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Negations Encounter Section

This Negations encounter section was added to assist providers when documenting the negation of a specific act or negation of a set of acts. This section is primarily utilized by providers enrolled in Quality Measures. Providers that chart these negation codes may have patients eligible for exclusion criteria in quality measures, thus increasing their potential payment adjustments. This information is also structured in such a manner that it can easily generate a QRDA I file export when appropriate.

Add Negation Encounter Section

The Negations encounter section is turned off by default. If this encounter section is needed to capture negation information for quality purposes, add the encounter section to an open visit encounter.

For more information on using encounter tools and saving templates, please refer to Working in a Visit Encounter in the online help documentation.

The Negation encounter section displays in the Plan section of the encounter.

Add Negation

Select the + sign in the Quick Links or simply click the gray encounter section bar to open the Add Negation dialog box. All three fields in the Add Negation dialog box are required.

Select the type of negation from the Negation Type dropdown list.

If a Negation Type is not entered and the user attempts to save the dialog box, the user will be warned that they must enter a negation type.

Enter what is being negated from the Negation of autocomplete. Users must enter at least 2 characters entered in the autocomplete for a limited scrollable list to display. As more characters are typed, the dropdown autocomplete suggestion list will become more concise.

If the Negation of is not entered and the user attempts to save the dialog box, the user will be warned that they must select something to be negated.

Select a negation Reason. The Reason autocomplete is a defined list of acceptable reason types applicable to Quality Measure Reporting. Users may begin typing a reason into the autocomplete for a concise list. Since the list of applicable reason types is a short list, simply placing the curser in the field and hitting the down arrow key on the keyboard will display the entire list of reasons.

If the Reason is not entered and the user attempts to save the dialog box, the user will be warned to enter a reason for the negation.

Once the Negation Type, Negation of, and Reason have been entered, select the Add Another to add another negation, or select Save to save the data and return to the encounter.

The Negation encounter section will display a detailed list of all negations entered. Negations will carry over from visit to visit.

Delete Negation

To delete a negation, hover over the negation summary to display a trashcan icon. There is currently not an edit option, therefore, users must delete and reenter negations if edits are required.