Salute to community contributors: LobeChat Special Thanks Program! | 向社区贡献者致敬:LobeChat 特别感谢计划! #6875
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在 LobeChat 的发展历程中,开源社区扮演了不可或缺的角色。今天,我们怀着无比感恩的心情,向每一位参与这一旅程的伙伴表达最诚挚的谢意。 去年 7 月,我们开始了商业化的初步尝试,令人欣喜的是,这些努力已经开始结出果实,开始为我们的项目带来了收入。虽然相比起很多别的商业化产品,可能这些收入微若毫末,但这足以让我们更加坚定地投入到开源贡献中来。 饮水思源,因此我们决定将商业化过程中获得的收益与社区贡献者共享。这不仅是我们对大家过去贡献的感谢,更是对未来一起成长的期许。 我们深知今天的每一分成就都源于社区的集体智慧与无私奉献。正是因为你们的创意、代码和反馈,LobeChat 才得以在行业中脱颖而出,成为一个独具特色的存在。可以说正是你们,才真正得以构建出独特的属于 LobeChat 的生态。 为了表达我们的心意,我们为每一位核心贡献者准备了一份礼物。同时也要非常感谢 AiHubMix 愿意和我们一起向开源社区的优秀小伙伴们送出这些礼物。 以下则是我们这次特别感谢的8位贡献者: 杰出贡献者cy948我们衷心感谢 @cy948 对 LobeChat 社区版的持续贡献。他提交的 30+ PR 涵盖了 next-auth 鉴权体系建设、模型客户端请求优化以及一键部署脚本等核心功能,这些都成为了社区用户最喜爱的特性。能够见证 cy948 在参与 LobeChat 过程中的专业成长,我们也深感荣幸。 针对 cy948 的贡献,我们为他赠送价值 $478.8 的 LobeChat Cloud 专业版订阅一年 或 等额 $420 的 Aihubmix API 额度卡一张。 hezhijie0327感谢 @hezhijie0327 为 LobeChat 添加了 10+ 模型服务商,可谓是一人撑起半边天!也是 hezhijie0327 对 Docker 构建流程的不断打磨,我们才能拥有了一个小巧而强大的 Docker 镜像。他在代码质量方面的追求令人钦佩 —— 通过他的持续优化,接入一个 Provider 的代码量从原来的 800 行降至不到 100 行,大大提升了系统的可维护性。 针对 hezhijie0327 的贡献,我们为他赠送价值 $478.8 的 LobeChat Cloud 专业版订阅一年 或 等额 $420 的 Aihubmix API 额度卡一张。 核心贡献者sxjeru感谢 @sxjeru 积极维护 LobeChat 的模型列表,多次做到 Day0 添加新发布模型,让用户第一时间体验最新技术。同时也帮助修复了大量的 bug,我们也能感受你对细节永无止境的追求。 针对 sxjeru 的贡献,我们为他赠送价值 $238.8 的 LobeChat Cloud 进阶版订阅一年 或 等额 $180 的 Aihubmix API 额度卡一张。 LovelyGuYiMeng感谢 LovelyGuYiMeng 极度活跃地维护了 LobeChat 的模型列表,并结合自己独到的审美倾向专业的服务商排序建议,并持续维护至今。 针对 LovelyGuYiMeng 的贡献,我们为她赠送价值 $238.8 的 LobeChat Cloud 进阶版订阅一年 或 等额 $180 的 Aihubmix API 额度卡一张。 重要贡献者zhuozhiyongde感谢 @zhuozhiyongde 作为 LobeChat 的活跃用户,积极参与官方文档的撰写工作,由他书写的自部署文档深受大家好评,详略得当,易于上手。 针对 zhuozhiyongde 的贡献,我们为他赠送价值 $118.8 的 LobeChat Cloud 基础版订阅一年 或 等额 $60 的 Aihubmix API 额度卡一张。 RubuJam感谢 @RubuJam 积极帮助优化了 LobeChat 的不少产品细节,从这些 PR 中可以看到他对细节体验的追求和执着,这也是我们的努力方向。 针对 RubuJam 的贡献,我们为他赠送价值 $118.8 的 LobeChat Cloud 基础版订阅一年 或 等额 $60 的 Aihubmix API 额度卡一张。 SpeedupMaster感谢 @SpeedupMaster 作为 LobeChat 的活跃用户,积极参与官方文档的维护与社区答疑,他的耐心指导帮助众多新用户,帮助很多新人更轻松地上手 LobeChat 的自部署。 针对 SpeedupMaster 的贡献,我们为他赠送价值 $118.8 的 LobeChat Cloud 基础版订阅一年 或 等额 $60 的 Aihubmix API 额度卡一张。 BrandonStudio感谢 @BrandonStudio 积极参与 LobeChat 中几个关键服务商(Github、Cloudflare、Azure OpenAI)的实现和维护,并在特性发展上乐于给出自己的专业见解,帮助了 LobeChat 的功能和代码处于优雅的水平。 针对 BrandonStudio 的贡献,我们为他赠送价值 $118.8 的 LobeChat Cloud 基础版订阅一年 或 等额 $60 的 Aihubmix API 额度卡一张。 最后,还是非常感谢我们的 200 多名贡献者。我知道我们还有许许多多的社区贡献者没有被提及,在梳理过程中,我也发愁自己是否在项目维护过程中忽略了一些重要的贡献者,是不是有失公允。 因此,针对今天(2025.03.10)之前所有提交过 PR 并被合并过的社区贡献者,我们都准备了一份价值 $58.8 的 LobeChat Cloud 的自助版订阅一年的福利,可以联系我直接领取! 正如我们所看见并期待的,AI 正把我们推向一个前所未有的时代。这场技术革命不仅改变了工具的形态,更为我们探索创新的组织结构和协作模式开辟了广阔天地。 未来的协作是否将呈现全新形态?社区共建、松散自治的组织形式是否能在 AI 的赋能下焕发出前所未有的活力?开源精神与商业价值是否能找到更和谐的平衡点? 这些问题可能没有标准答案,但我们正在努力探索,希望和大家一起共建新时代的新协作范式! |
