This theme supports:
Comments are displayed within post pages, but can be disabled with disableComments
Follow these steps.
commentoURL = "" # Replace if you use a custom domain
repo = "" #
issueTerm = "" #
label = "" #
theme = "" #
[params.giscus] #
repo = ""
repoID = ""
category = ""
categoryID = ""
mapping = ""
term = ""
strict = ""
reactionsEnabled = ""
emitMetadata = ""
inputPosition = ""
theme = ""
lang = ""
loading = ""
[params.telegram] #
siteID = ""
limit = ""
height = ""
color = ""
dislikes = ""
outlined = ""
colorful = ""
dark = ""
[params.cusdis] #
data_app_id = ""
host = "" # Address of your Mastodon instance
username = "" # Your username
statusID = "" # ID os the status (post) that comments should be related
purifyCDN = "" # CDN address of pointing to a Purify package
The theme uses the Goldmark syntax highlight system. GitHub light and dark are set as the default styles. To choose a different style, make sure noClasses
is not set to false (default is true) and add to your hugo.toml
style = "monokai"
All style
are available here.
Alternatively, it is possible to use custom styles with generated CSS files. See here.
These are all the parameters used by hugo-coder
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
author | string | Yes | Author name. | "John Doe" |
info | string | Yes | An headline, job title or similar. | "Full Stack Developer" |
description | string | Yes | Description of the site. | "John Doe's personal website" |
keywords | string | Yes | Site keywords. | "blog,developer,personal" |
avatarURL | string | No | Photo of the author. | "images/avatar.jpg" |
gravatar | string | No | Gravatar photo of the author | "[email protected]" |
fediverseCreator | string | No | The author's fediverse handle. | "@[email protected]" |
faviconSVG | string | No | Custom path to a SCG favicon. | "/img/favicon.svg" |
"/img/favicon.svg" |
favicon_32 | string | No | Custom path to a 32x32 favicon. | "/img/favicon-32x32.png" |
"/img/favicon-32x32.png" |
favicon_16 | string | No | Custom path to a 16x16 favicon. | "/img/favicon-16x16.png" |
"/img/favicon-16x16.png" |
touchIcon | string | No | Custom path to an apple-touch-icon | "/images/apple-touch-icon.png" |
"/images/apple-touch-icon.png" |
mask_icon | string | No | Custom path to a mask-icon | "/images/safari-pinned-tab.svg" |
"/images/safari-pinned-tab.svg" |
mask_icon_color | string | No | Custom color for mask-icon color | "#5bbad5" |
"#5bbad5" |
since | string | No | Date shown in the footer before now year | "2020" |
maxSeeAlsoItems | number | No | Series see also post count | 5 |
10 |
commit | string | No | Show the last git commit in the footer | "" |
rtl | bool | No | Enable the Right To Left mode. | false |
true or false |
math | bool | No | Enable MathJax Module and add JS into your site. | false |
true or false |
katex | bool | No | Enable KaTeX for all content types. | false |
true or false |
colorScheme | string | No | Specify light/dark colorscheme | "auto" |
"auto" or "light" or "dark" |
hideColorSchemeToggle | bool | No | If true, hides the color scheme toggle | false |
true or false |
customCSS | list | No | Add extra CSS files to the website. | [] | ["css/extra-style.css"] |
customSCSS | list | No | Add extra SCSS files to the website. | [] | ["scss/extra-style.scss"] |
customJS | list | No | Add extra JS files to the website. | [] | ["js/extra-script.js"] |
customRemoteJS | list | No | Add extra remote JS files to the website. | [] | [""] |
enableTwemoji | bool | No | Adds support for Twemoji | false |
true or false |
disableDefaultJsScripts | bool | No | If true, disables default js scripts (coder.js) | false |
true or false |
HeadTitle | string | No | When configured, it overrides the <title> tag with the provided string |
"" | "My custom title" |
Social Icons are optional. To use them you will need to set at least all the following required parameters for each icon.
