I11 user managehome
- 659cb9c - (Joshua Hoblitt) update rspec-puppet gem version to ~> 2.2
For bugfixes and to allow the 2.x version to float as the API stability has been better than with the 1.x series.
- 9380db4 - (Joshua Hoblitt) remove default nodset symlink
To resolve this PMT error: Puppet::ModuleTool::Errors::ModuleToolError: Found symlinks. Symlinks in modules are not allowed, please remove them.
- b8ba280 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add puppet-blacksmith gem
- 80638ae - (Joshua Hoblitt) set selenium user home to /var/lib/selenium
- ad7e240 - (Joshua Hoblitt) make selenium user/group "system" accounts
- c569f5b - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #50 from jhoblitt/bugfix/hub-and-node-on-same-host
acceptance test coverage of hub+node on the same host
- 97f1fe2 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add acceptance test coverage of combined hub+node
- 9b69415 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add $::osfamily == debian unit test coverage for selenium::config
- 44d05e7 - (Ilja Bobkevic) Manage users home
- afe1d8c - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #46 from anho/bugfix/node-and-hub-on-same-server
make file for init-script unique
- 56db553 - (anho) make file for init-script unique
- cc7128f - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v1.0.0
- 3e5db68 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add travis_lint rake target
- d162ebe - (Joshua Hoblitt) update operatingsystem support list include Debian
- f6d8406 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add Puppet Version Compatibility subsection to README
- c17c100 - (Joshua Hoblitt) refresh selenium class API description in README
- 415b08b - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix typos in README
- ba7bf9d - (Joshua Hoblitt) add Contributing section to README
- 54bccb7 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #43 from jhoblitt/feature/jar_2.45.0
update default selenium jar version to 2.45.0
Jshholland debian support
- f1784fc - (Joshua Hoblitt) update default selenium jar version to 2.45.0
- 3c1962b - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix linter errors
- 4e11d86 - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix whitespace errors
- c08252d - (Joshua Hoblitt) add debian 7.8 nodeset
- bc82b72 - (Josh Holland) Fix acceptance tests for Ubuntu
- 8288b64 - (Josh Holland) Fix test failures
- eec17bf - (Doug Fitzmaurice) Resource ordering and lint fixes
Added ensure_package call, and explicit ordering to ensure it runs before the init script is generated.
Added a default block to the switch.
- a6c688e - (Markus Rekkenbeil) Fix debian init.d template
To avoid errors with update-rc.d / insserv and a grid + node setup
- 4456cf6 - (Doug Fitzmaurice) Test fixes for OS support
- b0b97a0 - (Doug Fitzmaurice) Preliminary Debian support
Added a new init.d file for Debian, which requires the "daemon" package.T This will be automatically required on Debian systems.
Add a small note to highlight certificate errors
- bc1e3ba - (tphoney) Add a small note to highlight certificate errors
small ammendment
- c467278 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add ruby 2.2 to travis matrix
- 6521084 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #39 from jhoblitt/feature/puppet-4.0
Feature/puppet 4.0
- 4c04106 - (Joshua Hoblitt) pull fixtures repos via https
- 18c08a5 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add :validate to default rake target list
- 773e16b - (Joshua Hoblitt) add metadata-json-lint gem
Needed by rake metadata.json validation target.
- 349df92 - (Joshua Hoblitt) set stdlib requirement to 4.6.0
- 8422351 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #38 from jhoblitt/feature/puppet-4.0
Feature/puppet 4.0
- e9a3823 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update travis matrix puppet 3.x minimum version to 3.7
- e8c9607 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update rspec-puppet gem version to ~> 2.1.0
For compatibility with puppet 4.0.0
- d351157 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add puppet 4.0 to travis matrix
- d4a870f - (Joshua Hoblitt) remove puppet 2.7 from travis matrix
4.0.0 has been released; support major release -1
Maint/test infra
- f7638c3 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update logrotate fixture ref to fix future parser compatibility
The current forge release (1.1.1) of logrotate is not compatible with the future parser. See: rodjek/puppet-logrotate#39
- b347154 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add junit/ to .gitiginore
Generated by beaker 5
- 9b43c9c - (Joshua Hoblitt) update LICENSE - to 2015
- 9376db4 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update Rakefile to latest boilerplate
- 5e0b5ba - (Joshua Hoblitt) update spec_helper_acceptance.rb to latest boilerplate
- 9e307e1 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update beaker nodesets to use current chef/bento boxes
- 0293a55 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update .travis.yml to latest boilerplate
- c519431 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update .gitignore to latest boilerplate
- 9879dc0 - (Joshua Hoblitt) pin rspec on Ruby 1.8.7 (rspec/rspec-core#1864)
- 43f085a - (Joshua Hoblitt) use rspec-puppet 2.0.0 from gems instead of git
- 153115f - (Joshua Hoblitt) add FACTER_GEM_VERSION to Gemfile
- 1dee44e - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #34 from Super-Visions/feature/optional_user_management
Make user management optional if user is already managed elsewhere
- 183368e - (Thomas Casteleyn) Added new options documentation to README file
- ba8450a - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #35 from Super-Visions/feature/fix_java_path
