Releases: kubernetes-sigs/controller-runtime
Releases · kubernetes-sigs/controller-runtime
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- Fake client: Only set TypeMeta for unstructured (#2633)
- Update* deps to 1.29 (#2457 #2500 #2553 #2588 #2612 #2615 #2621)
- Remove apiutil.NewDiscoveryRESTMapper, use DynamicRESTMapper by default for cache (#2611)
- RESTMapper: don't treat non-existing GroupVersions as errors (#2571)
- Webhooks: Deprecate admission.Validator and admission.Defaulter (#2639)
- Webhooks: Limit size of AdmissionRequests to 7MB and size of TokenReviews to 1MB (#2598)
✨ New Features
- Cache: Allow defining options that apply to all namespaces without explicit config (#2528)
- Cache: Allow to remove informers (#2285)
- Cache: Add option to set WatchErrorHandler on informers (#2494)
- Client: client.MatchingFields now supports multiple indexes (#2512)
- Fake client: Add flowcontrol api v1 (#2623)
- Reconciler: Add reconcile.ObjectReconciler (#2592)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Add corev1, coordinationv1 scheme for leader election when LeaderElection manager option is true (#2461)
- Cache: Default namespace only for namespaced object (#2480)
- Client: Don't truncate large int64s in MergePatch (#2650)
- controllerutil: Add
func (#2509 #2595) - controllerutil: Add
func (#2462) - Dependencies: Refactor tests to drop hard otel dependency (#2460)
- Envtest: CRDs that aren't convertible should unset spec.conversion (#2525)
- Fake client: Correctly identify if patch call was made on status (#2508)
- Fake client: Do not update anything but status when using subresource client (#2479)
- Fake client: Fix returning object after status update (#2489)
- Fake client: Fix status subresource getting updated on Update when it is empty (#2484)
- Fake client: Handle unstructured status update with fake client (#2495)
- Manager: Fix goroutine leak (#2527)
- Manager: Use HTTP client from leaderElectionConfig for leader election recorder provider (#2464)
- RESTMapper: Return NoResourceMatchError when appropriate for backwards compatibility. (#2472)
- Webhook: Handle http.NoBody (#2605)
🌱 Others
- Client: Make client.MatchingLabels faster (#2529)
- Envtest: Allow to ignore scheme.Convertible check for CRDs (#2555)
- Envtest: Improve process cleanup (#2560)
- Metrics: Add 100/1000s buckets for Prometheus workqueue histograms (#2638)
- Metrics: Avoid dependency on apiserver/options if metrics/filters are used (#2645)
- Replace with (#2488)
- Webhooks: Cleanup webhook variable assignment (#2604)
🌱 Dependencies
- Bump from v3.9.0 to 3.11.0 (#2507)
- Bump from 5.6.0+incompatible to 4.12.0+incompatible (#2501 #2643)
- Note: We "downgraded" to v4.12.0+incompatible because it is actually newer than v5.6.0+incompatible and to make sure the code in fake client that is using this dependency behaves exactly the same as the corresponding upstream code. We recommend users to either use[email protected]+incompatible or to upgrade to[email protected]. More details can be found in #2643 (comment).