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呜呜呜,感谢大佬!!! |
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有幸能和各位大佬共建这个项目,在这个过程中,感谢各位对我的帮助 祝Lobehub越来越好🥳🥳🥳 |
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orz |
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感谢所有 LobeChat 的贡献者们,尤其是几位主要开发者,为我们提供了如此优秀的 LLM 聚合工具。 祝 Lobehub 开源社群越来越好,愿开源之薪火永燃。❤️🔥 |
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祝福项目越来越好,虽然我不直接commit代码做贡献,但是希望以产品的身份和业余的时间帮助项目发现问题,提交bug和改进的思路。 |
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In the development of LobeChat, the open-source community has played an indispensable role. Today, with immense gratitude, we express our sincerest thanks to every partner who has participated in this journey.
In July last year, we began our initial attempts at commercialization. It is gratifying that these efforts have started to bear fruit and are beginning to generate revenue for our project. Although this revenue may be negligible compared to many other commercial products, it is enough to strengthen our commitment to open source contributions.
To remember the source of our drinking water, we have decided to share the profits gained during the commercialization process with community contributors. This is not only our gratitude for everyone's past contributions but also our expectation for growing together in the future.
We deeply understand that every achievement today stems from the collective wisdom and selfless dedication of the community. It is because of your creativity, code, and feedback that LobeChat has stood out in the industry and become a unique presence. It can be said that it is you who have truly built a unique ecosystem belonging to LobeChat.
To express our heartfelt appreciation, we have prepared a gift for each core contributor. We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to AiHubMix for being willing to join us in sending these gifts to the outstanding members of the open-source community.
The following are the 8 contributors we would like to especially thank this time:
Outstanding Contributors
We sincerely thank @cy948 for the continuous contributions to the LobeChat community edition. The 30+ PRs he submitted cover core features such as the next-auth authentication system construction, model client request optimization, and one-click deployment scripts, all of which have become the most beloved features among community users. We are also honored to witness cy948's professional growth during his participation in LobeChat.
