id | title | date | version | lastAuthor | mimeType | links | source | wikigdrive |
1bPHrMmurSq75UgvB6JHZ39n2FkPlQGrM9ZGQuhlYy1U |
Word Documents |
2024-07-02T16:52:33.941Z |
183 |
janderson |
text/x-markdown |
0008bcbb1563384efe0a28ada6f97e9432e65f10 |
Watch a Video: Doc Management at 15:34 the word demo begins.
Click the left sidebar tab called E-Chart. Find and open a specific patient's chart.
Click the Add Document link near the top right corner of the screen (or from scheduler) for the patient.
Click the filter of Word. This will filter/pop-up only documents that are available in Word templates/format.
{{% info %}} Word templates are created by MIE or a super-user within your facility. Once they are created, they are accessible to users for upload into patient charts. {{% /info %}}
- Please Select Document Add Method and the choices will appear on the screen view. (If you do not see this, then the chart tab you are in is tied to a specific document type to open. Click another chart tab in the patient's chart (like Doc.Sum tab) and then click add document again.
Choose your document name/description that you wish to create for this patient's chart by finding the document name/description and clicking Word next to it.
The ADD DOCUMENT PROPERTIES box opens at the top left corner of the screen:
- Authored By: You must have security access to this. The security permission is called ‘Transcribe for Others'. Select who the author of this word document is. If you are creating this word document for a physician or someone else, choose their name. You can start typing the last name or first name in the first blank field and the system will auto-complete your typing and display a list of users that match and you can select from there. If you want to select a physician within your practice, use the drop-down arrow in the next field and select from there (this is helpful to narrow down the search). If you are creating this word document yourself (not for anyone else) then choose ME box here. The document will reflect your name as created by: and also within the template if it asks for the dictator name. The name you choose/select, will then appear at the top of these fields. Confirm and make a change if need to. If you do not have security permission to create documents for other users, this field will not be an option. It will automatically put your name on the document you are about to create.
- Document Type: This pops-up the name of this word document you clicked on. If you realize you chose the wrong doc.type, you can use the drop-down arrow here and select the correct word document type.
- Date of Service: Choose the date of service for this word document.
- Service Location: Choose your location. It will not allow you to ‘choose' a location if your facility only has 1 location set up in the {{% system-name %}} system. It will then automatically be filled out.
- Subject: Can type in a subject for the document. The subject displays on a list view summary where documents are displayed and is a searchable field in reports.
- Encounter: You can choose to attach this new document to an encounter for the patient. This will auto-fill with the current encounter number by default, but you can also click the search button and it will pop a select & search patient encounter window to show you all encounters for this patient. If you click the Search within xx days it will search for encounters out in 3 day increments.
Once you've found the encounter you wish to attach this new document to, click the Select Encounter link & it will place the encounter data information in the encounter field.
If you do not want to link this to an encounter, simply delete any encounter number in the encounter field.
- Link to Orders: you can click the down ↓ arrow key (on your keyboard) within this field to see pending e-orders. You can link a document (you are uploading) to a pending e-order(s) and once uploaded it will link to the pending incomplete e-order, and it will automatically mark the linked pending e-order as ‘complete'.
- Case: you can link the document (you are uploading) to a case/incident on the chart. You can click the down ↓ arrow key (on your keyboard) within this field to see any cases/incidents the chart has.
- CC Physicians Please ignore this field for now. This feature will not work until the new active.x word control is available. When the new active.x word control is available, please see other help documentation named CC Physicians.pdf and your MIE implementer will notify you when this feature is available.
Once you have all the Add Document Property fields correctly filled out/chosen, then click ADD DOCUMENT button.
When you click ADD DOCUMENT it will take a couple seconds to open/pull up the word template that you have chosen to work on and add for this patient.
Entry points are symbols in the word documents. They are usually highlighted in yellow color (but not always). These are points where you can quickly use a hotkey to get to and type your information.
When the Word document opens, it will automatically take you to the first entry point of the document.
Start typing in the information for that entry point.
