The following documentation assumes that the Wikibase instance we work with is Wikidata (using the wd
command, which is just an alias of the wb
command bound to Wikidata config), unless specified otherwise (using the wb
command and custom instance host (-i
) and SPARQL endpoint (-e
- wb summary
- wb search
- wb label
- wb description
- wb aliases
- wb lemma
- wb claims
- wb data
- wb generate-template
- wb revisions
- wb id
- wb props
- wb sparql
- wb query
- wb convert
- wb open
- wb hub
- wb lang
- wb badges
Working with Wikibase, we often end up with obscure ids. We can always look-up those ids labels on the website but that means loading pages and pages, when a small API call and parsing could return just what we need: a label, a description, and some claims to know what we are dealing with.
wb summary <entities ids>
# Alias:
wb u <entities ids>
wd summary Q27477672
# Can take multiple ids from all the supported entity types: item, lexeme, property
wd summary Q18120925 L525 P123
# With custom properties on an other Wikibase instance
wb summary Q5 -l en -p P2,P12 -i -e
-p, --properties <properties>
: override default summary properties (separated by a comma)-l, --lang <lang>
: specify the summary's language-v, --verbose
: log all claims
wb search <query>
# Alias: (the s was already used by 'wb summary', so 'f' as 'find')
wb f <query>
wd search Ligo
# Q255371 Laser — Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory gravitational-wave detector
# Q18461808 Ligo — Italian town
# Q36946800 Ligo — family name
# Q30026643 Ligonchio — chief town of the homonym municipality
# Q30026645 Ligosullo — chief town of the homonym municipality
# Q18494373 Ligone (Santa Maria)
# Q2520468 Ligonier
# Q70330 Ligornetto
# Q785105 Ligonier, Pennsylvania — borough of Pennsylvania
# Q1781427 Ligorio López — Mexican footballer
wb search eagle -i
# Q5 EAGLE Wikibase wikibase instance created for the Europeana Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy project
-l, --lang <lang>
: specify the results labels and descriptions language-t, --type <type>
: set a custom type: i|item, p|property, l|lexeme, f|form, s|sense (Default: item)-n, --limit <num>
: set a custom limit (defaults to 20)-j, --json
: format the result as JSON-v, --verbose
: display rich results (aka summaries)-p, --properties <comma separted properties ids>
: request additional properties (implies verbose mode)--cirrus
: Use the Cirrus search rather than the defaultwbsearchentities
# Display search results with publication dates
wd search --properties P577 "Harry Potter"
# Search properties (but `wb props` might be doing a better job)
wd search --type property "date"
# Search lexemes
wd search --type lexeme "date"
# Search forms
wd search --type form "code"
# Searching senses doesn't seem to work currently (2020-04-17)
wd search --type sense "test"
# Use Cirrus search to find humans (Q5) matching "porte"
wd search --cirrus "porte haswbstatement:P31=Q5"
wb label <entities ids>
# Alias:
wb l <entities ids>
wd label Q1103345
# => The Cluetrain Manifesto
wd label Q18120925 Q22117436 Q22117437
wb label Q7 -i
# => PlantData
-c, --clipboard
: copy the command's result to the clipboard-l, --lang <lang>
: specify the label's language
wb label Q1103345 -l de
# => Cluetrain-Manifest
wb label Q123 -l zh
# => 9月
NB: when no
is specified, the command will try to fallback on English, or whatever language value can be found
Alternatively, if you were wanting to get labels in a csv format, a combination of wb data
and jq
might suit you better:
echo Q12377508 Q193943 | wd data --props labels --simplify | jq -r '[.id, .labels.en // first(.labels[])] | @csv'
wb description <entities ids>
# Alias: (the d was already used by 'wb data')
wb desc <entities ids>
wb description Q1103345
wb description Q18120925 Q22117436 Q22117437
-c, --clipboard
: copy the command's result to the clipboard-l, --lang <lang>
: specify the description's language
wb aliases <entities ids>
# Alias:
wb a <entities ids>
wb aliases Q1103345
wb aliases Q18120925 Q22117436 Q22117437
-c, --clipboard
: copy the command's result to the clipboard-l, --lang <lang>
: specify the aliases's language
wb lemma <lexeme ids>
wb lemma L1
