This theme ships some components (as twig macros) that hide the complexity of rendering the same elements over and over again with the correct HTML.
Status has been implemented to simplify the use of the Tabler Status component
macro, waits for 2 parameters:
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
text | Text to show in the status | string |
options | Options object | object |
{} |
Parameter | Description | Type | Default |
color | Color of the status | string |
green |
lite | Set if the status should use the lite display | boolean |
false |
with_dot | Set if the status should use a dot | boolean |
false |
animated | Set if the status dot is animated | boolean |
true |
extraClass | Allow to add extra classes | string |
empty string |
{% from '@Tabler/components/status.html.twig' import status %}
{% set options = {'color': 'success', 'with_dot': true,'animated': true, 'lite': false, 'extraClass': 'me-3'} %}
{{ status('Demo', options) }}
Please go back to the Tabler bundle documentation to find out more about using the theme.