{% swagger method="get" path="abandonedWorkloads" baseUrl="http:///model/savings/" summary="Abandoned Workloads API" %} {% swagger-description %} The abandoned workloads API suggests cluster workloads that have been abandoned based on network traffic levels. {% endswagger-description %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="days" type="int" %} Number of historical days over which network traffic should be measured. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-parameter in="path" name="threshold" type="int" %} The threshold of total traffic (bytes in/out per second) at which a workload is determined abandoned. {% endswagger-parameter %}
{% swagger-response status="200: OK" description="" %}
"pod": "...",
"namespace": "...",
"node": "...",
"clusterId": "...",
"clusterName": "...",
"owners": [
"name": "...",
"kind": "..."
"ingressBytesPerSecond": 0,
"egressBytesPerSecond": 0,
"allocation": {
"cpuCores": 0.00,
"ramBytes": 0.00
"requests": {
"cpuCores": 0.00,
"ramBytes": 0
"usage": {
"cpuCores": 0.00,
"ramBytes": 0
"monthlySavings": 0.00
{% endswagger-response %} {% endswagger %}