wd lemma L1 L2 L3
-c, --clipboard
: copy the command's result to the clipboard-l, --lang <lang>
: specify the lemma's language
A quick way to access the claims of an entity
wb claims <entities ids> [property id or pattern]
# Alias:
wb c <entities ids> [property id or pattern]
# all Q2001's claims
wd claims Q2001
# or just his place of birth
wd claims Q2001 P19
# or just the claims from properties of type Url
wd claims Q2001 Url
# or just the claims from properties with labels matching "library"
wd claims Q2001 library
# or website, etc
wd claims Q2001 website
# all claims
wb claims Q7 -i -e
-l, --lang <lang>
: specify the properties labels' language
wd claims Q2001 --lang es
-a, --all
: include all claims, not only the truthy ones
# one result: the claim with the preferred rank
wd claims Q858121 P2002
# several results: claims of all ranks
wd claims Q858121 P2002 --all
Options when passing both an id an property:
-c, --clipboard
: copy the command's result to clipboard-j, --json
: format the result as JSON
If a property and a value are provided, wb claims
returns the matching claims GUIDs
wd claims Q2013 P2689 1940 --json
# => [ "Q2013$2bcdb018-47a0-5175-eade-1dd6dea2b53d" ]
A quick way to access an entity's raw JSON data
wb data <entities ids>
# Alias:
wb d <entities ids>
wd data Q1496
This simply outputs the result of
, parsed to keep only what is relevant to the requested entity (here Q1496).
The output is valid json, so it lets you the possibility to pipe it to a JSON parser such as jq:
wd data Q1496 | jq
# => {"language":"pt","value":"Fernão de Magalhães"}
You can also request several entities at once by passing several ids. This outputs newline delimited JSON: one entity per-line, each line being valid JSON, but not the whole file as a whole.
wd data Q1 Q2 Q3 L57332 P2114
wb data Q5 Q6 Q7 -i
Alternatively, you can pass ids from stdin:
echo "Q1496 Q123" | wd data
This especially make sense when you have thousands of ids to pass, passing them as arguments would fail. See wb sparql all-instances
You can request entities to be simplified, using wikibase-sdk simplify.entity
wd data --simplify Q515168
# pass options to the simplify function
wd data --simplify --keep ids,nontruthy,ranks Q123
You can customize the output by passing the list of data elements to keep:
wd data --simplify --keep ids,richvalues,types,references,qualifiers,hashes,nontruthy,ranks,badges Q123
# equivalent to
wd data --simplify --keep all Q123
# Can be useful to easily access claims ids
wd d -sk ids Q123 | jq .claims.P138 -j
options for behavior details
Customize the format of time values
wd data --simplify --time-converter simple-day Q52#P571
Available values: iso
, epoch
, simple-day
, none
, see wikibase-sdk documentation on time parsers for behavior details
Only request properties you need among labels
wd data --props labels,claims,sitelinks Q515168
wd data --props lemmas,forms L525
Or even subparts of those properties
wd data --props,claims.P18,claims.P580,sitelinks.dewiki Q515168
Which can be rewritten in a more lazy format (but being less specific, it actually also try to give you descriptions and aliases in French)
wd data --props fr,P18,P580,dewiki Q515168
wd data Q4115189 --revision 943703455
Entities can be requested in Turtle
wd data --format ttl Q123 Q3548931 Q515168
wb data --format ttl Q5 Q6 Q7 -i
Fetch many entities from a SPARQL request, using wb sparql
wb sparql ./some_request_that_select_entities.rq > entities_ids
cat entities_ids | wb data --format ttl > entities.ttl
The same can be done using wb query
wd query --property P50 --object Q237087 > fred_vargas_books_ids
cat fred_vargas_books_ids | wd data --format ttl > fred_vargas_books.ttl
NB: other options such as filtered properties will be ignored
This can be used to generated partial Turtle dumps, if Wikibase full dump is too big for your needs, but be aware that it is way less efficient that its NDJSON (the default format) counterpart: while for NDJSON, entities are fetched by batches of 50 (the Wikibase API limit), in TTL, entities are fetched one by one, using the /wiki/Special:EntityData/Qxxx.ttl
wb data
does not return csv natively, you are instead invited to combine it with a tool such as jq to build an array of values and format it as csv. Example:
