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Test Framework on-top of xunit providing enforced structure for gherkin style tests.

NuGet version

A Feature (test class) contains Scenarios (test methods) and they have simple steps which call methods on a corresponding Given, When and Then class.

A scenario looks something like this:

public class BasicExampleFeature
 : Feature<BasicExampleFeatureGiven, BasicExampleFeatureWhen, BasicExampleFeatureThen>
    public void IGetFullNameFromNames()


A more familiar approach to Dependency Injection is implemented for this framework by using Host.CreateDefaultBuilder() (you can also pass in your own IHostBuilder). This means that there is automatically support for appsettings.json and other standard utilities.

Getting Started

  1. Install the standard Nuget package into your xunit test project. Install-Package XFeatureTest
  2. Create a class in your xunit test project to configure the test run host, add any services to be injected into your Given, When, Then classes.
using XFeatureTest.Hosting;
using Xunit;
using Xunit.Abstractions;
using Xunit.Sdk;

[assembly: TestFramework(Startup.AssemblyQualifiedName, Startup.AssemblyName)]

namespace ExampleTestProject
    /// <summary>
    ///     Runs once at the assembly initialize point... i.e. start of the test run
    /// </summary>
    public class Startup : XunitTestFramework
        public const string AssemblyQualifiedName = "ExampleTestProject.Startup";
        public const string AssemblyName = "ExampleTestProject";

        public Startup(IMessageSink messageSink) : base(messageSink)
            // Will create a Host.CreateDefaultBuilder host so include appsettings.json etc.

        public void ConfigureServices(HostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services)
            // Configure any services or options

Singletons will last the lifetime of the entire test run and scoped services will live for the lifetime of a single test/scenario.

  1. Create a feature which will contain your scenarios.

Scenarios are written using standard Fact/Theory xunit methods. The feature class should inherit from XFeatureTest.Features.Feature<> with corresponding Given, When, Then Classes created.

public class ExampleFeature : Feature<ExampleFeatureGiven, ExampleFeatureWhen, ExampleFeatureThen>
	public ExampleFeature(ITestOutputHelper testOutputHelper) : base(testOutputHelper)
	{ }

Preconditions and test data creation should be done in the Given class.

public class ExampleGiven : FeatureGiven
    public ExampleGiven(ScenarioOutput output) : base(output)
    { }

Actions should be carried out and the outcomes captured in the When class. The actions should use preconditions from the Given class.

public class ExampleWhen : FeatureWhen<ExampleGiven>
    public ExampleWhen(ScenarioOutput output, ExampleGiven given) : base(output, given)
    { }

Assertions using the Given preconditions and When outcomes should be performed in the Then class.

public class ExampleThen : FeatureThen<ExampleGiven, ExampleWhen>
    public ExampleThen(ScenarioOutput output, ExampleGiven given, ExampleWhen when) : base(output, given, when)
    { }

Any registered services can be injected into the given when or then classes.

  1. Register your feature and it's Given, When, Then class using the Feature class RegisterServices method.
public Startup(IMessageSink messageSink) : base(messageSink)
    // Will create a Host.CreateDefaultBuilder host so include appsettings.json etc.

public void ConfigureServices(HostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services)
	// Configure any services or options

Scenario Text Output

Given, When, Then, Feature, Scenario and Cleanup descriptions can be added to the test output. In the Feature class scenario/test methods, Given, When or Then methods simply add OutputScenarioText(); and the name of the current method will be output, formatted as a sentence or you can provide your own text.

Example output:

12:42:41 FEATURE basic example feature
12:42:41 SCENARIO i get full name from names
12:42:41 GIVEN a first name
12:42:41   AND a last name
12:42:41 WHEN  i get full name
12:42:41 THEN  full name is first name plus last name
12:42:41 CLEANUP cleaning up name data.

The output can be customised by adding a service providing ScenarioOutputOptions e.g.

public void ConfigureServices(HostBuilderContext context, IServiceCollection services)
  ScenarioOutputOptions options = ScenarioOutputOptionsFactory.DefaultOptions;

Test Initialisation and Cleanup

As per standard xunit approach, test initialisation and cleanup for each scenario/test can be added as follows:

  • put initalisation code in the class constructor

  • implment the IDisposable interface in your feature/test class and put the cleanup code in the Dispose() method

For asynchronous initialisation and cleanup implement IAsyncLifetime in your feature/test class then:

  • put initalisation code in the InitializeAsync() method
  • put the cleanup code in the DisposeAsync() method

InitializeAsync will be called right after the constructor is invoked, and DisposeAsync just before Dispose, if it exists, is called.