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Releases: letscontrolit/ESPEasy

Release v2.0.0-dev11

16 Jul 23:08
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Release v2.0.0-dev11 Pre-release
Changes in v2.0.0-dev11 (since v2.0.0-dev9):

Daniel Tedenljung (5):
      Fixed decimal values (#329)
      Senseair update (#333)
      Reading error code in other way (#394)
      Added relay control from commands (#395)
      Renamed command to be unique. (#427)

DatuX (4):

Edwin Eefting (28):
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev10
      cleaned up RTC initialisation. fixed some fuzzy issues after flashing/factory reset. improved flash-counter messages and added powercycle tips
      started working on regression testing scripts for The Rig
      large changes to wifi handling. code cleanup, more efficent connecting, only one connect retry in deepsleep. better serial logging for connections and APmode. always enable ap mode when wifi is disconnected
      prevent recursion when processing background tasks. might help with issue #117
      added option do deepsleep on connection failures. had to change boot order a bit, so the rebooted/warmboot message is the first one now. (this also makes more sense). issue #206
      better rtc error logging
      Fixed crashbug in email notification
      Fixed variable naming bug in FEATURE_ADC_VCC
      working on test framework
      esptesting framework
      dont want wifi passwords on github
      dont want wifi passwords on github
      converted all commands to python
      saved ~800 bytes ram in handle_devices(), issue #352. left old code commented for reference, in case i created bugs. will remove later
      accidently enabled FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA
      fix #372
      serial now no longer resonds to empty commands
      add caching headers to static content
      upgraded IRremoteESP8266 from v1.0.2 to v1.2.0. fixes #188
      fix HTTP chunked transfer encoding, since WebServer class doesnt support it. this fixes the 2 second delay in some browsers. (we where out of spec.)
      more details AP mode serial output
      made mdns a feature. consitent use of hostname for both mdns and dhcp client. hostname now is name_unitnumber, with spaces replaced by -
      gave some html logging debug-level
      imlemented setting name, unit and password via serial. implements #317
      added note to inverse logic to fix #318
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev11

Gustavo Spadari (1):
      Adding comments on RAW code (#386) (#393)

JK (7):
      First draft
      Send web page as junked data
      Accept CR and LF at serial commands
      First draft
      Added Plugin for Touch KeyPad Chip TTP229
      Fine tuning of CSS and menu
      Reenabled javascript for device-selector

Jochen Krapf (26):
      Rework of plugin ADC (#319)
      Added _P054_DMX512 (#322)
      Added _P055_Chiming (#323)
      Added _P056_SDS011-Dust (#324)
      Added Plugin for Quadrature Encoder Interface (Rotary Encoder) (#335)
      Added Plugin _P061_KeyPad (#340)
      Added Plugin _P060_MCP3221 (#342)
      Formula option for  _P013_HCSR04 plugin issue #343 #313 (#344)
      Fixed issues #308 #305 (#345)
      Added Plugin _P062_MPR121_KeyPad (#346)
      Fixed issue #348 (#349)
      Added plugins for HT16K33 LED matrix driver and key pad scanner (#328)
      Increase DEVICES_MAX for more testing and dev plugins (#353)
      Write default CSS to SPIFFS on boot (#357)
      Fixed DEVICES_MAX for testing and dev (#374)
      Step back to style-based-css for speed up + pimp menu (#376)
      Check plugin-array size on init - issue #119 (#389)
      Added Plugin for MP3 module (#402)
      Minor corrections and documentation (#404)
      Added Plugin for Gesture Sensor APDS9960 (#409)
      Added Plugin for Color Sensor VEML6040 (#412)
      Added Plugin for HX711 Load Cell - Request #408 (#415)
      Fixed multiline define bug on CRLF (#416)
      Added Value Logger on SD Card (#429)
      Plugin65 MP3 - volume updated in device menu - issue #424 (#438)
      Plugin HX711 - Added Tare function (#419)

