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My Settings

Users have the ability to manage specific preference settings for themselves, for others, or system-wide, depending on their specific security permissions. Users may navigate to My Settings in the Control Panel, to begin editing preferences.

Changes to any of the My Setting preferences will only affect you, the logged in user, and no one else when you are set in Yourself mode.  The user you are logged in as will be the only user affected by these preferences.

From the Control left sidebar menu, find the My Settings tab at top. Use drop-down arrows next to each field to select/change your preference. When done with changes, click the Submit Settings box at the top or bottom of the screen to save your changes.

Edit Preferences For

If you have security permission, you can view other user's preference settings and/or edit them. Alternatively, you can view the System Default settings or you can view specific Security Role Default settings.


This field at the top right of My Settings defaults to you (yourself – the logged in user).  You are viewing your own user preferences. If you make changes to any preference, it will only affect yourself (as long as Yourself is what shows in this field).

Other User

If you have security permission and want to edit preferences for another user in your system, simply select OTHER USER from the drop-down. A second field named Choose a user: will appear where you are to start typing in the name of the other user. It will auto-complete and give you choices/matches of users in your system.

Once you have selected the other user, the screen will refresh and show that user's preferences/settings on your screen. Make changes to their preferences and click the SUBMIT CHANGES button to save your changes. This applies those preferences for that specific other user only.

System Default

This is usually maintained by your MIE Implementer. Viewing the System Default preferences shows what the defaults for your entire {{% system-name %}} system are set to. Of course, individual users can change their individual preferences. You (if have security permission) or your MIE Implementer can change preferences for all users in your system in mass by changing defaults here that change all users system wide instead of individually by user.

To change a system default preference as a means of applying that change in mass to all users in {{% system-name %}} is a two step process and is a bit different than changing an individual preference setting. When changing a System Default preference, find the My Setting preference you wish to change for the entire system. The name of the preference (when viewing preferences for System Default) should be underlined. The underline is really a hyperlink.   Example:

The specific preference field with the drop-down arrow tells you what the system default is already set to. If you need to change the ‘system default' (you are not changing it in mass for all users yet—you are just changing the system default setting) then you use the drop-down arrow to change your selection. Click the SUBMIT CHANGES button at the bottom when done. This saves that setting/preference for the system default only. This does not apply it to everyone in mass yet.

Once you have the system default set to what you want or it is already set to what you want all users to be changed to, then click the underlined My Setting Preference name of the one you just set.

For instance, in this example, I want everyone in the entire {{% system-name %}} system to have preference set to Number of Recent Patients: 10. After I have the system default setting set to 10 and saved, I now need to go back in and apply this to all users in the {{% system-name %}} system. So, I click on the underlined name Number of Recent Patients setting. It then pops up a warning message on my screen that I am about to change this specific setting for all {{% system-name %}} users.

Click the SET TO DEFAULT button to apply that setting and its value to all users in your {{% system-name %}} system or cancel to get out. You will get a confirmation message at the top stating you updated that setting for all users in your system.

Continue to another system default if you wish. If you are changing preferences for all users in mass to be the system default setting, each change has to be done individually.

Security Role Defaults

If you have security permission and want to edit preferences for users tied to a specific security role, simply select SECURITY ROLE DEFAULTS from the drop-down. A second field named Choose a security role: will appear. Use the drop-down arrow to select the specific security role that you wish to edit preferences on. Any changes to preferences (My Settings) will affect all users tied to that security role.

Changing security role preferences and then applying them to all users within that security is the same process as above in the System Default section. Please see above section for steps on how to apply security role default preference to all users within that security role in mass.

When looking at preference choices available in the drop-down:

  • One Asterisk denotes the preference as a Security Role default
  • Three Asterisks denotes the preference as both the Security Role and System defaults.

