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1x2tU52MiV1lV7D3azyXfuQCtKzdiNjFfPHQUxMlnCLs |
Observation Import |
2024-12-18T14:18:29.424Z |
35 |
bhamm |
text/x-markdown |
0008bcbb1563384efe0a28ada6f97e9432e65f10 |
This wiki page is to document how observation data needs to be constructed in order to import using WebChart's Observation data Import Tool.
- File format: Data file shall be formatted in Comma Separated Values (CSV).
- The first row of the file shall contain column header information.
- Each subsequent row shall represent an observation.
The lab result column definition shall contain all columns listed below regardless if there is a value or not.
- R = Required
- O = Optional
Name | Type | Required | Comments |
Patient ID | char 255 | R | Patient identifier, usually an MRN |
Patient Lastname | char 100 | O | Last name of the patient |
Patient Firstname | char 100 | O | First name of the patient |
Patient Class | char 1 | O | I=Inpatient, O=Outpatient |
Observation Datetime | datetime | R | Date the observation took place (YYYYMMDD) |
Observation Code | int 10 | O | Identifier of the specific observation |
Observation Name | char 255 | R | Name of the specific observation |
Observation Order | int 5 | O | Numeric value to indicate the order of the observations |
Observation Result | char 64k | R | Result value of the observation |
Observation Range | char 30 | O | Range for the observation |
Observation Units | char 20 | O | Units that the observation result is in |
Observation Flag | char 10 | O | Flag to determine N=Normal/A=Abnormal |
Observation Status | char 20 | O | Status of the observation, F=final, P=preliminary |
Observer Code | int 10 | O | Code to ID the person doing the observation |
Comment | char 64k | O | Comment on the observation result |
Performing Lab | char 30 | R | Name of lab where results took place |
Encounter Ext ID | char 100 | O | External identifier of encounter this obs is linked to |
Encounter Interface | char 100 | O | Interface value used when that encounter was imported |
If the patient's first or last name is given, then it will be compared to the name of the patient in the database.
Please note that because of the width of a csv file, the lines have been split up for ease of reading here. A real CSV file will need to be contained in one line per record.
This example shows how to import 1 observation for 1 patient.
{{% pre %}}
Patient ID,Patient Lastname,Patient Firstname,Patient Class,Observation Datetime,Observation Code,Observation Name,
U111111,Doe,John,I,20110705,25,Systolic BP,
{{% /pre %}}
{{% pre %}}
Observation Order,Observation Result,Observation Range,Observation Units,
{{% /pre %}}
{{% pre %}}
Observation Flag,Observation Status,Observer Code,Comment,Performing Lab
,F,,Result looks good,Quest
{{% /pre %}}
This example shows how to import 2 observations for the same patient.
{{% pre %}}
Patient ID,Patient Lastname,Patient Firstname,Patient Class,Observation Datetime,Observation Code,Observation Name,
U111111,Doe,John,I,20110705,25,Systolic BP,
U111111,Doe,John,I,20110705,26,Diastolic BP,
{{% /pre %}}
{{% pre %}}
Observation Order,Observation Result,Observation Range,Observation Units,
{{% /pre %}}
{{% pre %}}
Observation Flag,Observation Status,Observer Code,Comment,Performing Lab
,F,,Results look good,Quest
,F,,Results look good,Quest
{{% /pre %}}
This example shows how to import 2 lab orders with 2 observation results each.
{{% pre %}}
Patient ID,Patient Lastname,Patient Firstname,Patient Class,Observation Datetime,Observation Code,Observation Name,
U111111,Doe,John,I,20110705,25,Systolic BP,
U111111,Doe,John,I,20110705,26,Diastolic BP,
{{% /pre %}}
{{% pre %}}
Observation Order,Observation Result,Observation Range,Observation Units,
{{% /pre %}}
{{% pre %}}
Observation Flag,Observation Status,Observer Code,Comment,Performing Lab
,F,,Test results are good,Labcorp
,F,,Test results are good,Labcorp
,F,,Test results are good,Labcorp
,F,,Test results are good,Labcorp
{{% /pre %}}