-*- outline -*-

* wrapper

How does wrapper propagate SIGINT (^C) down to child?  Restore temporary
passing of SIGINT down, even thought it is less than perfect.

Add some sort of upper bound on upload lengths to prevent things from
getting completely out of hand if the instrumented application gets
into a bad loop.

For long-lived processes, perhaps we need to send periodic interim
reports (e.g. daily) instead of waiting for termination.  This will
require support from the client application too, though.

* packaging

Consider adding some sort of "README.sampler" to the documentation for
each sampled application RPM.

* instrumentor

** general

Remember which functions are loopless.  Use this to optimize treatment
of calls to known loopless functions.

assume that anything declared in /usr/include/... or
/usr/lib/gcc-lib/... or perhaps a few other places is library code

* documentation

Document --{no-,}assume-weighty-{libraries,externs,interns}.

Document "ccured" scheme once it has been reimplemented.

Document the fact that the "bounds" scheme also looks at function
return values.