# Get entities English labels as csv
echo Q12377508 Q193943 | wd data --props labels.en --simplify | jq -r '[.id, .labels.en] | @csv'
# Get entities English labels as csv, and fallback on any other language if the English label is missing
echo Q12377508 Q193943 | wd data --props labels --simplify | jq -r '[.id, .labels.en // first(.labels[])] | @csv'
You can also use this command to get the data of an entity's claims for a certain property
wd data 'Q2#P31'
wd data --simplify 'Q2#P31'
wd data --simplify --keep ids,references,qualifiers,hashes 'Q2#P31'
The command also support finding a single claim from a claim GUID. (If you have a use case where you would need to fetch several claims at once this way, feel welcome to open an issue)
wd data 'Q1345582$EF038A46-C46B-4058-8514-A6EB5897A9E1'
wd data --simplify 'Q1345582$EF038A46-C46B-4058-8514-A6EB5897A9E1'
wd data --simplify --keep ids,references,qualifiers,hashes 'Q1345582$EF038A46-C46B-4058-8514-A6EB5897A9E1'
To avoid having to quote the claim GUID, you can also use the hyphenated format
wd data Q1345582-EF038A46-C46B-4058-8514-A6EB5897A9E1
wd data E35
This command lets you generate a data file (JSON by default) pre-formatted to be passed as input of wb create-entity
or wb edit-entity
wb generate-template <entity-id>
# Alias:
wb gt <entity-id>
# Get Q123 pre-formatted data
wd generate-template Q4115189 > Q4115189.edit-template.cjs
# Then the typical workflow would be to edit the generated file as you please,
# before passing it back to the `wb edit-entity` command
wd edit-entity ./Q4115189.edit-template.cjs
# Working with a JS file allows a lighter syntax, and to add entities labels
# but if you prefer to work with JSON, that's possible:
wd generate-template Q4115189 --format json > Q4115189.edit-template.json
# If your goal is to use an entity as a base to create a new entity,
# you should use --create-mode
wd generate-template Q4115189 --create-mode > Q4115189.create-template.cjs
# This is typically fit to be used in preparation for the `wb create-entity` command
wd create-entity ./Q4115189.create-template.cjs
# But that id- and guid-less template can be turned back into an addition-only edit template
# by setting an `id` in the returned object
wd edit-entity ./Q4115189.create-template.cjs Q123
# For reference,
wd generate-template --format json Q4115189
# is equivalent to
wd data --simplify --keep ids,references,qualifiers,hashes,snaktypes Q4115189
-f, --format <json|js|mjs>
: output template in the desired format. When requesting only one entity, defaults tojs
. Defaults tojson
when requesting several entities.-m, --create-mode
: optimize for creating an entity from a previously existing one, namely dropping ids from the existing entity used as template
# Only get data required to edit the labels, claims and sitelinks
wd generate-template Q4115189 --props labels,claims,sitelinks
# Only get data required to edit the Dutch label, the P31 claims, and the frwiki sitelink
wd generate-template Q4115189 --props,claims.P31,sitelinks.frwiki
# Only get
# - terms (labels, descriptions, and aliases) in Russian
# - P31 and P659 claims (with a lazy syntax)
# - Spanish Wikipedia sitelinks (with a lazy syntax)
wd generate-template Q4115189 --props ru,P31,P659,eswiki
# Get the generate-template as a Javascript module,
# ready to be customized to take arguments from the command-line,
# which is typically useful to edit or create several entities with one template
wb generate-template Q123 --format js > template.js
# Call the generated JS generate-template after customization
# by passing the required arguments
wb create-entity ./template.js foo bar 456 ''
wb create-entity ./template.js buz bla 987 ''
# Pass ids as arguments
wb generate-template Q123 Q124
# or on stdin (useful especially when there are many ids)
echo Q123 Q124 | wb generate-template
Generating many templates at once can be useful, for instance to apply the same custom modification to many entities
Example: let's imagine that you want to create a P370 claim for each P1106 claims, where the P370 value would be the P1106 value prefixed by -foobar
, and remove the P1106 claim.