PieVo (1):
      Update P053 (PMSx003) to support software serial and minor cleanup (#390)

SloMusti (3):
      fixed deep sleep, such that it can be enabled from Rules (#375)
      Implemented a better WiFI AP naming strategy. ESP_Easy has replaced the newdevice text as the default name and now the name is used as and AP SSID (#410)
      added mDNS implementation (#418)

elucas2uy (1):
      FIX Pass and Index on handle_controllers() (#331)

imthemichi (1):
      Plugin_008-RFID extended with wiegand 34-bits and key-pad (#387)

krikk (6):
      reverted change, this fix seems to have exactly opposite outcome than expected... with the fix applied i get errors, without is i get no errors... (#320)
      changed the ina219 plugin so that is always sends 3 values, voltage, current, power... like a normal plugin should do... (#325)
      delay option should be displayed even if the SendDataOption is false, because the delay option also controls the refresh rate of the oled display... fixes issue #336 (#339)
      seconds were displayed without leading zero issue #337 (#338)
      added local ip to sysinfo plugin, due to limitation of return type float, i had to split up the ip in its octets... fixes issue #228 (#341)
      implemented a measurement type selection to retain backward compability to Domoticz... hope this works... (#351)

mvdbro (8):
      Fix Domoticz helper plugin  #330
      Enlarge MQTT buffer for Domoticz MQTT controller
      MQTT Controller enable/disable fix (#287)
      Fix incorrect ADC GPIO display
      Fix default controller settings (#360)
      Added pin state buffer table page (mainly for debugging)
      Update checkRAM function
      Revert to default ESP Easy colorscheme

papperone (5):
      Fixed Broken P038
      reverted some changes due to bug fixed in the "webserver.ino #348"
      P038 - optimization
      P010 plugin optimization (#403)

tedenda (2):
      Renamed Prefix from P011 to C011
      Missed one...

Release v2.0.0-dev10

29 May 21:17
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Release v2.0.0-dev10 Pre-release
Changes in v2.0.0-dev10 (since v2.0.0-dev9):

DatuX (1):

Edwin Eefting (1):
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev10

Jochen Krapf (1):
      Rework of plugin ADC (#319)

krikk (1):
      reverted change, this fix seems to have exactly opposite outcome than expected... with the fix applied i get errors, without is i get no errors... (#320)

Release v2.0.0-dev9

28 May 13:47
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Release v2.0.0-dev9 Pre-release
Changes in v2.0.0-dev9 (since v2.0.0-dev8):

Alex Schwantes (1):
      Implemented use of addFormSelector methods to _P004_Dallas plugin.     Changed the device select box to show the one wire address for each connected sensor instead of just a number.     Added a blank option to the device address select box so that in the event that multiple devices are present and the configured device is not currently available, the select box will be blank instead of selecting a different device.

Bartlomiej Zimon (5):
      - Misc: typo
      Custom Controller Settings - add controller index
      Push ProtocolIndex and ControllerIndex into CPLUGIN_WEBFORM_SAVE/LOAD
      Add WifiSSID2,WifiKey2 commands
      Add backup Wifi network to Settings command

Blair Thompson (1):
      Added Par4 and Par5 Variables (#248)

Daniel Tedenljung (5):
      Updated wrong plugin number. (#269)
      P052: More descriptive  log messages (#283)
      GUI touchup on Tools (#286)
      addSubmitButton function added (#289)
      New look on Tools page (#296)

DatuX (5):

