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1Ghj2RP8IERXm7OKIAoAj3YYh7sVV18xr5-Nf3UzBxHY |
Using DataVis Grids - Data Tools |
2025-02-20T20:03:38.390Z |
225 |
anichols |
text/x-markdown |
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The actual grid you use may differ slightly in appearance from the examples below. Some grids may be configured specifically to disallow certain features.
The grid starts with "plain output" which shows the raw data. This is useful for examining all the details, and allows you to sort and filter.
initial view of the grid
- Show/hide the whole grid.
- Use the gear icon to show/hide the grid controls (where you can set the filter, group, pivot, and aggregate functions: see following screenshots).
- Select (or deselect) all visible rows. If the data has been filtered, then only the filtered rows will be selected/unselected.
- Click the double-arrow icon to show a menu that allows sorting the data.
- Click the filter icon to add a filter for the column.
- The view toolbar section — use the back/forward arrows to navigate view history, the dropdown to select a view, and the undo button to reset all views.
- The limit toolbar section — initially, only the first 500 rows are shown. More will be shown as you scroll down; the checkbox can be used to turn that behavior on/off. The "Show All Rows" button will immediately show all rows, without having to scroll down repeatedly.
after clicking the gear icon to show the grid controls
- The filter control — here we have filtered by Order ID. To add more filters, select the column name from the dropdown and click the "+" button, or drag the column header into the control, or click the filter icon in the column header. Use the "–" button next to each filter to remove it.
- The group control — allows you to group the data by the value of certain columns. To group by a column, select the column name from the dropdown and click the "+" button, or drag the column header into the control.
- The refresh button forces the grid to fetch a new copy of the data.
- The export button lets you download a CSV file of the data as it appears in the grid. This works the same in plain, group, and pivot outputs.
after grouping by Product
- Click the "+" or "–" button to expand/collapse the rows that belong to that group.
- The group mode toolbar section — "summary" mode shows only the group and the result of the aggregate function. "Detail" mode shows all the rows that go into each group.
after adding Category to the group, and pivoting by Country
- The filter control — here we have added a filter for Country. To add more filters, select the column name from the dropdown and click the "+" button.
- The group control — here we're grouping first by Category, then by Product. You can drag & drop these fields to reorder them. To add more columns to the grouping, select the column name from the dropdown and click the "+" button. To remove a column, use the "–" button next to the column name.
- The pivot control — we are pivoting by Country in this example. Like the group control, these fields can be reordered; to pivot by additional columns, select them from the dropdown and click the "+" button. To remove a column, use the "–" button next to the column name.
- The aggregate control — in this example, we are calculating the count (number of matching rows) and the sum of the Amount column. Some aggregate functions operate on fields (e.g. sum), whereas others do not (e.g. count). Like the other controls, to add a new aggregate function, select it from the dropdown and click the "+" button. To remove an aggregate function, click the "–" button next to the function name.
- Show/hide total rows and columns.
You can double-click a cell in the group output (summary mode) or pivot output to "drill down" and see all the rows from the data that contribute to the value of that cell. This works by adding a new view called "Drill Down" with filters to show only the contributing rows. The "Drill Down" view will not be saved, so reloading the page will cause the grid to load the previous view.
{{% note %}} Filters you are already using still apply, if they don't conflict with the drill down filters (in this case, the Order ID filter applies, but the Country filter does not). {{% /note %}}
after drilling down into Germany's banana orders
Click the view history back arrow in the view toolbar section to go back to the previous view.
Datavis reports can be updated to apply formatting to various cells. For example, reports can be updated with embedded formatting strings which will highlight test results that fall outside of a normal range.
Data values that contain embedded formatting strings can be rendered when the column configuration allows it. The formatting strings have the following format:
where is a comma-separated list of format specifiers:
- bg=HHHHHH sets the background color to the RGB hex color
- fg=HHHHHH sets the foreground color to the RGB hex color
- ts=X sets the text style as specified, with any of the following letters supported:
- b for bold
- i for italic
- s for strike-through
- u for underline
- cls=C sets CSS class(es) for the HTML element; multiple classes can be separated by spaces, or use several cls formatters.
WARNING: Because formatting strings are part of the value, they affect the ordering of data when grouping, sorting, and computing aggregate functions. They will also appear in the dropdown when filtering, and will cause numeric values to be treated as strings. These limitations may be addressed in future updates.
The property to allow formatting is allowFormatting and it can be accessed by an end user via the COLUMNS selection button within a datavis, where it is represented by the paintbrush icon per column.
To learn more about Using DataVis Grids - Data Tools, follow the link below to the Learning Management System course:
- Reports 206.A (70 minutes)