{% hint style="info" %} CSV pricing is a Kubecost Enterprise only feature. {% endhint %}
Kubecost allows users to apply custom prices to individual assets (e.g. nodes) via a CSV pipeline. Common uses are for on-premises clusters, service-providers, or for external enterprise discounts. This feature allows for greater resource specification than is provided by Custom Pricing. This doc shows how to create and configure a CSV pricing file.
Create a CSV file in this format (also in the below table). CSV changes are picked up hourly by default.
: currently unusedInstanceID
: identifier used to match assetRegion
: filter match based on topology.kubernetes.io/regionAssetClass
: node pv, gpu are supportedInstanceIDField
: field in spec or metadata that will contain the relevant InstanceID. For nodes, often spec.providerID , for pv’s often metadata.nameInstanceType
: optional field to define the asset type, e.g. m5.12xlargeMarketPriceHourly
: hourly price to charge this assetVersion
: field for schema version, currently unused
If the node label topology.kubernetes.io/region is present, it must also be in the Region
{% hint style="info" %} This section is only required for nodes with GPUs. {% endhint %}
- The node the GPU is attached to must be matched by a CSV node price. Typically this will be matched on instance type (node.kubernetes.io/instance-type)
- Supported GPU labels are currently:
- gpu.nvidia.com/class
- nvidia.com/gpu_type
- Verification:
- Connect to the Kubecost Prometheus:
kubectl port-forward --namespace kubecost services/kubecost-cost-analyzer 9090:9090
- Run the following query:
curl localhost:9090/model/prometheusQuery?query=node_gpu_hourly_cost
- You should see output similar to this:
{instance="ip-192-168-34-166.us-east-2.compute.internal",instance_type="test.xlarge",node="ip-192-168-34-166.us-east-2.compute.internal",provider_id="aws:///us-east-2b/i-055274d3576800444",region="us-east-2"} 10 | YOUR_HOURLY_COST
- You should see output similar to this:
- Connect to the Kubecost Prometheus:
Provide a file path for your CSV pricing data in your values.yaml. This path can reference a local PV or an S3 bucket.
enabled: true
provider: "AWS|GCP"
region: "us-east-1"
URI: s3://YOUR_BUCKET/path/custom-pricing.csv
csvAccessCredentials: pricing-schema-access-secret
Alternatively, mount a ConfigMap with the CSV:
kubectl create configmap csv-pricing --from-file custom-pricing.csv
Then set the following Helm values:
enabled: true
URI: /var/kubecost-csv/custom-pricing.csv
csvAccessCredentials: ""
- name: kubecost-csv
name: csv-pricing
- name: kubecost-csv
mountPath: /var/kubecost-csv
For S3 locations, provide file access. Required IAM permissions:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
There are two options for adding the credentials to the Kubecost pod:
- Service key: Create an S3 service key with the permissions above, then add its ID and access key as a K8s secret:
kubectl create secret generic pricing-schema-access-secret -n kubecost --from-literal=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=id --from-literal=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=key
- The name of this secret should be the same as
in values.yaml above
- AWS IAM (IRSA) service account annotation
Negotiated discounts are applied after cost metrics are written to Prometheus. Discounts will apply to all node pricing data, including pricing data read directly from the custom provider CSV pipeline. Additionally, all discounts can be updated at any time and changes are applied retroactively.
The following logic is used to match node prices accurately:
- First, search for an exact match in the CSV pipeline
- If an exact match is not available, search for an existing CSV data point that matches region, instanceType, and AssetClass
- If neither is available, fall back to pricing estimates
You can check a summary of the number of nodes that have matched with the CSV by visiting /model/pricingSourceCounts. The response is a JSON object of the form:
"code": 200,
"status": "success",
"data": {
"TotalNodes": 10,
"PricingType": {
"csvExact": 5, // exact matches by the providerID field
"csvClass": 4, // matches where the region and instanceType match
"": 1 // matches that use our default pricing