Unless you disabled the :ttyrec option in the config, a .ttyrec file will be created in the working directory for each run.
You can use ttyrec viewers like ttyplay or IPBT to replay these.
Use ttyplay -p
to watch a growing ttyrec live. You can use the bash script scripts/ttywatch.sh to keep playing the most recent ttyrec (needs ttyplay).
You can change these keys in the config files:
- :javabot - the main class of a Java bot
- :bot - the main namespace of a Clojure bot
- :menubot - the namespace of a bot that handles server menu
- :host - hostname of a NetHack server
- :port - port of the NetHack server
- :dgl-login - server login for dgl-menubot
- :dgl-pass - server password for dgl-menubot
- :ttyrec - if true creates a ttyrec file for each run
- :interface - can be either :shell, :telnet or :ssh
- :nh-command - NetHack command (when :interface is set to :shell)
- :ssh-user - user for SSH login (when :interface is set to :ssh)
- :ssh-pass - password for SSH login (when :interface is set to :ssh)
- :no-exit - if set to true the program will not terminate when the game ends or when the bot gets stuck (useful for debugging from the repl)
- :quit-resumed - when set to true will quit the game if the bot is started with a saved game with T:100 or higher
Detailed logs are generated in the working directory in bothack.log
files. These logs are rotated automatically.