- Setup developer-friendly environment to deploy Kubernetes from Gitlab CI and connect to Gitlab group
- Configure a terraform state storage (DigitalOcean Spaces) for infrastructure resources
- Deploy a Kubernetes in DigitalOcean by using DOKS
- Provision Kubernetes with addons: Kong Ingress Contoller, Load Balancer, Cert-Manager, ExternalDNS
- Setup Kubernetes Node Groups to deploy Elastic Stack (ElasticAPM, Elasticsearch, Filebeat)
- Setup Rancher by using LetsEncrypt HTTP-01 challenge as a provisioner for certificates (for public infrastucture)
- Setup oauth2-proxy to provide authentication for Kubernetes Ingress resources such as Grafana, Prometheus, etc by using Gitlab application
- Setup Kubernetes Docker Registry Secrets into CI/CD env variables for Gitlab's Auto Deploy Job
- Create a sentry terraform module to setup and configure a sentry project per GitLab project
- Setup Kubernetes Docker Registry Secrets for developers to play with Gitlab Docker registry
- Setup Gitlab Runner node group to use Gitlab Runners inside Kubernetes
- Setup Elastic Uptime Monitoring
- Setup IngressMonitor Controller