Configuration | Type | Required | Description | Example |
name | string | Yes | Icon name. | "Github" |
icon | string | Yes | FontAwesome icon classes. | "fa-brands fa-github" |
weight | int | Yes | Icon order. | 1 |
url | string | Yes | URL to redirect. | "" |
An example:
name = "Github"
icon = "fa-brands fa-github fa-2x"
weight = 1
url = ""
name = "Gitlab"
icon = "fa-brands fa-gitlab fa-2x"
weight = 2
url = ""
name = "Twitter"
icon = "fa-brands fa-x-twitter fa-2x"
weight = 3
url = ""
Menu Items are optional. To use them you will need to set all the following required parameters for each icon.
Configuration | Type | Required | Description | Example |
name | string | Yes | Menu Item name. | "Posts" |
weight | int | Yes | Menu Item order. | 1 |
url | string | Yes | URL to redirect. | "/posts/" |
class | string | No | Menu Item extra class attribute. | "menu-item" |
target | string | No | URL target attribute. | "_blank" |
rel | string | No | URL rel attribute. | "alternate" |
type | string | No | URL type attribute. | "application/rss+xml" |
An example:
name = "Blog"
weight = 1
url = "posts/"
name = "About"
weight = 2
url = "about/"
CSP stands for Content Security Policy. These configurations are optional. To use them you will need to set all the following required parameters. See here for reference.
Configuration | Type | Required | Description | Example |
childsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
fontsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
formaction | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
framesrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
imgsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
objectsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
stylesrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
scriptsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
connectsrc | string list | Yes | ["'self'"] |
An example:
childsrc = ["'self'"]
fontsrc = [
formaction = ["'self'"]
framesrc = ["'self'"]
imgsrc = ["'self'"]
objectsrc = ["'none'"]
stylesrc = [
scriptsrc = [
# connect-src directive – defines valid targets for XMLHttpRequest (AJAX), WebSockets or EventSource
connectsrc = ["'self'"]
This is a complete configuration example with some recommended values.
baseurl = ""
title = "johndoe"
theme = "hugo-coder"
languagecode = "en"
defaultcontentlanguage = "en"
pagerSize = 20
shortname = "yourdiscussshortname"
style = "github-dark"
author = "John Doe"
info = "Full Stack DevOps and Magician"
description = "John Doe's personal website"
keywords = "blog,developer,personal"
avatarurl = "images/avatar.jpg"
#gravatar = "[email protected]"
faviconSVG = "/img/favicon.svg"
favicon_32 = "/img/favicon-32x32.png"
favicon_16 = "/img/favicon-16x16.png"
since = 2019
enableTwemoji = true
colorScheme = "auto"
hidecolorschemetoggle = false
# customCSS = ["css/custom.css"]
# customSCSS = ["scss/custom.scss"]
# customJS = ["js/custom.js"]
category = "categories"
series = "series"
tag = "tags"
author = "authors"
# Social links
name = "Github"
icon = "fa-brands fa-github fa-2x"
weight = 1
url = ""
name = "Gitlab"
icon = "fa-brands fa-gitlab fa-2x"
weight = 2
url = ""
name = "Twitter"
icon = "fa-brands fa-x-twitter fa-2x"
weight = 3
url = ""
# Menu links
name = "Blog"
weight = 1
url = "posts/"
name = "About"
weight = 2
url = "about/"
Hugo documentation:
This theme includes one content type:
- Posts, useful to display blog posts
These are the front matter variables used by hugo-coder
Name | Type | Required | Description | Default | Example |
tags | list | No | Add tag(s) to this post. | ["Hugo", "Go"] |
categories | list | No | Add categorie(s) to this post. | ["Hugo", "Go"] |
series | list | No | Add series to this post (used by OpenGraph). | ["Theme Demo"] |
author | list | No | Add author to this post. | ["John Doe"] |
externalLink | string | No | Link to an external post. | "" |
featuredImage | string | No | Link/path to add an image below post metadata. | "" |
math | bool | No | If true, MathJax is enabled only for this post. | false |
true or false |
katex | bool | No | If true, KaTeX is enabled only for this post. | false |
true or false |
disableComments | bool | No | If true, comments are disabled. | false |
true or false |
canonicalUrl | string | No | Link to override in | false |
"" |
"tags", "categories", "series" and "authors" are taxonomies defined in the