Collections APIs / Querying by category / Query the total costs of a category
Use the following request to query the total costs of a category, which includes all domain costs included in any of the collections in the category. Optionally, request to also see the total costs of each collection within the category, as well as the cost of the overlap among those collections.
GET /model/collections/query/total?category=<string>&window=<string>(&collections=<true>)
GET /model/collections/query/total?category=Team&window=30d
"category": "Team",
"window": {
"start": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"end": "2023-02-01T00:00:00Z"
"collections": [
"id": "8a939ba1-ff15-4600-b711-2cb109114914",
"name": "Infrastructure"
"id": "5aaaab83-f721-41da-ad90-8dca4f7c0f45",
"name": "Core"
"id": "ba8bda2f-2cce-4f9d-a9d7-655b3ca52cbd",
"name": "Front End"
"data": {
"cost": {
"totalCost": 100.0,
"idleCost": 20.0,
"domainCosts": {
"kubernetesCost": {
"totalCost": 80.0,
"idleCost": 20.0
"cloudCost": {
"totalCost": 20.0
GET /model/collections/query/total?category=Team&window=30d&collections=true
"category": "Team",
"window": {
"start": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"end": "2023-02-01T00:00:00Z"
"collections": [
"id": "8a939ba1-ff15-4600-b711-2cb109114914",
"name": "Infrastructure"
"id": "5aaaab83-f721-41da-ad90-8dca4f7c0f45",
"name": "Core"
"id": "ba8bda2f-2cce-4f9d-a9d7-655b3ca52cbd",
"name": "Front End"
"data": {
"cost": {
"totalCost": 100.0,
"idleCost": 20.0,
"domainCosts": {
"kubernetesCost": {
"totalCost": 80.0,
"idleCost": 20.0
"cloudCost": {
"totalCost": 20.0
"overlap": -25.0,
"collections": [
"id": "8a939ba1-ff15-4600-b711-2cb109114914",
"name": "Infrastructure",
"cost": {
"totalCost": 60.0,
"idleCost": 10.0,
"domainCosts": {
"kubernetesCost": {
"totalCost": 40.0,
"idleCost": 10.0
"cloudCost": {
"totalCost": 20.0
"id": "5aaaab83-f721-41da-ad90-8dca4f7c0f45",
"name": "Core",
"cost": {
"totalCost": 35.0,
"idleCost": 5.0,
"domainCosts": {
"kubernetesCost": {
"totalCost": 30.0,
"idleCost": 5.0
"cloudCost": {
"totalCost": 5.0
"id": "ba8bda2f-2cce-4f9d-a9d7-655b3ca52cbd",
"name": "Front End",
"cost": {
"totalCost": 30.0,
"idleCost": 5.0,
"domainCosts": {
"kubernetesCost": {
"totalCost": 30.0,
"idleCost": 5.0