Edwin Eefting (18):
      cleaned up messagedelay: use the same function everywhere. and do serial processing as well during the messagedelay
      fixed issue #253 (memory leaks/crashes)
      more details in memory analyser. run memory analyser via Travis
      cosmetic buildlog fix
      publish MQTT Connected message
      timer boundschecker was off by one. fixed memanalyser total
      input box fix on setting pages
      comments. checkudp only in backgroundtasks()
      reboot and wifidisconnect should be handled by /
      bugfix in rtc checksum
      nicer sleep messages
      fixed a few out of bounds bugs in Misc.ino _P023_OLED.ino _P035_IRTX.ino _P037_MQTTImport.ino with cppcheck. also added cppcheck to travis to prevent such cases in the future
      fixing cpp check
      fixing cpp check
      fixing cpp check
      fixing cpp check
      also distribute ESP8285 binaries
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev9

JK (5):
      added functions addCheckBox and addNumericBox
      added checkbox for status LED inversed
      fine tuning of status LED and pimp hardware web site
      solved my commit mismatch
      Fixed #196 and rework of IDX display

Jochen Krapf (11):
      Added addForm*-functions for easy web-interface and pimp GUI (#259)
      Added function addFormSelector (#270)
      Preliminary final draft of bugfix #264 (#271)
      Replaced HTML code with addFormSelector() in all plugins (#278)
      Fixed readUserVarFromRTC() #265 (#280)
      Limits to NumericBox and a bit of security to PasswordBox (#281)
      Added HTML templates for customization (#290)
      Fixed rules bug #297 (#299)
      Pimp device-GUI and optimized HTML (#306)
      Fixed some minor HTML syntax bugs (#310)
      Rework of plugin ADS1115 (#315)

PieVo (1):
      Plantower (#300)

beic (1):
      Some little description corrections (#297)

krikk (13):
      http advanced controller, correct passing of hostname (#250)
      i2c Temperatur & Humidity Sensor Am2320 (#251)
      use the new addCheckBox function and better display of device config page
      another fix to http advanced...
      replaced static html code with the new addForm* Functions
      bug fix wrong return type + form function fixes (#266)
      addFormNumeric with min and max & More Form-Function replacements (#272)
      make the Settings - Save. Filename more descriptive... (#273)
      addHelpButton Function and a new Help Button for the Rules and Hardware Page (#282)
      DHT plugin fix 'NaN' issue (#285)
      i don't like hidden features, added a json button to the tools menu, next to the advanced button (#292)
      do a dns lookup on every request, solves issue #261 (#302)
      AM2320: negative temperature fix... (#312)

tedenda (1):
      Moving plugin from Playground into main repo. (#262)

Release v2.0.0-dev8

24 Apr 11:24
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Release v2.0.0-dev8 Pre-release
Changes in v2.0.0-dev8 (since v2.0.0-dev7):

DatuX (6):

David Conran (2):
      Update IRremoteESP8266 library url in .gitmodules
      update sendSony() call to use repeats.

Dirk Moeller (2):
      new function, Plugin_004_DS_setResolution und Plugin_004_DS_getResolution
      fix typo

Edwin Eefting (37):
      temporary disabled IR plugins, because of iram1_0_seg issues
      initial version of memory analyser
      moved arduinojson and liquidcrytal includes to correct plugins. reanbled IR-modules to solve memory issues
      make the IRTX plugin work without the IR plugin
      initial memory analyser and results
      reduced memory usage _C001
      reduced mem C001 C002
      reduced ram usage C003 ... C011
      reduce memory usage N001 N002
      cleaned up servo stuff
      recuded number of pulsecounters from 8 to 4 to save IRAM
      contributing guidelines
      fixed crash in C001 (when opening /controllers)
      avoid static buffers in c001. addLog now also supports F(), so we dont need all those temporary variable definitions
      removed unneccesay delays from c001
      avoid unneccesary string conversions and static buffers in c001
      fixed crashes caused by large MQTT packets
      fixed lots of common issues that might cause crashes in c011. also see
      added issue template to get cleaner bug reports
      replaced all readstringuntil() with safeReadStringUntil()
      starting working on stability reporting function
      fixed stability issues in c009. probably caused by illegal PSTR usage, but i completly cleaned up all string handling
      improved statusled handling in background tasks
      converted submodule to normal directory. lib/Adafruit_Motor_Shield_V2 upstream commit ee4c4d334f498d54cdf80c9cc6f5bdec2533f8bf
      now no longer a submodule lib/AS_BH1750, upstream version 092f0b1c5fa74eb2abe3d1b2925190d066e9506d
      now no longer a submodule. lib/Adafruit_NeoPixel, upstream version v1.0.6
      now no longer a submodule, lib/Adafruit_TCS34725 upstream version 1.0.1-13-g12be4c6
      now no longer a submodule. lib/ArduinoJson upstream version v5.6.4
      now no longer a submodule. lib/IRremoteESP8266 upstream version v1.0.2
      oops moved lib/Adafruit_TCS34725 to wrong place
      select env
      Revert "Plugin_008-RFID extended with wiegand 34-bits and key-pad (4-bits per key) support". Now uses too much IRAM.
      dont use arduino OTA in the dev env
      escape html in the rules page, so that strings like &param do not cause problems. fixes issue #231
      properly escape html in C011 generic http advanced.
      fixed #239 due to improper PSTR. cleaned up string handling
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev8