# Find the ids of entities to modify (see the content of find_entities_with_P1106_claims.rq below)
wd sparql ./find_entities_with_P1106_claims.rq > ids
# Get one template per line, requesting only the P1106 claims to let all the rest of the entity intact
cat ids | wd generate-template --props P1106 > templates.ndjson
# Apply a JS function (see the content of transform_P1106_into_P370.js below)
# using
cat templates.ndjson | ndjson-apply ./transform_P1106_into_P370.js > cleaned_up_templates.ndjson
cat cleaned_up_templates.ndjson | wd edit-entity --batch --summary 'doing what needed to be done'
# Or for short, if you know what you are doing and don't want to inspect intermediary results
wd sparql ./find_entities_ids.rq |
# --props P1106: limit the data to edit to just P1106 claims
# --no-minimize: used to get a consistent output format (single claims will still be in arrays)
wd generate-template --props P1106 --no-minimize |
ndjson-apply ./transform_P1106_into_P370.js |
wd edit-entity --batch --summary 'doing what needed to be done'
Where ./find_entities_with_P1106_claims.rq
could be something like:
# find_entities_with_P1106_claims.rq
SELECT ?item {
?item wdt:P1106 ?value .
and ./transform_P1106_into_P370.js
could be something like:
// transform_P1106_into_P370.js
module.exports = function (entity) {
return {
claims: {
const generateP370ClaimFromP1106Claim = function (claim) {
return {
value: `${claim.value.amount}-foobar`,
references: {
P854: ''
const removeClaim = function (claim) {
return {
remove: true
wd generate-template Q4115189 --revision 943703455
Use cases:
- Easily recover specific data elements from a previous revision
wd generate-template Q4115189 --revision 943703455 --props claims.P516 > ./Q4115189_lost_P516_claims.json
wd edit-entity ./Q4115189_lost_P516_claims.json
Get entities revisions data
wb revisions <entities ids>
# Alias:
wb r <entities ids>
wd revisions Q3548931
wd r Q3548931
wd r Property:P31
# The requested ids can also be passed from stdin
echo 'Q1032158
Q5420639' | wd r
-s, --start <time>
: specify a start time (date format)-e, --end <time>
: specify an end time (date format)-l, --limit <time>
: specify a limit number of revision (default and max = 500)-p, --props <props>
: requested props, separated by a comma. Available props:
This one is kind of the inverse of wb label
: pass it the title of a Wikipedia article and it will return the corresponding Wikidata id
Status command: still very much coupled to Wikidata, especially for sitelinks resolution
wb id <article title or any Wikimedia project URL>
wd id Cantabria
# => Q3946
wd id New Delhi
# => Q987
-v, --verbose
: make the output more verbose-c, --clipboard
: copy the command's result to the clipboard-l, --lang <lang>
: specify from which language the title comes By default, it will look at the Wikipedia corresponding to your environment local language (process.env.LANG
), but you can specify another language by passing a 2-letters language code
wd id -l fr science politique
# => Q36442
You can also pass it full Wikipedia urls and let it deduce the language from there
wd id
# => Q9358
wd id
# => Q3816
A command to access the list of all Wikibase properties in a given language (by default the environment local language)
wb props [filter]
# Alias:
wb p [filter]
By default, your config or environment language is used:
wd props
Outputs a JSON object of the kind:
"P2897": "identifiant Eldoblaje Movie",
"P2898": null,
"P2899": "âge minimal",
