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1xaBVwRc67Ew-ziueBjTKwL6i8mAPUxi8fC69pkvELIg |
Portal Activation Code Employee Experience |
2024-09-10T19:23:14.874Z |
170 |
auhrick |
text/x-markdown |
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The portal user (patient, employee, contractor, other, etc) will receive an email from the system that contains a portal activation code and instructions for first time portal users or adding additional portal activation codes.
If the user has never registered for the portal, follow the first portal link in the email.
Note: the activation code is a system generated code and will be different every time a new code is generated.
The user will be redirected to the portal where they can activate their account. The Activation code from the email will populate the Activation code field. The user must verify the account using their Birthdate (or in some cases a portal may be configured to use a phone, either home or work, to verify the user). Click the Next button to proceed.
In most cases, the individual activating the account is activating the account for themself, therefore the myself radiobutton is selected by default for the question Who is this activation code for? However, in some instances a parent or guardian may be activating an account for minors, in which case the user can change the default response to activate the code for someone else.
As of Release 202403, the username must be an email address. Typically, this email entered should be the email address in which the portal activation code was sent. However, users may enter another email address. In this case, the email address entered as the username will update the email address on the patient chart for the clinic and the email address to which the invite was sent will be removed.
Users may then create their own passwords. Passwords cannot be the same as the user username/email and must have a minimum of 8 characters, at least 1 numeric value, and at least 1 special character from among !@#$%^&*()_+|~-=`{}[]:";'<>,.
While the system will not require an email address for users on releases prior 202403, it is highly encouraged.
The first time entering the portal, users may be asked to complete a consent form agreeing to terms of use. Click the Portal Consent button to proceed. In addition to the portal consent, a SMS/texting Opt-in Agreement and Telehealth consent may also be asked. However, this may vary by client. Enter the terms of use acknowledgment, responses to each question asked and click the Submit button to proceed.
Upon submit, the user will be redirected to the portal landing page.
The user will default to the portal main landing page. Portals are configured by client and will vary from the screenshots pictured below. First time users will automatically receive a pop up online help screen with additional instructions on navigating and exiting the portal. Click the X in the upper right hand corner of the help screen to close the help window.
If the user already has an existing account, but receives an email with an additional activation code, the user may link that additional activation code to their account. Click the second portal link in the Portal Activation email.
Log in using your existing email address/username and click the Next button.
Enter your current password and then click the Next button.
Use the Navigation drop down menu to select Settings.
Enter the activation code in the activation code field and submit. Depending on customer portal configuration and applicable security settings, users may also update contact information and/or reset passwords from the portal. This may vary by customer. Users will see a message in green at the bottom of the page that the activation code has been added successfully. Simply click the home button or navigate to other areas of the portal to continue using the portal.
Navigate to the portal login screen. The portal login URL varies by customer. Contact your IT support team or use the original activation email for links to the portal.
Enter the email address/username created at the time the account was registered and click the Next button.
Enter your current password and then click the Next button.
The user will default to the portal main landing page. Portals are configured by customer and will vary from the screenshots pictured below.
Issue: Email is invalid alert
Cause: An email address was not used as the username when registering the account.
Resolution: Enter an email address in the email/username field.
Issue: Server response error No records found
Cause: The user attempting to create an account on a code that has already been activated.
Resolution: Navigate to the portal login screen, contact your employee helpdesk or return to the original activation code email and click on the second portal link in the email to navigate to the portal and log in with your existing email/username and password.
Issue: Email has been taken alert
Cause: The email address is currently being used by another account. You may have an existing account activated.
Resolution: Call your employee IT helpdesk/support for assistance.