- Bump from 5.6.0 to 5.8.0 (#2499 #2650)
- Bump from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0 (#2561)
- Bump from 1.2.4 to 1.4.1 (#2566 #2630)
- Bump from 1.2.4 to 1.3.0 (#2574)
- Bump from 0.5.9 to 0.6.0 (#2545)
- Bump from 2.11.0 to 2.14.0 (#2458 #2514 #2534 #2578 #2610 #2651)
- Bump from 1.27.10 to 1.30.0 (#2521 #2562 #2568 #2579)
- Bump from 1.16.0 to 1.18.0 (#2520 #2632)
- Bump from 0.4.1-0.20230718164431-9a2bf3000d16 to 0.5.0 (#2535)
- Bump from 1.2.1 to 1.3.0 (#2569)
- Bump from 1.25.0 to 1.26.0 (#2502)
- Bump to 0.17.0 (#2540)
- Bump from 0.11.0 to 0.16.0 (#2470 #2533 #2572 #2597 #2642)
- Bump from 2.100.1 to 2.110.1 (#2573)
- Bump from 1.3.0 to 1.4.0 (#2567)
- Bump controller-tools from v0.13.0 to v0.14.0 (#2649)
- Bump go-apidiff from v0.5.0 to v0.8.2 (#2517 #2655)
- Upgrade dependencies for hack/tools and tools/ (#2517)
- Bump kubernetes-sigs/kubebuilder-release-tools from 0.3.0 to 0.4.3 (#2532 #2575 #2618)
- Bump golang version in GH actions (#2609)
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#2469)
- Bump actions/setup-go from 4 to 5 (#2617)
- Bump envtest to 1.28.0 (#2531)
📖 Additionally, there have been 5 contributions to our documentation. (#2497, #2498, #2538, #2599, #2602, #2635 #2647)
Thanks to all our contributors! 😊
What's Changed
- 🐛 fix a bug in multinamespaced cache implementation by @alebedev87 in #2288
- 🐛 Bump to v0.17.0 by @joelanford in #2544
- ✨ Bump k8s deps to 1.25.15 by @varshaprasad96 in #2563
New Contributors
- @alebedev87 made their first contribution in #2288
Full Changelog: v0.13.1...v0.13.2
What's Changed
- 🐛 [release-0.15] bump to v0.17.0 by @joelanford in #2542
- ✨ Bump k8s deps to 1.27.7 by @varshaprasad96 in #2558
Full Changelog: v0.15.2...v0.15.3
What's Changed
- 🐛 ForceOwnership should work with subresources by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2258
- [release-0.14] 🐛 type print will always by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2267
- [release-0.14] 🐛 fix a bug in multinamespaced cache implementation by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2287
- [release-0.14] ⚠ Remove metrics with high cardinality by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2299
- [release-0.14] 🐛 inherited defaults not respected in cache BuilderWithOptions by @akalenyu in #2491
- 🐛 [release-0.14] bump to v0.17.0 by @joelanford in #2543
- ✨ Bump k8s deps to 1.26.10 by @varshaprasad96 in #2559
Full Changelog: v0.14.6...v0.14.7
What's Changed
- 🐛Update dependency go-restful to 3.11.0 by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2516
- 🐛 Correctly identify if patch call was made on status by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2515
- 🐛 Handle unstructured status update with fake client by @troy0820 in #2523
- ✨ Cache: Allow defining options that apply to all namespaces that themselves have no explicit config by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2539
- 🐛 bump to v0.17.0 by @joelanford in #2541
- 🌱 Bump k8s to 1.28.3 by @varshaprasad96 in #2552
Full Changelog: v0.16.2...v0.16.3
What's Changed
- 🐛 Add corev1, coordinationv1 scheme for leader election when LeaderElection manager option is true by @troy0820 in #2466
- 🐛 Use http client from leaderElectionConfig by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2468
- 🐛 Default namespace only for namespaced object by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2482
- 🐛 Do not update anything but status when using subresource client by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2483
- 🐛 Fix status subresource getting updated on Update when it is empty by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2485
- 🐛 Fix returning object after status update by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2490
- 🐛 Return NoResourceMatchError when appropriate for backwards compatibility. by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2492
Full Changelog: v0.16.1...v0.16.2
What's Changed
- 🐛 Refactor tests to drop hard otel dependency by @howardjohn in #2465
- 🌱 Bump from 0.28.0 to 0.28.1 by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2459
Full Changelog: v0.16.0...v0.16.1
- Granular cache configuration (#2421)
- New cache option to fail on missing informer on cache reads (#2406)
- Secure metrics serving (#2407)
- Upgrade to Kubernetes 1.28 libraries (#2393, #2405, #2449)