Use SLNM_JAVA variable
- 2911fa6 - (Thomas Casteleyn) Make user management optional if user is already managed elsewhere
- d423106 - (Thomas Casteleyn) Use SLNM_JAVA variable
- 1c6a1b0 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #27 from zivan/master
fixed issue #19 SSL error with wget
- c5b1dd2 - (zivan) add unit test for the param nocheckcertificate
- de88fd8 - (zivan) update order params
- f75685c - (zverev) fixed issue #19 SSL error with wget
- 6215f01 - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.3.0
- 6090f31 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update fixtures stdlib to 4.2.0
- 1260914 - (Joshua Hoblitt) replace Modulefile vs metadata.json
- eb0f399 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update rspec-puppet to v2.0.0
- 4d50d4a - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #31 from jhoblitt/feature/jar_2.44.0
Feature/jar 2.44.0
- 1b74629 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update beaker nodesets from puppet-module_skel
- 85a9295 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update default selenium jar version to 2.44.0
- e28b863 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #30 from jhoblitt/feature/travis_1.8.7
fix travis ruby 1.8.7 runs
- b5a9110 - (Joshua Hoblitt) enable travis container based builds
- 6b8949f - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix travis ruby 1.8.7 runs
By excluding beaker related gems that pull in deps now incompatible with 1.8.7.
Fixes required for compatibility with 3.7.x puppet and future parser
- b0b38f1 - (Graham Taylor) Fixes required for compatibility with 3.7.x puppet and future parser
- 62f74d6 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #22 from jhoblitt/feature/future_parser
add future parser to travis matrix
- 37d72d4 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add future parser to travis matrix
- aaa9adc - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #18 from jhoblitt/feature/beaker_update
Feature/beaker update
- 0e51725 - (Joshua Hoblitt) ignore puppet warnings during acceptance tests
- cd44a66 - (Joshua Hoblitt) ignore beaker log dir
- 3be4bcc - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.2.3
- e12054a - (Joshua Hoblitt) remove all in class/define parameter docs
Replace with URLs to section anchors in README
- b81f8fa - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix linter warnings
- d9efd4d - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #15 from jhoblitt/feature/jar_2.42.1
update default selenium jar version to 2.42.1
- 3adad1c - (Joshua Hoblitt) update default selenium jar version to 2.42.1
- c46f6eb - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #14 from jhoblitt/feature/beaker
convert from rspec-systerm -> beaker
- c62e058 - (Joshua Hoblitt) convert from rspec-systerm -> beaker
- update acceptance tests
- c500ad7 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #13 from enxebre/defaul-url
- 51e71cb - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix new download URL path version component
The new download URL has the major.minor version as a path component but excludes the .patch. Eg.<major>.<minor>/selenium-server-standalone-<major>.<minor>.<patch>.jar
- 931a531 - (alamela) fixing specs
- b9aa097 - (Enxebre) default url on https
- 39ac34b - (Enxebre) changing borken default url
- 36ecd00 - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.2.2
- 5f10d31 - (Joshua Hoblitt) minor README grammar tweak
- 48bc2ce - (Joshua Hoblitt) change README MD so class parameters are a subsection
Changing the class parameters markup from a list to a sub-sub-sub-sub-subsection creates a direct HTML anchor that is useful to cut'n'paste as a URL.
update default selenium jar version to 2.41.0
- c6daae6 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update default selenium jar version to 2.41.0
bump version to v0.2.1
- a19c6ca - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.2.1
- a93d574 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update rspec to cover PR #9
- e070184 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #9 from KlavsKlavsen/master
- eb5c321 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update .gitignore
- 57625be - (Klavs Klavsen) ensure selenium log folder is writable by its owner
- 3d59e1d - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix a few README typos
- 4c04708 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add a standalone vs grid blurb to the README
Based on question raised in jhoblitt#7
- a917ef6 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update copyright notice year (-2014)
- 392f32f - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.2.0
- 8ac1df0 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add validation + rspec of selenium class download_timeout param
- 4c446af - (Joshua Hoblitt) update boilerplate .gitignore
- e881e3e - (Joshua Hoblitt) add selenium class download_timeout param to README
- f46c358 - (Rogério Prado Colferai) Corrected lint erros
- 5d475f2 - (Rogério Prado Colferai) Passing the timeout as parameter for Selenium class
- 7739a50 - (Rogério Prado Colferai) Passing the timeout as parameter for Selenium class
- cdc6f18 - (Joshua Hoblitt) trim travis test matrix
- cade4b2 - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.1.6
- db19171 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update README Files section
- 89cb5d8 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #4 from jhoblitt/system_tests
System tests
- 169cfcd - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix selenium group not being created
As of puppet 3.4.0, the group type will not create/manage a group without
ensure => present
being set.