Emmanuel Tatto (1):
      getBearing should be outside the FEATURE_ARDUINO_OTA condition (#207)

Gerben Meijer (1):
      Extend MH-Z19 sensor support

JK (3):
      More informative and intuitive status LED
      Using 3 I/O-pins consequently
      added union to TaskDevicePin1..3

Jochen Krapf (1):
      Added function isDeepSleepEnabled() (#177)

adb76 (2):
      Set BME280 to recommended values for climate / weather sensor
      BME280: Ensure sensor is in sleep mode to set the config, fix small typo

beic (13):
      Menu correction, added BMP180 (#199)
      Added detection for the HTU21D to I2C scenner
      Environment naming will better fit in...
      Environment naming will better fit in + HTU21D
      Environment naming will better fit in... + naming
      Environment naming will better fit in...
      Environment naming will better fit in...
      Environment naming will better fit in...
      Environment naming will better fit in...
      Environment naming will better fit in...
      Little naming correction
      Naming correction by Datasheet
      Added detection for the SI1145 to I2C scenner

dev0 (1):
      _C009.ino: RFC conformity and removed obsolet code (#163)

imthemichi (1):
      Plugin_008-RFID extended with wiegand 34-bits and key-pad (4-bits per key) support

jbaumann (1):
      Addition of ESP8285 targets (#187)

krikk (16):
      motorshield library should be a submodule, enhanced the motorshield plugin... (#162)
      http advanced: add replacement variable for systime, vcc, ip, sysload, uptime (#167)
      corrected name for TSL2561, add option to use different sensor adress (#170)
      re-did old pull requests (#172)
      Tsl2561 rewrite (#174)
      I2csoilmoisture fixed bug with sleep mode (#178)
      Pulsecounter minor fix (#184)
      rewrote bh1750 sensor based on better library... (#182)
      cppcheck style fixes... (#186)
      added i2c address selection to ino219 plugin (#192)
      Motorshield plugin string fixes (#200) (reduced memory usage)
      Support for Tcs34725 RGB Color Sensor (#195)
      _P047_i2c-soil-moisture-sensor: allow change of sensor address (#201)
      Httpadvanced crashfix + patch method (#204)
      Bh1750: enhance to check for valid value (#208)
      removed all unnecessary Strings due to new addLog with FlashStringHelper (#223)

tedenda (1):
      Update _P049_MHZ19.ino

Release v2.0.0-dev7

15 Mar 00:44
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Release v2.0.0-dev7 Pre-release
Changes in v2.0.0-dev7 (since v2.0.0-dev6):