For the contribution to cy948, we are gifting him a one-year subscription to LobeChat Cloud Professional Edition worth $478.8 or a card for $420 worth of Aihubmix API credits.
Thanks to @hezhijie0327 for adding 10+ model service providers to LobeChat, truly a one-man effort! It is also through hezhijie0327's continuous refinement of the Docker build process that we have a compact yet powerful Docker image. His pursuit of code quality is admirable — through his ongoing optimizations, the code required to integrate a Provider has been reduced from the original 800 lines to less than 100 lines, greatly enhancing the system's maintainability.
For the contributions of hezhijie0327, we are gifting him a one-year subscription to LobeChat Cloud Professional Edition worth $478.8 or a card for $420 worth of Aihubmix API credits.
Core Contributors
Thank you @sxjeru for actively maintaining the model list of LobeChat, adding newly released models on Day 0 multiple times, allowing users to experience the latest technology at the first moment. You have also helped fix a large number of bugs, and we can feel your endless pursuit of detail.
For the contributions of sxjeru, we are gifting him a one-year LobeChat Cloud advanced subscription worth $238.8 or a $180 equivalent Aihubmix API credit card.
Thank you, LovelyGuYiMeng, for actively maintaining the model list of LobeChat, combining your unique aesthetic preferences with professional service provider ranking suggestions, and continuing to maintain it to this day.
For LovelyGuYiMeng's contribution, we are gifting her a one-year LobeChat Cloud advanced subscription worth $238.8 or a $180 equivalent Aihubmix API credit card.
Important Contributors
Thank you @zhuozhiyongde for being an active user of LobeChat and actively participating in the writing of the official documentation. The self-deployment documentation he wrote has received high praise from everyone, with appropriate detail and ease of use.
For the contributions of zhuozhiyongde, we are gifting him a one-year subscription to the LobeChat Cloud Basic version worth $118.8 or a $60 equivalent Aihubmix API credit card.
Thanks to @RubuJam for actively helping to optimize many product details of LobeChat. From these PRs, we can see his pursuit and dedication to detail experience, which is also our direction of effort.
For contributions to RubuJam, we are giving him a one-year LobeChat Cloud basic subscription worth $118.8 or a $60 equivalent Aihubmix API credit card.
Thanks to @SpeedupMaster for being an active user of LobeChat, actively participating in the maintenance of the official documentation and community Q&A. His patient guidance has helped many new users and made it easier for many newcomers to get started with the self-deployment of LobeChat.
For contributions to SpeedupMaster, we are giving him a one-year LobeChat Cloud basic subscription worth $118.8 or a $60 equivalent Aihubmix API credit card.
Thanks to @BrandonStudio for actively participating in the implementation and maintenance of several key service providers (Github, Cloudflare, Azure OpenAI) in LobeChat, and for being willing to provide professional insights on feature development, which has helped keep LobeChat's functionality and code at an elegant level.
For BrandonStudio's contributions, we are giving him a one-year LobeChat Cloud Basic subscription worth $118.8 or a $60 equivalent Aihubmix API credit card.
Finally, I would like to thank our more than 200 contributors. I know there are many community contributors who have not been mentioned, and during the sorting process, I also worried whether I overlooked some important contributors in the project maintenance, and whether it was unfair.
Therefore, for all community contributors who have submitted PRs and had them merged before today (2025.03.10), we have prepared a benefit of a one-year self-service subscription to LobeChat Cloud worth $58.8, which you can contact me to receive directly!
As we have seen and anticipated, AI is pushing us into an unprecedented era. This technological revolution not only changes the form of tools but also opens up vast possibilities for us to explore innovative organizational structures and collaboration models.
Will future collaboration present a new form? Can community co-construction and loosely autonomous organizational forms be revitalized with the empowerment of AI? Can the spirit of open source and commercial value find a more harmonious balance?
These questions may not have standard answers, but we are working hard to explore and hope to build a new collaborative paradigm for the new era together with everyone!
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