- 83d4c56 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add basic rspec-system tests
- 9f55770 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #3 from jhoblitt/jar_2.39.0
Jar 2.39.0
- 0b42040 - (Joshua Hoblitt) update default selenium jar version to 2.39.0
- b1afa01 - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix rspec-puppet 1.0.1 deprecation warning
DEPRECATION: include_class is deprecated. Use contain_class instead.
- 083d2c8 - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.1.5
- e01802f - (Joshua Hoblitt) README grammar tweak
- 5635de0 - (Joshua Hoblitt) README typo
- 1eb2f7e - (Joshua Hoblitt) add module deps to see also section of README
- cb9e84d - (Joshua Hoblitt) minor README tweaks
- b22e8d2 - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.1.4
- 469d78a - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix README markdown formatting
- c691874 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add example profiles/roles to README
- 2a2b481 - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.1.3
- 53d8cfe - (Joshua Hoblitt) update default selenium jar file version to 2.37.0 in README
- bc57dfe - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.1.2
- f12845f - (Joshua Hoblitt) update default selenium server version to 2.37.0
- d9677b1 - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.1.1
- 4ca0a1e - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge pull request #2 from xiankai/refresh_service
Refresh service if the options are changed
- ed4f9d5 - (KJ) Refresh service if the options are changed
- e0476a3 - (Joshua Hoblitt) remove experimental github based puppet forge publishing
- 7e3c232 - (Joshua Hoblitt) enable experimental github based puppet forge publishing
- 52a25ca - (Joshua Hoblitt) bump version to v0.1.0
- ceacf8f - (Joshua Hoblitt) add a logrotate::rule for $log_path
- 0fc5e6c - (Joshua Hoblitt) remove ruby-head / puppet ~> 3.2.1 & ~> 3.3.0 from travis ci matrix
- ec20f7e - (Joshua Hoblitt) update doc formatting
- ddf0f14 - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix selenium::hub doc examples
- 3a69948 - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix README ToC anchors
- 37d806b - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix README typos
- 4170146 - (Joshua Hoblitt) doc/README overhaul
- 3be7688 - (Joshua Hoblitt) be consistent about Rakefile quoting style
- 803c0f0 - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix anchor(s)
- cc6075d - (Joshua Hoblitt) reuse the default options from servers on nodes
- eedad0c - (Joshua Hoblitt) whitespace
- a4d77e7 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add class selenium::node
- df6cc77 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add class selenium::hub
- 0904127 - (Joshua Hoblitt) admit defeat and use the anchor pattern in selenium::server
- c96870b - (Joshua Hoblitt) mv service resource into selenium::config to prevent circular deps
- ba59bb7 - (Joshua Hoblitt) merge class selenium::service into selenium::server
- 558c335 - (Joshua Hoblitt) rename selenium::server init.d from seleniumstandalone -> seleniumserver
- 8523e66 - (Joshua Hoblitt) rename class selenium::install -> selenium and refactor it as common base
- 50e63e6 - (Joshua Hoblitt) convert class selenium::config into a define
This is to allow selenium::config to create multiple init.d scripts in the future for selenium hub and grid nodes.
- d742263 - (Joshua Hoblitt) interpolate $prog in init.d script
- 80373a6 - (Joshua Hoblitt) minor rspec cleanups
- 2aeebe7 - (Joshua Hoblitt) cleanup init.d template variable interpolation
- 45e77c2 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add $display param to class selenium::server
Selects the X display to use
- 68d1861 - (Joshua Hoblitt) increase wget timeout 30s -> 90s
To avoid failures seen due to lag spikes
- 9148bbf - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix wget download destination
- 2164d59 - (Joshua Hoblitt) mv user setup from selenium::server -> selenium::install
To break a dependency cycle between wget::fetch and user.
- 93670c4 - (Joshua Hoblitt) fix whitespace
- 45c06af - (Joshua Hoblitt) tie selenium::{install,config,service} together in selenium::server
- e0bc408 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add class selenium::service
- dcf5ebf - (Joshua Hoblitt) add class selenium::config
- 69e8010 - (Joshua Hoblitt) whitespace fix
- 5071e9c - (Joshua Hoblitt) add class selenium::install
- f4f887b - (Joshua Hoblitt) download selenium jars as the selenium user
- b08a9b9 - (Joshua Hoblitt) add selenium::install class with simple download support
- eb724de - (Joshua Hoblitt) stub out selenium::{server,params} classes
- edc5da0 - (Joshua Hoblitt) Merge puppet-module_skel
- 0c59736 - (Joshua Hoblitt) first commit