Releases: mendix/WorkflowCommons
Releases · mendix/WorkflowCommons
We updated the module for the Workflow changes introduced in Mendix 9.10.0. This version of Workflow Commons requires Mendix 9.10.0 or higher.
- Removed the ‘Task Dashboard’ page and template
- Removed the ‘My Initiated Workflows’ page and template
- Removed the ‘Activity Timeline’ snippets
- Removed the tabs and columns related to completed tasks from the Task Inbox
- Removed metrics related to completed tasks from the Workflow Dashboard
- Updated the Data Widgets module to v2.2.2
The removed pages and snippets will be re-introduced in later releases of Workflow Commons and starter templates.
- Upgraded to Mendix 9.6
- Added change state actions to admin pages. See also Mendix 9.6 release notes Change State action.
- Removed Mendix SSO dependency, Workflow Commons now relies on the Administration module for account details
- Fixed a data retrieval bug on the task dashboard page
- Renamed usage of "Instance" as the system module workflow entities since 9.6 will not append that anymore
Breaking changes:
- The module now requires the Administration module
- The module now relies on DataWidgets instead of DataGrid as Data Grid 2 has moved to that new module
- Updated minimum required Mendix version to 9.3.0
- Fixed minor dashboard overdue workflow and usertask bug where it did not include all overdue items.
- Implemented redesign of timeline to be more helpful
- It now shows the outcome
- Is a bit more dense
- And handles unassigned tasks more elegantly
- Added new "My initiated workflows" page, that gives the initiator of a workflow an overview of their initiated workflows
- Added new "My initiated workflows" page template, similair to the previous item
- The my initiated workflows also comes with a withdraw workflow option which lets the initiator abort workflows they initiated if they are still in progress
- Updated dashboard time period filters to now include this year and last 3 months
- Added task inbox refresh button
- It is now possible to add context information to task inbox grids on the admin page and the task inbox page
- The badge that shows workflow and task instance state no longer renders as a bunch of elements in wysiwyg view and now uses brand colors via dynamic classes
- On the user task page and workflow admin page, the notification box is moved to the sidebar and uses brand colors via classes
- The Workflow TaskDashboard and Workflow TaskInbox page templates now contain preview screenshots when selecting them to create a page
- The generated workflow admin page now contains save and cancel buttons
- As a process admin it is now possible to unassign and (re-)assign to target users
- We refactored the TaskDashboard and WorkflowDashboard datasource logic to optimize performance
- We cleaned up warnings that were a direct cause of logic in the module, the remaining warnings are part of the used widgets
- Fixed an alignment issue on the task inbox pages
- Fixed an access issue with user names on the activity timeline
- For each user task, the selected outcome (if applicable) is now visible in the activity timeline.