all: build PREFIX? FLAGS= ARCH?=amd64 ALL_ARCHITECTURES=amd64 arm arm64 ppc64le s390x ML_PLATFORMS=linux/amd64,linux/arm,linux/arm64,linux/ppc64le,linux/s390x GOLANG_VERSION?=1.8 ifndef TEMP_DIR TEMP_DIR:=$(shell mktemp -d /tmp/heapster.XXXXXX) endif VERSION?=v1.6.0-beta.1 GIT_COMMIT:=$(shell git rev-parse --short HEAD) TESTUSER= ifdef REPO_DIR DOCKER_IN_DOCKER=1 TESTUSER=jenkins else REPO_DIR:=$(shell pwd) endif # You can set this variable for testing and the built image will also be tagged with this name OVERRIDE_IMAGE_NAME?= # If this session isn't interactive, then we don't want to allocate a # TTY, which would fail, but if it is interactive, we do want to attach # so that the user can send e.g. ^C through. INTERACTIVE := $(shell [ -t 0 ] && echo 1 || echo 0) TTY= ifeq ($(INTERACTIVE), 1) TTY=-t endif SUPPORTED_KUBE_VERSIONS=1.9.3 TEST_NAMESPACE=heapster-e2e-tests HEAPSTER_LDFLAGS=-w -X$(VERSION) -X$(GIT_COMMIT) fmt: find . -type f -name "*.go" | grep -v "./vendor*" | xargs gofmt -s -w build: clean fmt GOARCH=$(ARCH) CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags "$(HEAPSTER_LDFLAGS)" -o heapster GOARCH=$(ARCH) CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags "$(HEAPSTER_LDFLAGS)" -o eventer sanitize: hooks/ # hooks/ hooks/ test-unit: clean sanitize build ifeq ($(ARCH),amd64) GOARCH=$(ARCH) go test --test.short -race ./... $(FLAGS) else GOARCH=$(ARCH) go test --test.short ./... $(FLAGS) endif test-unit-cov: clean sanitize build hooks/ test-integration: clean build go test -v --timeout=60m ./integration/... --vmodule=*=2 $(FLAGS) --namespace=$(TEST_NAMESPACE) --kube_versions=$(SUPPORTED_KUBE_VERSIONS) --test_user=$(TESTUSER) --logtostderr container: # Run the build in a container in order to have reproducible builds # Also, fetch the latest ca certificates docker run --rm -i $(TTY) -v $(TEMP_DIR):/build -v $(REPO_DIR):/go/src/ -w /go/src/ golang:$(GOLANG_VERSION) /bin/bash -c "\ cp /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt /build \ && GOARCH=$(ARCH) CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags \"$(HEAPSTER_LDFLAGS)\" -o /build/heapster \ && GOARCH=$(ARCH) CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags \"$(HEAPSTER_LDFLAGS)\" -o /build/eventer" cp deploy/docker/Dockerfile $(TEMP_DIR) docker build --pull -t $(PREFIX)/heapster-$(ARCH):$(VERSION) $(TEMP_DIR) ifneq ($(OVERRIDE_IMAGE_NAME),) docker tag $(PREFIX)/heapster-$(ARCH):$(VERSION) $(OVERRIDE_IMAGE_NAME) endif ifndef DOCKER_IN_DOCKER rm -rf $(TEMP_DIR) endif do-push: docker push $(PREFIX)/heapster-$(ARCH):$(VERSION) ifeq ($(ARCH),amd64) # TODO: Remove this and push the manifest list as soon as it's working docker tag $(PREFIX)/heapster-$(ARCH):$(VERSION) $(PREFIX)/heapster:$(VERSION) docker push $(PREFIX)/heapster:$(VERSION) endif # Should depend on target: ./manifest-tool push: gcr-login $(addprefix sub-push-,$(ALL_ARCHITECTURES)) # ./manifest-tool push from-args --platforms $(ML_PLATFORMS) --template $(PREFIX)/heapster-ARCH:$(VERSION) --target $(PREFIX)/heapster:$(VERSION) sub-push-%: $(MAKE) ARCH=$* PREFIX=$(PREFIX) VERSION=$(VERSION) container $(MAKE) ARCH=$* PREFIX=$(PREFIX) VERSION=$(VERSION) do-push influxdb: ARCH=$(ARCH) PREFIX=$(PREFIX) make -C influxdb build grafana: ARCH=$(ARCH) PREFIX=$(PREFIX) make -C grafana build push-influxdb: PREFIX=$(PREFIX) make -C influxdb push push-grafana: PREFIX=$(PREFIX) make -C grafana push gcr-login: ifeq ($(findstring,$(PREFIX)), @echo "If you are pushing to a registry, you have to be logged in via 'docker login'; 'gcloud docker push' can't push manifest lists yet." @echo "This script is automatically logging you in now with 'gcloud docker -a'" gcloud docker -a endif # TODO(luxas): As soon as it's working to push fat manifests to, reenable this code #./manifest-tool: # curl -sSL > manifest-tool # chmod +x manifest-tool clean: rm -f heapster rm -f eventer .PHONY: all build sanitize test-unit test-unit-cov test-integration container grafana influxdb clean