NB: properties without a label in the requested language are set to
, as you can see above for P2898 in French
This is especially convenient when you're looking for a property:
# look for a property having "image" in its label, description or aliases (case insensitive unless the argument contains capitals)
wd props photo
"P18": "image",
"P344": "director of photography",
"P1259": "coordinates of the point of view",
"P1442": "image of grave",
"P1847": "Nasjonalbiblioteket photographer ID",
"P1947": "Mapillary ID",
"P1966": "Biblioteca Nacional de Chile catalogue number",
"P2033": "Category for pictures taken with camera",
"P2061": "aspect ratio",
"P2485": "Fashion Model Directory photographer ID",
"P2634": "model",
"P2750": "Photographers' Identities Catalog ID",
"P3269": " ID",
"P3293": "BALaT image ID",
"P4082": "image captured with",
"P4640": "photosphere image",
"P4759": "Luminous-Lint ID",
"P5023": "activity policy in this place",
"P5160": "Thesaurus For Graphic Materials ID"
Matching on labels, descriptions, and aliases can come very handy in cases such as the following:
wd props RSS
"P1019": "feed URL"
But in case you want to match only on labels (ignoring descriptions, and aliases), you can pass the pattern to grep
wd props | grep photo
Option: -l, --lang <lang>
: specify the properties labels language
wd props -l sv
# outputs the properties in Swedish
Every property accepts values of a precise type, one of CommonsMedia
, ExternalId
, String
, WikibaseItem
, Time
, GlobeCoordinate
, Monolingualtext
, Quantity
, Url
, WikibaseProperty
, or Math
Option: -t, --type
: include properties types
wd props --type
"P6": { "label": "head of government", "type": "WikibaseItem" },
"P10": { "label": "video", "type": "CommonsMedia" },
"P14": { "label": "graphic symbol of thoroughfare", "type": "CommonsMedia" },
"P15": { "label": "route map", "type": "CommonsMedia" },
"P16": { "label": "highway system", "type": "WikibaseItem" },
"P17": { "label": "country", "type": "WikibaseItem" },
"P18": { "label": "image", "type": "CommonsMedia" },
"P19": { "label": "place of birth", "type": "WikibaseItem" },
"P20": { "label": "place of death", "type": "WikibaseItem" },
Re-using the possibility to pass a pattern to match, you can pass a property type
wd props --type Url
wd props --type CommonsMedia
NB: make sure to respect the case to get an exact match, otherwise it only match on the labels, descriptions and aliases.
wd props --details
wb props
first tries to find the list in the props
folder (created at wikibase-cli root), and request them to if missing.
This means that after a while, your local version will miss new and updated properties: this can be solved by using the --reset
or --no-cache
Option: --no-cache
: ignore properties cache: fetch properties from the SPARQL endpoint, even if already cached
Option: -r, --reset
: clear cached properties, in all languages
A command to run a SPARQL query and get its JSON output
wb sparql <sparql or javascript file path>
From this SPARQL query file:
# author_works.rq
?work wdt:P50 wd:Q42 .
get its output from your terminal like so:
wb sparql ./path/to/author_works.rq > ./results.json
-r, --raw
: output raw SPARQL results (instead of results simplified by wikibase-sdksimplifySparqlResults
function-f, --format <format>
: set output format:json
. Default:table
when 1 value is selected,json
otherwise.-x, --index <variable>
: get the results indexed by one of the SELECTed variables-e, --sparql-endpoint <url>
