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Commit 78bfe00

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* chore: Add water level as a parameter for QC checks, Issue #100 * chore: Remove gage height as a parameter for QC checks, Issue #100 * chore: Modify USGS download to change gage height to water level, Issue #100 + Match HOBOware terminology (most of user base) * style: Trim lines to 80 characters + config.R + fun.GageData.R + fun.Report.R + fun.Report.File.R * chore: Update copies and version of config.R with edits, Issue #100 + Package - data\Config.R - inst\extdata\config.COOL - inst\extdata\config.ExcludeFailsFalse - inst\extdata\config.ORIG - inst\extdata\config.RMDdir - inst\extdata\config.WARM + Shiny - www\Config.R - www\ * chore: Update rmd files from GageHeight to WaterLevel + Report_Config + Report_QC * chore: Copy RMD files from package directory to shiny * refactor: Remove unneeded concatenation of a constant + server.R + Export.rlakeAnalyzer.R * chore: Change Gage Height to Water Level, fun.QC * chore: Add Water Level, fun.QC.File * chore: Change getwd() to tempdir(), ContDataQC example * chore: Update ContDataQC example + getwd() to tempdir() + paste0() to file.path() * chore: Fix typo in fun.Stats.File.R + seq_len(row... to seq_len(nrow... * chore: Remove use of installr package as is windows only + Move example text to details of ContDataQC function
1 parent d623e30 commit 78bfe00

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50 files changed

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Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change
@@ -12,4 +12,3 @@

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