Adding the example webhook below to Spinnaker will enable a custom stage to query Kubecost for recommendations on a container. More info on Spinnaker custom webhooks.
{% code overflow="wrap" %}
- label: "Kubecost: Get Sizing"
type: getRequestSizing
enabled: true
description: Custom stage to get request sizing for a running container
method: GET
url: "${parameterValues['kubecost_url']}//model/savings/requestSizing?algorithm=max-headroom&window=${parameterValues['time_window']}&targetCPUUtilization=${parameterValues['target_cpu_utilization']}&targetRAMUtilization=${parameterValues['target_ram_utilization']}&filterContainers=${parameterValues['container_name']}&filterControllers=${parameterValues['controller_name']}&filterNamespaces=${parameterValues['namespace']}"
- label: "Kubecost API URL"
name: kubecost_url
description: "Fully qualified Url to the requestSizing api"
type: string
- label: "Controller Name"
name: controller_name
description: "Name of the controller"
type: string
- label: "Container Name"
name: container_name
description: "Name of the container within the deployment"
type: string
- label: "Namespace"
name: namespace
description: "Namespace where controller and container are running"
type: string
- label: "Target CPU Utilization"
name: target_cpu_utilization
description: "Target CPU utilization for the recommendation"
type: string
defaultValue: 0.65
- label: "Target RAM Utilization"
name: target_ram_utilization
description: "Target RAM utilization for the recommendation"
type: string
defaultValue: 0.65
- label: "Time Window"
name: time_window
description: "Time window to look back to build recommendation [format: xd]"
type: string
defaultValue: "7d"
{% endcode %}