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Installation |
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The LODA command-line tool is available for Linux, macOS and Windows. To install it, follow the instructions for your operating system below. If you are only interested in program mining, you can also join the LODA project on BOINC and skip the manual installation.
Please make sure you have git installed. To download and install LODA, run this command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Before installing LODA, you need to install Git for Windows. Then click on the start menu and type Git CMD. Open this app and execute the following commands:
md "%USERPROFILE%\loda\bin"
cd "%USERPROFILE%\loda\bin"
curl -fsSLo loda.exe
loda setup
To evaluate the program of the OEIS sequence for the Fibonacci numbers, run loda eval A000045
To run the miner to search for new or better programs, execute loda mine
(single core) or loda mine -p
(multi-core). A detailed overview of all commands and options is shown below.
Usage: loda <command> <options>
Core Commands:
evaluate <program> Evaluate a program to an integer sequence (see -t,-b,-s)
export <program> Export a program print result (see -o)
optimize <program> Optimize a program and print it
minimize <program> Minimize a program and print it (see -t)
profile <program> Measure program evaluation time (see -t)
OEIS Commands:
mine Mine programs for OEIS sequences (see -i,-p,-P,-H)
check <program> Check a program for an OEIS sequence (see -b)
mutate <program> Mutate a program and mine for OEIS sequences
submit <file> [id] Submit a program for an OEIS sequence
Admin Commands:
setup Run interactive setup to configure LODA
update Run non-interactive update of LODA and its data
<file> Path to a LODA file (file extension: *.asm)
<id> ID of an OEIS integer sequence (example: A000045)
<program> Either an <file> or an <id>
-t <number> Number of sequence terms (default: 10)
-b Print result in b-file format from offset 0
-B <number> Print result in b-file format from a custom offset
-o <string> Export format (formula,loda,pari)
-d Export with dependencies to other programs
-s Evaluate program to number of execution steps
-c <number> Maximum number of interpreter cycles (no limit: -1)
-m <number> Maximum number of used memory cells (no limit: -1)
-l <string> Log level (values: debug,info,warn,error,alert)
-i <string> Name of miner configuration from miners.json
-p Parallel mining using default number of instances
-P <number> Parallel mining using custom number of instances
-H <number> Number of mining hours (default: unlimited)
To install updates, run loda update
. If you want to change installation parameters later, run loda setup