When you are done typing the information, use the hot-keys of control ↓ Hold down the Ctrl key (located on either side of you keyboard near the space bar) and push the down arrow-key on your keyboard (one time) to take you to the next entry point(s). One push of the arrow key (while holding down the Ctrl key) will take you to the next entry point. Each arrow push will take you to another.
You can also use the hot-key of control ↑ (Up arrow-key on your keyboard) to take you back up to the previous entry point(s) to make a change. Type in your information at each entry point. Use the hot-key(s) to proceed.
{{% tip %}} Your facility may be set up for the hot key(s) of Alt ↓ or Alt ↑ (instead of Ctrl). Try Alt if Ctrl doesn't work. This is a system setting for the entire practice, not just for one user. {{% /tip %}}
If you do not want to type anything in an entry point (meaning- leave it blank) then you would just use your hot-key(s) to go thru it and pass it. It will still show the within the document, but after you upload it—it automatically makes it blank (meaning- it will not show or print the symbol).
To type anywhere else within the document, you can use your mouse to click the spot where you want to type. You can then use the hot-key(s) to take you to entry points not typed/filled out already.
When you are completely done with the word document for this patient, select the Upload button you wish.
It is located at the top left corner of the Word screen.
- Upload: Click the UPLOAD button to upload this word document directly into the patient's chart. It may do spell-check (if it was turned on). If there is a spell check alert—complete it or skip it by clicking cancel.
After spell check is complete (or canceled) {{% system-name %}} will automatically upload the word document into the specific patient's chart as that document type/name you chose. This document is now automatically in/uploaded to the specific patient's chart. There is no scanning & indexing of this document needed.
It will pop-up the {{% system-name %}} view of the Word document you just uploaded.
This is how it looks in {{% system-name %}} (even when finding it in DocSum (Document Summary) tab or a specific chart tab to view). If set to any other choice, you would have to find the document you just uploaded by going to DocSum (Document Summary) tab or the specific chart-tab, find the document, open it to view it.
If you don't click the UPLOAD button and try to exit / close out the Word document by clicking X at the top right corner, it will confirm if you want to upload the Word document or not.
When a word document is uploaded into the patient's chart and you view the document from a chart tab or document summary tab, it is stored and viewed as just the text version of the word document. This is displayed this way because it would take too long to open word viewer or word every time you wanted to view one of these documents. To view the word document in its entirety and correct set-up/format, you would simply need to click print if you needed to see the letterhead or physical signature on the document or the correct set-up/layout. To view the word document in its entirety and correct format, simply click print, then click print again, and then cancel the print job, but the document still shows up on your screen to view entirely using the Alternatiff view of the document without printing it out on paper.
If you type a fraction in the word document and it auto-formats it, it will not show that fraction in the text version on the quick document stored view. To take off the auto-formatting for fractions, from each computer open up Word from the computer (Word on the desktop or a word template in {{% system-name %}} ) and go to Tools, AutoCorrect Options, then the tab named AutoFormat As You Type. Un-checkmark the Fractions with fraction character then click OK. Then just get out of word or upload a word document. That computer will be set then, unless someone turns it back on at some point. While using Microsoft Word, the auto formatting happens while you type. {{% system-name %}} shows the word document on the ‘view' in text to save space and memory and is utilized just as a quick view. When it is shown on the view as the plain text, the text editor does not recognize Word's formatted version of these characters.
Find and open the patient's Word document from the DocSum (Document Summary) tab or a specific chart tab (or from the current view if you have selected to default to show you the uploaded document after you uploaded it).
Click [ Print ] or [ Fax ] from the top right corner of choices when you are in that specific document.
(See other help instructions named Faxing Document.pdf or Printing Documents.pdf )
You or your MIE Implementer can turn on the system setting to ‘Use Preliminary Watermark' (set to 1 to turn on).
It will affect word documents and encounter documents.
For Word, it will put the "Preliminary" verbiage watermark on the document which will show when the preliminary document is printed or faxed—until the document has been officially e-signed using the e-sign module by the user it is requested from. Once the document has been e-signed by the requested user, then the "Preliminary" watermark verbiage is removed from the document when printed/faxed.
The watermark system setting in {{% system-name %}} is applicable to Word and Encounters. It is the same setting and not two separate.
