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1LGVI1_YjfWwaHWGkZq4-5wNtiPem25Dn06AAOhonuqo |
MammoTrack Chart Tab |
2020-02-27T20:29:13.529Z |
33 |
text/x-markdown |
0008bcbb1563384efe0a28ada6f97e9432e65f10 |
When a patient has a mammogram, a user needs to add that mammogram into the system so it can be tracked in {{% system-name %}} .
Log into {{% system-name %}} and search for the patient in E-Chart left sidebar tab.
Click into the specific patient's E-Chart that had the mammogram.
Find the Mammo or Mammotracking in the top chart tabs.
You will then see the summary screen for Mammogram history for that specific patient.
To add a new mammogram, click the Add Mammogram link at the top right of the screen.
After you click Add Mammogram, it will take you to the Add Mammogram screen.
This is where you add the mammogram data for it to track for the patient.
- Status: Use the drop-down to select the status of the mammogram you are adding for the patient. This is considered the birad status. If it is a new mammogram being added, you would choose status Ready To Send or Held. The options 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 are used by the radiologist after reading the mammogram and determining the status/results of the films. They choose the result status and change it (revise it) from Ready to Send or Held to the 0-6 result finding.
- Technologist: Choose the technologist who performed the mammogram by using the drop-down arrow. These names are loaded into a specific department. If the name of the technician does not show up on this list, please contact your administrator who will then contact MIE to make sure he/she gets loaded.
- Radiologist: If you are adding a mammogram and choose status 0-6, meaning the radiologist has already read the films, you would choose the radiologist name from the drop-down also.
- Service Date: Type date the mammogram was performed.
- Service Location: Select the location where the mammogram was performed by using the drop-down arrow.
- Comments: Type in any comments associated with this mammogram.
- Save/Reset/Cancel: Click Save to add the mammogram into the system for this patient. Click Reset to stay in the add mammogram mode, but it will reset all the fields and drop-downs to the default. Click Cancel to get out of the add mammogram mode.
After you click save, it will show you a message on the screen that the Mammogram has been successfully added. It then puts that mammogram in the current status category of the summary screen.
You will also again see the summary of mammograms underneath the add mammogram fields.
You can click Show All Histories link at the top right of this summary to see the entire breakdown of each mammogram history ever taken place for the specific patient.
You can click that link again to hide all histories. This then shows the one line summary for each patient in that summary category.
The summary shows the current mammogram status of that specific mammogram. However, when you click Show all Histories, it shows any and each revision made to that specific mammogram and how it got from the step of being a new/added mammogram to the point of where it is now as current status. It shows the specific history of that mammogram for all patients in that summary category.
Current Mammogram Status is a summary of any current mammograms for that patient.
The columns are:
- MR is the MR# (medical record or account number) of the patient
- Last/First/MI is the name of the patient
- Technologist is the name of the technologist who performed the mammogram.
- Radiologist is the name of the radiologist who read and determined the results of the mammogram. This will only be present if the mammogram has been read and results entered into Mammotrack.
- Birad is the current status of the mammogram. P = Pending (Ready to Send status) H = Held, and 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 are the radiologist's findings.
- Letter shows what type of mammogram letter or follow-up letter was sent to the patient after the results were entered.
- Followup Date is the date that the patient should follow-up in regards to this mammogram.
- Biopsy is the biopsy status and result. If a biopsy was done in regards to this mammogram, then select Complete. Additional fields to enter in the source and the result (biopsy result) of Benign or Malignant will appear for ‘complete' biopsies. If there was no biopsy done or it is pending, then None or Pending will appear as choices in the Biopsy field also. If the patient refused a biopsy, that biopsy status is also available.
- Service Date is the date the mammogram was performed.
- Service Location is the location where the mammogram was performed.
- Entry Date is the Date that the mammogram was first added/entered into Mammotrack.
- Comment shows any comments that were typed in regarding the mammogram.
- Options allow a user (with security rights) to update, edit or delete a mammogram.
- Update is normal workflow. When a radiologist reads a mammogram, the user would click update to change the birad/mammogram status to the correct result/finding, etc. Update is not to be used to correct/fix an error with the data in the mammogram.
- Edit is used when there is an error in the mammogram information and needs changed (example: someone entered the wrong technologist name, etc).
- Delete is used when a mammogram needs deleted and taken completely out.