Edwin Eefting (6):
      timers can be disabled by setting them to 0 now. cleaned up event output logging. added timer out-of-bounds checks
      added i2scanner via serial. removed spaces from Adafruit Motor Shield library so it works with arduino IDE
      fixed Arduino IDE compilebug and added help to enable plugin sets in Arduino IDE
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev7
      fix in release-script (forgot to commit it last time)
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev7

krikk (2):
      code cleanup for HTTP advanced controller
      show date in webinterface,  and changed password fields to type=password (#161)

Release v2.0.0-dev6

13 Mar 10:57
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Release v2.0.0-dev6 Pre-release
Changes in v2.0.0-dev6 (since v2.0.0-dev5):

Edwin Eefting (16):
      created script to assist in creating releases
      bug fix: plugin_id should not start with a 0. (compiler interprets this as octal!)
      Revert "bug fix: plugin_id should not start with a 0. (compiler interprets this as octal!)"
      bug fix: plugin_id should not start with a 0. (compiler interprets this as octal!)
      added NDIR CO2 Sensor MH-Z19 plugin to TESTING plugin set
      remove artificial sensor startup delays. (now all sensors are send immediatly after booting and wifi-connecting)
      do hardwareinit() earlier so that outputs are set immeadiatly instead of waiting for connect. fixes
      enable status light as soon as wifi is connected
      use sizeof instead of magic numbers
      Implemented speaker and tone functions from
      enabled Arduino OTA for dev-firmware only, to ease developing. minor output-tweaks
      cold boot startup delay
      major change: changed the timing of the first sensor read after initial boot. cleaned up and improved deep sleeping code.
      added plugin to testing. remove useless value variable
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev6
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev6

Gerald (2):
      HTTP Advanced, enhanced, so that only one http request is sent for one sensor (#156)
      added missing sensor type, to fix problem with i2c soilmoisture sensor... (#157)

Jochen Krapf (1):
      cancel deep sleep loop by pulling the pin GPIO16(D0) to GND (#158)

dzikus (1):
      Added BMP280_CONFIG_SETTING to reduce the temperature of sensor and use oversampling filter (#155)

Release v2.0.0-dev5

11 Mar 17:29
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Release v2.0.0-dev5 Pre-release
Changes in v2.0.0-dev5 (since v2.0.0-dev4):

DatuX (5):

Edwin Eefting (8):
      deploy in platformio format
      simplified string handling and fixed buffer overflow
      created release notes from R148 to v2.0.0-dev4
      updated release notes for test1
      BUILD_GIT is now defined via environement variables
      use TRAVIS_TAG when building releases
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev5
      automaticly updated release notes for v2.0.0-dev5

Gerald (3):
      Update _P047_i2c-soil-moisture-sensor.ino
      one newline to much
      add missing features from "Generic HTTP" Plugin to "Generic HTTP Advanced" Plugin (#151)

Gustavo Spadari (3):
      Adding IR received code extra info
      Rename tmpString to cmdCode for clarity
      IR RAW Code implementation

JustMe-NL (4):
      Fix double define
      Fix Windspeed values
      Fix broken Domoticz MQTT helper
      Update WebServer.ino

Nonflammable (1):
      Extend functionality of P038

krikk (7):
      new Plugin for SoilMoisturesensor from Tindie (     minor fixes in http advanced to allow sensor type triple and http response 2xx not 200 only
      version check to detect if sensor is present, optimized address handling
      added measurement mode selection
      minor fix, shared variable name with bme280, not good :)
      variable name collision with adafruit motorshield v2 library, no functional change
      new plugin for adafruit motorshield v2, still needs a library and only support DC Motors up till now... still room for improvement
      added function to enable/disable sleep mode and version check

psy0rztest (1):
      Removed !echo, because its not supported in Windows.


02 Mar 14:22
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v2.0.0-dev4 Pre-release
  • Rearranged repository to suit easier building and comitting. (no more seperate ESPEasy-platformio repository needed)
  • Added _P046_VentusW266 plugin
  • Added _P045_MPU6050 plugin