Randomly generated roguelike game
- Move - Arrows (up, down, left, right)
- Attack - Space
- Randomly generated dungeon.
- Point Light.
- Randomly spawning enemies.
- Enemies follow player.
- Infinite levels.
- Enemies can attack player.
- Simple health bar.
- Playing audio.
- Minimap.
Note: However approach is not good since I am using rodio library. Well the reason is because it is not possible(it will take some time for me) on Sdl2 make a thread-safety for playing music on a background and at the same time rendering UI part (check this). I am trying to solve it but now let it be this approach. However AudioPlayer is working but only when we have a one thread.
Source code can be shown here
Character was taken from here
The game is located on itch.io.