My Settings Descriptions of Preferences/Settings

WebChart Settings

User Interface

  • Color Scheme:  The miEHR setting is for the new layout look. This only affects your view since this is a preference. Custom means you are set to the "custom" color scheme the system has set by a superuser/admin.
  • Default Location:  Select the location the active user primarily works at, especially if the clinic/facility has more than one site.
  • Use Popups: Many places in the product, depending on this setting, clicking a link or tab will either open a new window (Yes) or browse the user away from the current screen (No)
  • Visual Effects: If set to YES, this adds some effects to auto-complete boxes when waiting for data, popup windows to have translucent effects, and the sliding sidemenu to be animated smoothly.
  • SideMenu Style: Options of 'Pinned', 'Collapsed', and  'No Menu' control the style of the navigation menu that displays.  Pinned means the sidemenu tabs are fixed (pinned) to always show.  Collapsed means the sidemenu tabs are gone which makes the product screen expand and fill the page.  If need to access the sidemenu tabs (when collapsed), you would then click on the "logo" image at the top left to see the sidemenu tabs since they are set to be collapsed (or you can "pin" them using the thumbtack feature).
  • Image Limit: This limits the number of images that are displayed at the same time on a page.  On some charts, you could get many hundred images to show up, and this makes it only show (image limit) at a time, with a "next" to get to the next set. Usually set at 20.
  • TIFF: This is an option to indicate whether or not you have AlternaTIFF installed and if you want to see images using it. This is usually set to OFF.
  • Show Pending E-sign/Tasks: Choose On or Off. This is the summary line of E-signs and tasks outstanding for you and your departments. This summary line appears at the very, very top of the system after you are logged in. It is above all chart tabs.  You can click on a category link here in this summary line, instead of clicking on the left sidebar tabs to get you to your pending E-signs and task lists. This summary also keeps you updated (shows the count) as to if you even have any and/or the number (count) of E-signs or tasks outstanding to do. (Instead of clicking on the left sidebar tabs to keep checking if you have any E-signs or tasks sent to you to do.)   Off means that this summary/work link at the very top of the system (above the chart tabs) will not appear to you. You would have to click the left sidebar tabs to check your pending E-signs and tasks instead of glancing up to see the # of pending E-signs and/or tasks.
  • Show Pending Encounters:  Choose On or Off. This is the summary line of Encounters (open encounters) outstanding for your and/or your departments. This summary line appears at the very top of the system after you are logged in.  It is above all chart tabs. You can click on a category link here in this summary line instead of clicking on the left sidebar menu tab to get to RadOmni or Encounters worklist tabs. Your system needs to have a worklist tab for encounters on the sidemenu in order for this setting preference to work. The worklist would show you (the performing physician) your worklist of open encounters, not everyone else's.  This summary also keeps you updated (shows the count) as to if you even have any and/or the number (count) of encounters outstanding to complete. Off means that the Encounters summary/work link at the very top of the system (above the chart tabs) will not appear to you. You would have to click the left sidebar tabs to check your pending encounters and tasks instead of glancing up to see the # of pending encounters.
  • Show Pending Doc Queue: Choose On or Off. This controls whether the Doc Queue link with the count displays at the top of every screen. When the document queue has a lot of records this can take time to count on every page load. We suggest turning this user preference off for any users (by security role) that don't use it to improve page load times.
  • Default Page: Choose the page (these are the side-bar menu tabs/pages) that you wish your system to always begin with (default to) each time you log into the system.
  • Title Display Order: Practice-User is the preferred preference but another option is User-Practice.This changes the title at the top of the browser window to be USER: -My Enterprise Health or My Webchart – USER. This affects the info bar at the bottom of screens. If set to USER first, this will allow them to see who is logged into the system. If set to Enterprise Health first, then that allows to see which Enterprise Health is open (if working w/ multiple Enterprise Health systems—MIE uses)
  • Warn if exiting without submit:  Choose On or Off.  On means the system will pop up a warning box (dialog box) if you are trying to exit (close) a program/module/document, etc before saving any changes or edits. You can then go back to that document/module/program and save/submit any changes, etc or continue to get out and lose any changes/edits you made. Off means you will not get this warning box and if you exit a program, module or document prior to saving any changes/edits, etc then you won't be warned to go back to save it or continue to exit and lose the data you had changed.
  • Default Pocket Page: Choose the page (these are the side-bar menu tabs/pages) that you wish your ‘pocket' system version to always begin with (default to) each time you log in to the ‘pocket' system version from your smart-device.
  • Document View Format:  PDF & PNG is the default choice. This is the document image format you wish to open/view any forms from add document screen or within a chart using choices here.
  • Use Popup for User Demo Links: If set to YES, names of users (where displayed in the product) will appear as an underlined hyperlink. You can click their underlined name or username to see a pop-up displaying basic information about that user. This is a quick link to click if you aren't sure who the user was that created a document or need to view specific provider information, etc. If set to NO, the users/names will not appear as underlined hyperlinks thus unable to view additional user information.
  • Use Popup for Patient Links: If set to YES, patient names will appear as an underlined hyperlink.  You can click their underlined hyperlink name and the system will open right to that patient's default chart tab. This link appears and allows you to click the patient's name also in the E-Chart search results to get to their chart.  If set to NO, the patient's name will not appear underlined hyperlink thus unable to into a patient's chart and would have to click a different hyperlink such as their MR# or another option.
  • Use AJAX Tools: This is kind of like the ‘Use Popups' preference. If you turn it on, you'll get a lot of windows. If it's off, you'll browse away from things. If Use AJAX is turned on, you'll get a window to enter the task into. If it's turned off, you'll get a popup with our plain fields to enter into.  Default is to be Yes.
  • Show Alerts:  If set to show, you will see the alerts counter in the alerts/info bar. This alerts you to (shows you) failed faxes, failed routes, failed print jobs, HL7 outbound statuses, etc
  • Show Alerts For:  Select Self if you only wish to show the alerts for your specific username.  Shows alerts for items done by your specific username only. If set to System, then you will see all alerts for all users in the system.
  • Automatically Popup New Help: Automatic help popup can now be managed from the user preferences screen instead of the pop-up help/video window that appears based on login user.
  • Show Document Text Search: If this is set to yes, the users will see a "search" functionality button in stored documents such as text, word, and encounter documents.  Allows users to "search" by words or phrases on a stored document.
  • Time Zone: Use System Time Zone is default (which uses the system time zone via a universal system setting).  If you will be accessing that database from a different time zone, select your physical location time-zone.
  • WebChart Status Bar: wcstatus is a WebChart API for tracking async or long-running processes in the UI. Frequently users will click on UI elements that trigger some operation and there will be no indication that the operation is still working other than simply waiting for something on the page to change. When enabled, a single small status bar at the bottom of the page will display and on the left is what's known as the title section which contains a static string of "WebChart is currently working". On the right is the description section that shows a list of all known operations. Each operation is listed top to bottom in the order in which they were started. When multiple identical operations are running you will see a numerical identifier to show you how many of them are tracked. Additionally each operation displays how long it has been running. In the event multiple identical operations are running, the duration of the longest will be displayed.

