id | title | date | version | lastAuthor | mimeType | links | source | wikigdrive |
1bV_alwW6qdJfS1ruvDMII27JqJGxrlAyhyNigFXFq_c |
OpenPM Export Demographics |
2024-07-16T19:09:09.870Z |
44 |
auhrick |
text/x-markdown |
0008bcbb1563384efe0a28ada6f97e9432e65f10 |
How To Run:
You must put a 1 in enter_1_to_run field
The "Demographics" report is designed for exporting patient demographic data for creation of the OpenPM interface. This report is essential for creating a comprehensive interface for OpenPM, as it includes vital patient information necessary for various medical and administrative purposes.
- PatientID: Unique identifier for each patient within the system.
- Chartno: Placeholder for patient chart number (currently not populated).
- PCP: Placeholder for Primary Care Provider (currently not populated).
- Provider: Placeholder for provider information (currently not populated).
- NewDate: Placeholder for the date of new patient record (currently not populated).
- Facility: Placeholder for facility information (currently not populated).
- LastVisit: Placeholder for the date of the last visit (currently not populated).
- LastName: The patient's last name.
- FirstName: The patient's first name.
- Middle: The patient's middle name.
- Address1: Primary address line 1.
- Address2: Primary address line 2.
- City: The city of the patient's primary address.
- State: The state of the patient's primary address.
- Zip: The zip code of the patient's primary address.
- DOB: Date of birth of the patient.
- HomePhone: The patient's home phone number.
- WorkPhone: The patient's work phone number.
- CellPhone: The patient's cell phone number.
- Email: The patient's email address.
- SSN: The patient's social security number.
- MaritalStatus: The marital status of the patient.
- Sex: The gender of the patient.
- Race: The race of the patient, mapped to specific codes:
- 'AI' for American Indian or Alaska Native
- 'AS' for Asian
- 'BL' for Black or African American
- 'PI' for Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
- 'WH' for White
- 'REFUSED' for Declined
- Ethnicity: The ethnicity of the patient, mapped to specific codes:
- 'H' for Hispanic or Latino
- 'N' for Not Hispanic or Latino
- 'REFUSED' for NA
- DOD: Date of death of the patient, if applicable.
- Suffix: The suffix of the patient's name.
- ReminderPreference: Placeholder for reminder preference (currently not populated).
- Language: The primary language spoken by the patient.