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Review PRs up to 40% faster. Pinpoint highest tech debt directories. Most engineer-friendly Developer Analytic velocity stats
1,599 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Starter, Pro, Elite, and Enterprise plans available.

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GitClear helps every member of an engineering team understand their team's code and velocity with the clarity of a seasoned Technical Manager.

We offer more than 20 reports to ensure high-quality code is delivered to customers at industry-leading speed:

  1. DORA stats (rate of deploy/defects, time to fix defects, Cycle Time) vs industry norms
  2. How healthy are the team's PR collaboration practices?
  3. What tickets are underway? How long until they're done?
  4. Who's paying down tech debt?

We differentiate from other Developer Analytics tools by offering the first Developer-Friendly Code Analytics tool. GitClear offers stats explicitly designed to thwart misuse.

Why? When developers hear their commit history is being instrumented, it's natural for them to be suspicious about the unexpected consequences to follow. While our competitors create opaque metrics lacking reference docs, GitClear has created a metric substantiated by peer-reviewed research. We prove that our "Line Impact" metric correlates with meaningful code change better than Commit Count or Lines of Code.

Learn why thousands of teams trust GitClear to delivery timely insights at a fraction of the cost of sales-driven solutions.

Pinpoint recently changed directories with a high ratio of "time spent vs. meaningful code changed"

Supported languages

JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, Go, Rust, TypeScript, CSS, and HTML

Plans and pricing

For small projects that seek better clarity & code review
For small-to-mid-sized projects looking to ship faster
$12 / Active developer / month
For organizations only
  • Up to 25 repos
  • 3 year data window
  • Up to 100,000 commits processed
  • Up to 1,000 pull requests processed
For teams looking to maximize stability and shipping velocity
$26 / Active developer / month
An on-prem option built to maximize data control and security
$39 / Active developer / month
$12 / Active developer / month

Next: Confirm your installation location and payment information

GitClear is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation


Review PRs up to 40% faster. Pinpoint highest tech debt directories. Most engineer-friendly Developer Analytic velocity stats
1,599 installs


GitHub has verified the publisher's identity, ownership of their domain, and compliance with other requirements.


Starter, Pro, Elite, and Enterprise plans available.

Supported languages

JavaScript, Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, Go, Rust, TypeScript, CSS, and HTML