {"connect_timeout": 2, "sslmode": "disable"}}
      • DEBUG: True

Quote character in password field is escaped normally with \" .