: customize the SPARQL endpoint-v, --verbose
: log the generated SPARQL-d, --dry
: output the SPARQL without running the query-o, --open
: open the query in the Query Service GUI
wb sparql ./path/to/query.rq > ./results.json
wb sparql ./path/to/query.rq --raw > ./raw_sparql_results.json
wb sparql ./path/to/query.rq --index someVariableName > ./results_index.json
wb sparql ./path/to/query.rq --format table > ./results_table
wb sparql ./path/to/query.rq --format tsv > ./results.tsv
This command can actually be used on any SPARQL endpoint:
echo 'SELECT * { ?s ?p ?o } LIMIT 5' > ./get_some_triples.rq
# On Wikidata
wd sparql ./get_some_triples.rq
# On another Wikibase
wb sparql ./get_some_triples.rq -e
# On a non-Wikibase SPARQL endpoint
wb sparql ./get_some_triples.rq -e
Alernatively, you can pass the path from a javascript file exporting a function, the remaining arguments will be passed to the function:
// author_works.js
export default function (authorId) {
return `SELECT ?item { ?item wdt:P50 wd:${authorId} . }`
That function can also be async:
// author_works_from_external_id.js
export default async function (externalIdProperty, externalIdValue) {
const authorId = await getAuthorIdFromWorkId(externalIdProperty, externalIdValue)
return `SELECT ?item { ?item wdt:P50 wd:${authorId} . }`
Or use named export:
// author_roles_works.js
export function getAuthor (authorId) {
return `SELECT ?item { ?item wdt:P50 wd:${authorId} . }`
export function getIllustrator (illustratorId) {
return `SELECT ?item { ?item wdt:P110 wd:${illustratorId} . }`
wd sparql ./path/to/author_works.js Q535 --json > ./Q535_works.json
wd sparql ./path/to/author_works_from_external_id.js P268 11907966z --json > ./P268_11907966z_works.json
wd sparql ./path/to/author_roles_works.js getIllustrator Q1524522 --json > ./Q1524522_works_as_illustrator.json
# Btw, this simple query could actually have been done using the `wd query` command
wd query --property P110 --object Q1524522
You can use it to build alias commands for the requests you use often: the above can then be written
alias authors_works="wd sparql ./path/to/author_works.js --json"
authors_works Q535 > ./Q535_works.json
authors_works Q5879 > ./Q5879_works.json
You also use it to generate a SPARQL file, using the --dry
wb sparql ./path/to/query_template.js --dry > ./query.rq
See wikibase-cli request template collection for some examples.
If you end up using a template often, it can be useful to be able to easily remember how to use it; this can be done by setting metadata in the template to allow the generation of a help menu: see example
wd sparql ./test/assets/query_with_metadata.js --help
format option | comment |
--format table |
One result per line, with simplified values (ex: an item id rather than a URL) in column. Default when only one variable is SELECT ed |
--format json |
Simplified JSON results. Default when several variables are SELECT ed |
--format json --raw |
Return non-simplified JSON results |
--format inline |
Space-separated simplified values. Available when only 1 variable is SELECT ed (fallbacks to json above) |
--format xml |
--format csv |
--format tsv |
--format binrdf |
The wb sparql
command can actually be used with on other SPARQL endpoints:
wb sparql --sparql-endpoint bnf_request.rq
wb sparql --sparql-endpoint --raw --index item dbpedia_request.rq
wb query <options>
# Alias:
wb q <options>
A command to generate and run a simple SPARQL query, passing one or two of the elements that make a statement:
-s, --subject
-p, --property
-o, --object
# what is the entity id matching the twitter username (P2002) "timberners_lee"?
wd query --property P2002 --object timberners_lee
# which works have exoplanets (Q44559) for main subject (P921)?
wd query --property P921 --object Q44559 --labels
# or with the short options syntax
wd query -p P921 -o Q44559 -a
This can also be used to get all the uses of a property
# Get all the subjects and objects linked by the property P2586
wd query --property P2586
NB: if the --object
value could be interpreted as a number (123.456
) but should be a string, make sure to pass it between quotes:
# Doesn't find anything
wd query --property P2448 --object 2217527
# Finds Q138172
wd query --property P2448 --object '"2217527"'
Other options:
-f, --format <format>
: set output format:json
. Default:table
when 1 value is selected,json
otherwise (same aswb sparql
).-r, --raw
: output raw JSON results (instead of results simplified by wikidata-sdksimplifySparqlResults
function-a, --labels
: requests results labels-l, --lang <lang>
: specify the labels' language-n, --limit <num>
: set the request results limit-c, --counts
: return a count of matching results-v, --verbose
: log the generated request-x, --index <variable>
: get the results indexed bysubject
, orobject
-e, --sparql-endpoint <url>
: customize the SPARQL endpoint (seewb sparql
for examples of how to use this option)-d, --dry
: output the SPARQL without running the query-o, --open
: open the query in the Query Service GUI--describe <node>
: make aDESCRIBE
: get a sample of triples from a triple store
Convert batches of external ids to Wikibase ids and vice versa
# From external ids to Wikibase entity ids
wb convert --property <property> --objects <ids...>
wb convert -p <property> -o <ids...>
echo <ids...> | wb convert -p <property> -o
# From Wikibase entity ids to external ids
wb convert --property <property> --subjects <ids...>
wb convert -p <property> -s <ids...>
echo <ids...> | wb convert -p <property> -s
# get the Wikibase ids corresponding to those BNF ids
wd convert -p P268 -o 11865344k 11932251d
# get the BNF ids corresponding to those Wikibase ids
wd convert -p P268 -s Q45 Q140
# the same but taking the ids from stdin
echo Q45 Q140 | wd convert -p P268 -s
# which can be a file
cat ids_list | wd convert -p P268 -s
wd convert -p P268 -s < ids_list
# or any command outputting a list of ids:
# here, we get the INSEE department code (P2586) of all French departments (Q6465)
wd sparql all-instances Q6465 | wd convert -p P2586 -s
NB: this conversion is done by batches of 100, so calling this command with 100,000 ids will sequentially make 1000 requests to the SPARQL endpoint, which isn't very efficient; depending on the size of the dataset you're targetting, you should probably rather request all the ids at once using
wb query --property <your-property-id>
, passing the option--index object
if the data you have at hand is the external ids, and--index subject
if you are instead starting from the Wikibase ids.
Other options:
-v, --verbose
: log the generated request-e, --sparql-endpoint <url>
: customize the SPARQL endpoint (seewb sparql
for examples of how to use this option)
wb open <entities ids>
# Alias:
wb o <entities ids>
A command to open a pages on Wikibase in a browser from the command line (yep, you can be that lazy). For more sophisticated queries, see the wb hub
wd open Q123
# opens in your default browser
wd open P659
# opens
wd open L525
# opens
wd open L525-F1
# opens
wd open L525-S1
# opens
# also working with any string that contains an entity id
wd open
# opens
# on a Custom wikibase instance
wb open Q123 -i http://localhost:8181
# opens http://localhost:8181/entity/Q123
-y, --history
: open the entity history page-t, --talk
: open the entity talk page-r, --revision <id>
: open a specific revision-p, --wikipedia
: open the Wikipedia article-u, --url
: simply generate the url, don't open it in a browser
# open
wd open -y Q123
# open as French is my default system language
wd open -p Q123
-l, --lang <lang>
: specify which Wikipedia edition should be targeted
wd open -p -l sv Q123
# opens instead
wd open -p -l sv Q123 -u
# outputs without opening it in the browser
wd open Dan Simmons
# opens
wd open Q44559 --revision 942578737
wb hub <query>
# Alias:
wb h <query>
A command to open web pages using the Hub. Pass arguments to the Hub as you would from a URL, replacing ? and & by spaces.
Command status: inheriting Wikidata coupling from the Hub
-l, --lang <lang>
: specify which language should be prefered-j, --json
: get the Hub redirection data instead of opening the page in browser
# Find the entity having 24597135 as VIAF id and open the corresponding page on
wd hub viaf:24597135 site=inventaire
# Get the image illustrating Q3 in 300px
wd hub Q3 property=image width=300 --json | jq .destination.url
Identify a language and return its associated data
Command status: coupled to Wikidata languages
get the Wikibase id corresponding to a language code
wd lang ak
# => Q28026
get the language code corresponding to a Wikibase id
wd lang Q28026
# => ak
get languages matching a given string
wd lang slo
# sk Q9058 Slovak Slovenčina
# sl Q9063 Slovenian Slovenščina
-j, --json
: get the full language data as JSON
wd lang ak --json
wd lang Q28026 --json
Both commands return the following data:
"code": "ak",
"label": "Akan",
"native": "Akana",
"wd": "Q28026"
List sitelink badges available on a Wikibase instance
# List badges on the Wikibase instance set in config
wb badges
# List badges on an explicit Wikibase instance
wb badges --instance