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Custom Documents CSV API

Custom documents can be designed at the storage type level. When a layout is present in the system with module=Storage Type and name=, this layout will be used to render the document.

Existing Storage Types

A layout with module=Storage Type and name= (<=27 as of 03/11/2015) will supersede the default document rendering for that storage type.


  1. Determine the number of the storage type for which you want to create a custom layout. This can be done by looking either in the MySQL database or at the stg_DetailView[MAX_STGTYPES] array in storage.c (approx. line 1950).

To view the storage types in MySQL run the following query:

SELECT * FROM storage_types;

0 txt text/plain Delete doc
1 txt text/plain Plain Text Document
2 rtf text/richtext RTF Document
3 png image/png PNG file
4 html text/html HTML file
5 html text/html IMG & TEXT/HTML file
6 doc application/msword WORD Document
7 tif image/tiff TIFF Documents
8 jpg image/jpeg JPEG Documents
9 bin application/octet-stream Binary Documents
10 dcm application/dicom DICOM Documents
11 htm text/html TASK
12 htm text/html Injection
13 htm text/html Lab Request
14 txt text/plain Pre-Formated Text
15 htm text/html Orders
16 htm text/html Mammo Tracking
17 pdf application/pdf PDF file
18 xls application/ MS Excel
19 cda application/x-hl7-cda CDA Document
20 avi video/x-msvideo AVI Video Document
21 ccr text/xml CCR Document
22 mime multipart/mixed Email
23 htm text/html OCP Audio
24 htm text/html Pulmonary Function Test
25 bmp image/x-bmp BMP
26 x12 application/edi-x12 X12 Messages
27 xml text/xml XML
  1. Create a new layout. Set the module=Storage Type. Set the name to be the value from the storage_type column of the storage_types table or the number shown in comments in storage.c. For example, a Lab Request is storage type 13. To create a layout for lab requests, name=13.
  2. Add the desired HTML to the layout. To replicate the information in the default document, follow the code in the appropriate function from the stg_DetailView array. For lab requests, this function is stg_DetailViewLabReq().

{{% info %}} These documents will only be rendered with a header if a custom header layout is created with module=Storage Type Header and name is the same as the storage type layout. Additionally, these layouts will override the default rendering for all documents in the system with that storage type. {{% /info %}}

Custom Storage Types

Storage types >= 1001 can be added to create a custom document rendered with a layout.


  1. Insert a new storage type into the storage_types table.

<1001+>,,,);INSERT INTO storage_types (storage_type, file_ext, content_type, description) VALUES (

For example,

INSERT INTO storage_types (storage_type, file_ext, content_type, description) VALUES (1001,'html','text/html','Test new storage type');

  1. Add a new document with the new storage type you just created. This can be done by navigating to a patient's chart and clicking the Add Document link. Add a text document and copy the id. Then manually update the document with that id to have your new storage type.

WHERE doc_id=;UPDATE documents SET storage_type=

You can also perform a manual insert into the documents table.

  1. Create a new layout. Set the module=Storage Type. Set the name to be the new storage type >= 1001.
  2. Add the desired HTML to the layout.

{{% info %}} These documents will only be rendered with a header if a custom header layout is created with module=Storage Type Header and name is the same as the storage type layout. {{% /info %}}