Changes since v0.15
⚠️ Breaking Changes
- Bump* dependencies to v1.28.0 by @sbueringer (#2393, #2405, #2449)
- Allow configuring more granular cache filtering by @alvaroaleman (#2421)
- Introduce Metrics Options & secure metrics serving by @sbueringer (#2407)
- Return an error if the continue list option is set for the cache reader by @shuheiktgw (#2439)
- Remove deprecated manager, webhook and cluster options by @sbueringer (#2422)
- Remove deprecated MultiNamespacedCacheBuilder, NewFakeClientWithScheme, controllerutil.Object, envtest.Environment.KubeAPIServerFlags & zap.Options.DestWritter by @sbueringer (#2423)
- controller builder: return error when multiple reconcilers are set by @sbueringer (#2415)
- fake client: use correct RBAC apiGroup name when deciding if to allow unconditional updates by @jaideepr97 (#2412)
- Minor improvements to godoc & code style in cache pkg by @sbueringer (#2416)
✨ New Features
- Cache: add ReaderFailOnMissingInformer option by @stevekuznetsov (#2406)
- Cache: allow non-blocking retrieval of informers by @maxsmythe (#2371)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Add missing return statement in admission.Decoder.DecodeRaw by @lleshchi (#2433)
- fakeClient.Status().Update(...) cannot recognize resource version conflicts by @iiiceoo (#2365)
- Fix Defaulting of the User Agent by @alvaroaleman (#2435)
- Fix logs in the unstructured client by @Poor12 (#2343)
- Fix unspecified KindsFor version by @tenstad (#2346)
- Fix TerminalError(nil).Error() panic by @sheidkamp (#2438)
- hasLabels and matchingLabels step on each other by @shanshanying (#2363)
- SetLogger should work with nil sinks by @vincepri (#2367)
🌱 Others
- Use NewRateLimitingQueueWithConfig instead of deprecated NewNamedRateLimitingQueue by @sbueringer (#2411)
- Add a prefix to the stack trace printed after SetLogger timeout by @vincepri (#2357)
- Minor improvements to godoc, code style in builder pkg by @sbueringer (#2414)
- Add integration test to avoid manager.Start deadlocks by @sbueringer (#2418)
- Automatically regenerate scratch env go mod file by @sbueringer (#2413)
- Introduce a new runnable group for basic servers of the manager by @zqzten (#2337)
- Add logs around Reconcile call, change webhook logs to log level 5 by @sbueringer (#2419)
- Add action to update modules on dependabot PRs by @sbueringer (#2447, #2448)
- Optimize Add/RemoveFinalizer by @0xff-dev (#2348)
- Log warning if error and non-zero Result are returned by @sbueringer (#2451)
📖 Documentation and proposals
- Add a design for cache options configuration by @alvaroaleman (#2261)
- Add documentation to clarify the ContentType behavior by @FillZpp (#2410)
- Clarify that the reconcile.Result is ignored on non-nil error by @alvaroaleman (#2444)
- Fix typo "compatiblity" to "compatibility" by @ArshiAAkhavan (#2396)
- Update fake client doc.go to avoid the deprecated method by @sunglim (#2392)
📈 Dependencies
- Bump from 2.90.1 to 2.100.1 by @dependabot (#2294)
- Bump from 2.9.5 to 2.11.0 by @dependabot (#2368, #2376, #2384)
- Bump from 1.27.7 to 1.27.8 by @dependabot (#2375, #2420)
- Bump from 1.15.1 to 1.16.0 by @dependabot (#2383)
- Bump from 0.8.0 to 0.11.0 by @dependabot (#2377, #2401, #2441)
- Bump from 2.3.0 to 2.4.0 by @dependabot (#2446)
- Bump from 1.24.0 to 1.25.0 by @dependabot (#2440)
- Bump golangci-lint to v1.53 by @vincepri (#2398)
- Bump controller-tools to v0.13 by @sbueringer (#2450)
Thanks to all our contributors! 😊
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.16.0
What's Changed
- 🐛 Fix TerminalError(nil).Error() panic by @sheidkamp in #2443
- 🐛 Add missing return statement in the webhook admissions func by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2452
Full Changelog: v0.15.1...v0.15.2
What's Changed
- [release-0.15] ✨Fix logs in unstructured client by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2344
- [release-0.15] 🐛 fix unspecified KindsFor version by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2347
- [release-0.15] 🐛 fakeClient.Status().Update(...) cannot recognize resource version conflicts by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2372
- [release-0.15] 🐛 hasLabels and matchingLabels step on each other by @k8s-infra-cherrypick-robot in #2373
- [release-0.15] 🐛 Fix Defaulting of the User Agent by @alvaroaleman in #2436
Full Changelog: v0.15.0...v0.15.1