The other category in the Mammotrack summary screen is Printed Forms that have not been Scanned for that patient. This is a list of all MAMMOTRACK doc_type forms which have been printed (and not scanned) for that patient because these letters are set to be tracked. These are forms that are rendered and sent to the patient. This tracks those forms as to what form was sent and when. These forms are not scanned back into the system, so this is the list that tracks that.
This is the same type of tracking list when you are in the MammoTrack side menu tab and are in the corresponding Birad top tab.
Updating a mammogram is normal workflow of a mammogram.
If the mammogram was in held status and now you are sending it out, you change the mammogram status from held to ready to send status, by using update. If the mammogram is in ready to send status and you are sending it out now, you would change the mammogram status from ready to send status to sent status by using update. When a mammogram has been sent and the results from the radiologist have been received, that mammogram's status would be changed from sent status to the appropriate birad result/finding (0-6) by using update.
Updating a mammogram is normal workflow of a mammogram. After the mammogram is added into the system, and after the radiologist reads the films, the mammogram needs to be updated to show the birad results/findings of the radiologist's reading.
To update a mammogram, in E-Chart search and find the specific patient and click on the patient's Mammotrack top chart tab. Find the specific mammogram for that patient in the Current Mammogram Status category. If it is not in there, it was either not added or was deleted.
Once you have found the specific mammogram for that patient, click update from the options column at the far right. (You must have security rights to update/edit/delete mammograms).
Update option only appears for H or P or S birad status. H or P or S status is held, pending (ready to send), or sent statuses. You are updating a held, ready to send, or sent mammogram to another status or specific birad result/finding. You cannot update a mammogram that already has a birad result (0,1,2,3,4,5 or 6). You would have to edit if a radiologist's birad finding was already entered and needed changed.
After clicking update, the Update Mammogram fields will appear on the screen.
- Birad/Status: Shows the current status this mammogram is in. Use the drop-down to change the mammogram's birad or status. Depending on what birad or status you choose, other fields may open on the screen.
- Radiologist: If you choose a birad of 0,1,2,3,4,5 or 6 you will need to enter the radiologist that read and determined this birad result for the mammogram. Select the radiologist by using the drop-down arrow.
- Followup Date: If you select birad result 1,2,or 3 then the Follow Up field will appear. Type in the date that the patient is to follow-up with the physician for this mammogram. The follow-up date will default to a year from the date of the original mammogram. Most practices want a patient with a 1,2,or 3 birad result to follow-up for another mammogram in one year. However, you can change this by typing over the fields or picking a date from the pick date link.
- Biopsy: If you select birad result 4,5 or 6 then the Biopsy field will appear. If a biopsy was done in regards to this mammogram, then select Complete. Additional fields to enter in the source and the result (biopsy result) of Benign or Malignant will appear for ‘complete' biopsies. If there was no biopsy done or it is pending, then None or Pending will appear as choices in the Biopsy field also. If the patient refused a biopsy, that biopsy status is also available.
- Comments: The comments currently tagged with the mammogram appear. You can add to them or type new comments.
- Save/Reset/Cancel: Click Save to add the mammogram into the system for this patient. Click Reset to stay in the update mammogram mode, but it will reset all the fields and drop-downs to the default. Click Cancel to get out of the update mammogram mode.
After you click save, it will show you a message on the screen that the Mammogram has been successfully updated. It then keeps that mammogram updated information in the current status category of the summary screen.
You must have security rights to delete mammograms from the Mammotracking tab.
To delete a mammogram, click the delete option. A Confirm Delete screen will appear.
You cannot edit/delete/change the current comments associated with the mammogram. You must type in a reason for deleting the mammogram. Once you have done this, click Delete to proceed or Cancel to get out.
After you click Delete, it will show you a message on the screen that the Mammogram has been successfully deleted. It then takes that mammogram out of the current status category of the summary screen and is no longer accessible.
If you wish to undelete a mammogram, you must go to the MammoTrack sidebar menu tab and search for the patient's mammogram in the deleted top tab. (See other documentation regarding this feature).
In the mammogram module, there is a ‘Set Preferences' link which allows the user to associate a birad/location with a form from the forms library. This association creates the rules for the default followup forms selected for each patient.
The security setting on a user Copy Followup Forms to Other determines whether or not the user is allowed to copy their form default rules to another user's default rules: