diff --git a/packages/basemap/src/_geoslib.pyx b/packages/basemap/src/_geoslib.pyx
index e078b4f30..d92071b63 100644
--- a/packages/basemap/src/_geoslib.pyx
+++ b/packages/basemap/src/_geoslib.pyx
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import sys
 import numpy
+cimport numpy as cnp
 __version__ = "0.3"
@@ -20,10 +21,9 @@ cdef extern from "numpy/arrayobject.h":
         cdef int flags
     npy_intp PyArray_SIZE(ndarray arr)
     npy_intp PyArray_ISCONTIGUOUS(ndarray arr)
-    void import_array()
 # Initialize numpy
@@ -47,71 +47,71 @@ cdef extern from "geos_c.h":
-    ctypedef struct GEOSGeom:
+    ctypedef struct GEOSGeometry:
-    ctypedef struct GEOSCoordSeq:
+    ctypedef struct GEOSCoordSequence:
     # Cython 3: Next ctypedef needs "noexcept" declaration unless
     # the compiler directive "legacy_implicit_noexcept" is used
     # ("noexcept" syntax supported since Cython 0.29.31).
-    ctypedef void (*GEOSMessageHandler)(char *fmt, char *list)
+    ctypedef void (*GEOSMessageHandler)(const char *fmt, ...)
     char *GEOSversion()
     void initGEOS(GEOSMessageHandler notice_function, GEOSMessageHandler error_function)
     void finishGEOS()
-    GEOSCoordSeq *GEOSCoordSeq_create(unsigned int size, unsigned int dims)
-    void GEOSCoordSeq_destroy(GEOSCoordSeq* s)
-    int GEOSCoordSeq_setX(GEOSCoordSeq* s,unsigned int idx, double val)
-    int GEOSCoordSeq_setY(GEOSCoordSeq* s,unsigned int idx, double val)
-    int GEOSCoordSeq_getX(GEOSCoordSeq* s, unsigned int idx, double *val)
-    int GEOSCoordSeq_getY(GEOSCoordSeq* s, unsigned int idx, double *val)
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSUnion(GEOSGeom* g1, GEOSGeom* g2)
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSUnaryUnion(GEOSGeom* g1)
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSEnvelope(GEOSGeom* g1)
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSConvexHull(GEOSGeom* g1)
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSGeom_createPoint(GEOSCoordSeq* s)
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSGeom_createLineString(GEOSCoordSeq* s)
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSGeom_createPolygon(GEOSGeom* shell, GEOSGeom** holes, unsigned int nholes)
-    GEOSGeom  *GEOSGeom_createLinearRing(GEOSCoordSeq* s)
-    void GEOSGeom_destroy(GEOSGeom* g)
+    GEOSCoordSequence *GEOSCoordSeq_create(unsigned int size, unsigned int dims)
+    void GEOSCoordSeq_destroy(GEOSCoordSequence* s)
+    int GEOSCoordSeq_setX(GEOSCoordSequence* s,unsigned int idx, double val)
+    int GEOSCoordSeq_setY(GEOSCoordSequence* s,unsigned int idx, double val)
+    int GEOSCoordSeq_getX(GEOSCoordSequence* s, unsigned int idx, double *val)
+    int GEOSCoordSeq_getY(GEOSCoordSequence* s, unsigned int idx, double *val)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSUnion(GEOSGeometry* g1, GEOSGeometry* g2)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSUnaryUnion(GEOSGeometry* g1)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSEnvelope(GEOSGeometry* g1)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSConvexHull(GEOSGeometry* g1)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSGeom_createPoint(GEOSCoordSequence* s)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSGeom_createLineString(GEOSCoordSequence* s)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSGeom_createPolygon(GEOSGeometry* shell, GEOSGeometry** holes, unsigned int nholes)
+    GEOSGeometry  *GEOSGeom_createLinearRing(GEOSCoordSequence* s)
+    void GEOSGeom_destroy(GEOSGeometry* g)
 # Topology operations - return NULL on exception.
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSIntersection(GEOSGeom* g1, GEOSGeom* g2)
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSSimplify(GEOSGeom* g1, double tolerance)
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSBuffer(GEOSGeom* g1, double width, int quadsegs)
-    GEOSGeom *GEOSTopologyPreserveSimplify(GEOSGeom* g1, double tolerance)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSIntersection(GEOSGeometry* g1, GEOSGeometry* g2)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSSimplify(GEOSGeometry* g1, double tolerance)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSBuffer(GEOSGeometry* g1, double width, int quadsegs)
+    GEOSGeometry *GEOSTopologyPreserveSimplify(GEOSGeometry* g1, double tolerance)
 # Binary/Unary predicate - return 2 on exception, 1 on true, 0 on false
-    char GEOSIntersects(GEOSGeom* g1, GEOSGeom* g2)
-    char GEOSWithin(GEOSGeom* g1, GEOSGeom* g2)
-    char GEOSContains(GEOSGeom* g1, GEOSGeom* g2)
-    char GEOSisEmpty(GEOSGeom* g1)
-    char GEOSisValid(GEOSGeom* g1)
-    char GEOSisSimple(GEOSGeom* g1)
-    char GEOSisRing(GEOSGeom* g1)
+    char GEOSIntersects(GEOSGeometry* g1, GEOSGeometry* g2)
+    char GEOSWithin(GEOSGeometry* g1, GEOSGeometry* g2)
+    char GEOSContains(GEOSGeometry* g1, GEOSGeometry* g2)
+    char GEOSisEmpty(GEOSGeometry* g1)
+    char GEOSisValid(GEOSGeometry* g1)
+    char GEOSisSimple(GEOSGeometry* g1)
+    char GEOSisRing(GEOSGeometry* g1)
 #  Geometry info
-    char *GEOSGeomType(GEOSGeom* g1)
-    int GEOSGeomTypeId(GEOSGeom* g1)
+    char *GEOSGeomType(GEOSGeometry* g1)
+    int GEOSGeomTypeId(GEOSGeometry* g1)
 # Functions: Return 0 on exception, 1 otherwise 
-    int GEOSArea(GEOSGeom* g1, double *area)
-    int GEOSLength(GEOSGeom* g1, double *length)
+    int GEOSArea(GEOSGeometry* g1, double *area)
+    int GEOSLength(GEOSGeometry* g1, double *length)
 # returns -1 on error and 1 for non-multi geoms
-    int GEOSGetNumGeometries(GEOSGeom* g1)
+    int GEOSGetNumGeometries(GEOSGeometry* g1)
 # Return NULL on exception, Geometry must be a Collection.
 # Returned object is a pointer to internal storage:
 # it must NOT be destroyed directly.
-    GEOSGeom  *GEOSGetGeometryN(GEOSGeom* g, int n)
-    int GEOSGetNumInteriorRings(GEOSGeom* g1)
+    GEOSGeometry  *GEOSGetGeometryN(GEOSGeometry* g, int n)
+    int GEOSGetNumInteriorRings(GEOSGeometry* g1)
 # Return NULL on exception, Geometry must be a Polygon.
 # Returned object is a pointer to internal storage:
 # it must NOT be destroyed directly.
-    GEOSGeom  *GEOSGetExteriorRing(GEOSGeom* g)
+    GEOSGeometry  *GEOSGetExteriorRing(GEOSGeometry* g)
 # Return NULL on exception.
 # Geometry must be a LineString, LinearRing or Point.
-    GEOSCoordSeq  *GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(GEOSGeom* g)
-    int GEOSCoordSeq_getSize(GEOSCoordSeq *s, unsigned int *size)
+    GEOSCoordSequence  *GEOSGeom_getCoordSeq(const GEOSGeometry* g)
+    int GEOSCoordSeq_getSize(const GEOSCoordSequence *s, unsigned int *size)
 # Cython 3: Next cdef needs "noexcept" declaration unless
 # the compiler directive "legacy_implicit_noexcept" is used
 # ("noexcept" syntax supported since Cython 0.29.31).
-cdef void notice_h(char *fmt, char*msg):
+cdef void notice_h(const char *fmt, ...):
     #format = PyBytes_FromString(fmt)
     #message = PyBytes_FromString(msg)
@@ -124,7 +124,9 @@ cdef void notice_h(char *fmt, char*msg):
 # Cython 3: Next cdef needs "noexcept" declaration unless
 # the compiler directive "legacy_implicit_noexcept" is used
 # ("noexcept" syntax supported since Cython 0.29.31).
-cdef void error_h(char *fmt, char*msg):
+# FIXME: The type should be: error_h(const char *fmt, ...), but
+# Cython does not currently support varargs functions.
