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1ERuxHIyjMqRHm98pmeU7xyvq_t7sRKZJMBGh3Fj-Jd0 |
Device Interface - Welch Allyn Spirometry |
2020-02-27T20:28:56.204Z |
38 |
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0008bcbb1563384efe0a28ada6f97e9432e65f10 |
The following is referring to a Welch Allyn CardioPerfect spirometry system. Contact your MIE Implementer to see if your audio system model can be interfaced or quoted.
From the chart tab named PFT or while working inside an encounter in the PFT section of fields that opens up, make sure the "file type" is correctly defaulted/selected for your spirometry device (CardioPerfect is what these instructions are for).
Click the "Load From Device" button.
The Welch Allyn CardioPerfect window will display as a pop-up window.
Select the Spirometry button on the Welch Allyn CardioPerfect screen.
It should populate the patient's information in the fields on the screen titled New Spirometry Test. If not, you will need to manually input the data then click the next button.
The Recording/Test screen will display while the test is being performed.
The Welch Allyn CardioPerfect screen displays as the study is created. Once the study is created, press the Alt Tab keys on your computer keyboard to go back to the {{% system-name %}} screen.
The PFT data results will automatically import into the patient chart in {{% system-name %}} and fill in the appropriate fields with results.
Encounters: When adding an in-office procedure of a PFT, there is a new option to not automatically populate the PFT Tool with the most recent maneuver. Example: a PFT was done 3 days ago and a new encounter is created/opened and an in-office procedure of PFT is selected to be done today, the PFT screen by default will pull the last maneuver & results/date. If want that off and clean screen to type in results, this is done with an attribute to the new tag WCPFTTOOL "populate_last_maneuver". By default it is on (to pull the most recent maneuver).
Manual Entry: In the PFT manual entry screen, there is ability to enter an interpretation and mark a maneuver as the best maneuver. Views of the interpretation of a maneuver in the list of all maneuvers will show the first 25 characters and the rest is available when hovering over it.
You can scroll down to the Comments section on the PFT {{% system-name %}} screen and document any comments from the test.
The Load Data section will be highlighted (both lines/files). Click the Upload File button to upload the data into the patient's chart to be stored and saved.
If you did not select a Reason for Test in the PFT screen in {{% system-name %}} , it will now alert you of that. You can continue through and click OK through the alert telling you no reason for test was selected.
If you did not type in any comments in the PFT screen in {{% system-name %}} , it will now alert you of that also. You can continue through and click OK through the alert telling you no comment has been entered.
An Upload Successful pop-up window will display. You need to click Yes to delete the images you uploaded in order to clear the PFT data out of the device. It is already stored in {{% system-name %}} in the patient's chart so you are not deleting the information from the patient's chart in {{% system-name %}} . It simply deletes the files from the device interfaced to.