For more information on Preliminary Watermarks on encounter documents, please see other help documentation named Encounters-Archiving-Closing-ReArchiving.pdf
MIE can program pop-up boxes for word templates.
Pop-up boxes are entry points that give you a choice to free-text/type or type a specified number (shown in the pop-up box) and it will fill in the information for you in the entry point. You only press the number of your choice. You do not press enter or anything else after your choice.
Pop-up boxes for entry points are quicker ways to get information in your template instead of free-text typing it.
If you have a pop-up box within a word template you are working in, you must use your hot-key(s) to pass thru it and fill it out. If you do not, it will not automatically read it as you wanting to leave it blank. You must specify a choice. If you do not pass thru it using your hot-key(s) then it will show and print a black rectangle for that entry point on your document. If you want to leave a pop-up entry point as blank, you would get to it (using your hot-key) and pass thru it by selecting a zero (0) for free-text. You would then leave it blank (not type anything in your free-text) and go to the next entry point using the hot-key(s).
Pop-up boxes can be programmed by MIE to allow only one choice/item to be selected for that pop-up box entry point, or multiple items to be selected within that same pop-up box entry point. Please contact MIE if you wish pop-up boxes to be programmed for any word template in your system.
If a pop-up box is programmed to allow more than one selection, it will pop-up the same pop-up box again after you have pressed your first choice. It will keep popping-up the same pop-up box for that same entry point (to allow more selections) until you press/hit enter 2 times on your keyboard. When you hit/press enter 2 times that will take you out of that pop-up entry point box. You then must use the hot-key(s) to get to the next entry point available in the word template/document.
If you select zero (0) free-text, then it will take you out of the pop-up box and allow you to free-text. It will not allow you to make more selections after a free-text selection.
If you want multiple selections and then free-text: you would make your selections, then hit/press ENTER 2 times, it will get you out of the pop-up box and you can free-text right there (because it takes your cursor at the end of your selections for that entry point).
must have security permission for this
Click [ Edit ] option on the top right side of the word document you have opened or just uploaded and wish to edit.
EDIT DOCUMENT PROPERTIES box opens. The fields are filled with the original uploaded choices. Make any changes if needed to those fields, then click EDIT DOCUMENT box (or reset to start over).
It will then open the word document as how it was uploaded. Make any changes/additions/deletions to the word document using your mouse and left click to move the cursor to different places in the document.
Once you have made edits, click the UPLOAD button located at the top left corner of the screen.
It may do spell-check (if it was turned on). If there is a spell check alert—complete it or skip it by clicking cancel.
After spell check is complete (or canceled) {{% system-name %}} will automatically upload the word document into the specific patient's chart as that document type/name you chose. This edited document is now automatically in/uploaded to the specific patient's chart. There is no scanning & indexing of this document needed. This edited version is put in place of the original version. When you open the edited document to view, it will show in the properties the modified date/time instead of entered date/time. This is quick way to see if a document has been edited or is the original (instead of going into [ Properties ] option).
Print or fax your edited document by following the previous steps.
Your system may have a word template set up in landscape format.
When the document has been uploaded into a patient's chart, {{% system-name %}} will save this as portrait format in text, however when you want to print this document after it has been uploaded, follow these steps.
- From the patient's chart, find the word document in the chart tab or document summary tab.
- Click print from the document properties link at the right, then click PRINT again when the printer mode screen pops up on the left.
- When the PRINT (select printer) mode pops up either a) Click CANCEL or b) click the red X to get out of the mode.
{{% note %}} If you click PRINT button from here, it will just print as normal portrait positioning. {{% /note %}}
- After you are canceled out of the PRINT mode, you will see the document / image on the top left corner of your screen in the normal portrait positioning.
- To change the position of this document to print, simply click one of the page positioning buttons at the top in the toolbar. The document / image will rotate on your screen so you know which way you want to print it.
- When you have selected the correct document/page positioning, click the PRINTER picture ICON at the top in the toolbar (1:sup:st button on the toolbar). The PRINT mode window will appear again over your image/document. Click PRINT this time and it will print it the way it is positioned (showing) on your screen.