+cdef void error_h(const char *fmt, char*msg):
     format = PyBytes_FromString(fmt)
     message = PyBytes_FromString(msg)
@@ -142,10 +144,10 @@ __geos_major_version__ = GEOS_VERSION_MAJOR
 #     raise ValueError('version 2.2.3 of the geos library is required')
 # intialize GEOS (parameters are notice and error function callbacks).
-initGEOS(notice_h, error_h)
+initGEOS(notice_h, <GEOSMessageHandler>error_h)
 cdef class BaseGeometry:
-    cdef GEOSGeom *_geom
+    cdef GEOSGeometry *_geom
     cdef unsigned int _npts
     cdef public object boundary
@@ -161,8 +163,8 @@ cdef class BaseGeometry:
         return PyBytes_FromString(GEOSGeomType(self._geom))
     def within(self, BaseGeometry geom):
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g1
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g2
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g1
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g2
         cdef char answer
         g1 = self._geom
         g2 = geom._geom
@@ -173,10 +175,10 @@ cdef class BaseGeometry:
             return False
     def union(self, BaseGeometry geom):
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g1
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g2
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g3
-        cdef GEOSGeom *gout
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g1
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g2
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g3
+        cdef const GEOSGeometry *gout
         cdef int numgeoms, i, typeid
         g1 = self._geom
         g2 = geom._geom
@@ -206,9 +208,9 @@ cdef class BaseGeometry:
         return p
     def simplify(self, tol):
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g1
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g3
-        cdef GEOSGeom *gout
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g1
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g3
+        cdef const GEOSGeometry *gout
         cdef double tolerance
         cdef int numgeoms, i, typeid
         g1 = self._geom
@@ -239,9 +241,9 @@ cdef class BaseGeometry:
         return p
     def fix(self):
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g1
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g3
-        cdef GEOSGeom *gout
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g1
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g3
+        cdef const GEOSGeometry *gout
         cdef int numgeoms, i, typeid
         g1 = self._geom
         g3 = GEOSBuffer(g1, 0., 0)
@@ -270,8 +272,8 @@ cdef class BaseGeometry:
         return p
     def intersects(self, BaseGeometry geom):
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g1
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g2
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g1
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g2
         cdef char answer
         g1 = self._geom
         g2 = geom._geom
@@ -282,10 +284,10 @@ cdef class BaseGeometry:
             return False
     def intersection(self, BaseGeometry geom):
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g1
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g2
-        cdef GEOSGeom *g3
-        cdef GEOSGeom *gout
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g1
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g2
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *g3
+        cdef const GEOSGeometry *gout
         cdef char answer
         cdef int numgeoms, i, typeid
         g1 = self._geom
@@ -341,8 +343,8 @@ cdef class Polygon(BaseGeometry):
         cdef unsigned int M, m, i
         cdef double dx, dy
         cdef double *bbuffer
-        cdef GEOSCoordSeq *cs
-        cdef GEOSGeom *lr
+        cdef GEOSCoordSequence *cs
+        cdef GEOSGeometry *lr
@@ -396,7 +398,7 @@ cdef class Polygon(BaseGeometry):
 cdef class LineString(BaseGeometry):
     def __init__(self, ndarray b):
         cdef double dx, dy
-        cdef GEOSCoordSeq *cs
+        cdef GEOSCoordSequence *cs
         cdef int i, M
         cdef double *bbuffer
@@ -429,7 +431,7 @@ cdef class Point(BaseGeometry):
     cdef public x,y
     def __init__(self, b):
         cdef double dx, dy
-        cdef GEOSCoordSeq *cs
+        cdef GEOSCoordSequence *cs
         # Create a coordinate sequence
         cs = GEOSCoordSeq_create(1, 2)
         dx = b[0]; dy = b[1]
@@ -439,9 +441,9 @@ cdef class Point(BaseGeometry):
         self._npts = 1
         self.boundary = b
-cdef _get_coords(GEOSGeom *geom):
-    cdef GEOSCoordSeq *cs
-    cdef GEOSGeom *lr
+cdef _get_coords(const GEOSGeometry *geom):
+    cdef const GEOSCoordSequence *cs
+    cdef const GEOSGeometry *lr
     cdef unsigned int i, M
     cdef double dx, dy
     cdef ndarray b