Print Default

  • Printer Name: MY COMPUTER or change to the printer you are located next to, if MIE has set these printers up in the system for use.

User Searching Default

  • Search by: This is the search preference Access Control will default to when using search filters for users.

International Settings

  • Language: This is how the user changes what language they want to see the system in. Contact MIE Implementer if you need your system available in another language.
  • English Translations on Hover: For multilingual systems, if "Show" is chosen here, then when viewing contents of the system in a language other than English, if you move your mouse over a translated item, it will display the original English below it.
  • Highlight Translatable: If needing to do language translations, set to YES then go about navigating through the screens (as English language set) and you'll see that everything currently translatable is highlighted, and will then have a little globe icon after it. If you click the globe, then the highlight will stay, but the globe will go away. What that does is marks it as something that you think needs to be translatable. Then if you use the new CSV export feature then you'll get all of those things you marked.
  • Date Format: There are 3 choices (MM-DD-YYYY, DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD) It is defaulted to MM-DD-YYYY however if you change, any date (date of birth, document date, revision dates, etc) will then display as your selected format in the system.  The entry fields for the dates follow the same ordering as the displaying selection also. The separator for dates is standardized to use the dash ( - ).
  • 24 Hour Clock:  Choose Yes or No.  If Yes, times displayed for your view will be 24 hour military time. Field entry is still in normal 12 hr time with am/pm on it, yet summary view shows military time. If set to No, the times displayed for your view will be normal 12-hour clock times with pm or am after it.
  • Preferred Unit System: Choose Default, English or Metric.  You can still enter vitals, etc w/ either unit system; this just makes the drop-down choice units start at the system you choose. (ex: units for weight lbs vs kg, height  units inches vs. cm, etc).


  • Display JS Errors: Controls whether the user will see a wcnotification every time there is a JS (javascript) error on the page.
  • Enable Debug Console: Turns on a control icon in the header that provides a console-like interface. This is useful for debugging on devices that do not offer a native console (ex: ipad). In legacy systems, this was a system setting, but now is a per user preference.
  • Track DB Statements: All database statements are now controlled with this preference enabled. Capturing begins before the connection is initialized so that profiling doesn't miss statements that occur before login/preference checking. Key handlers consolidated to a single 'pq' handler which allows sorting and filtering based on the type of statement. Profile window allows clicking to show statement details including error messages and fetch duration for MSRLR statements.
  • Enable JSON API: Enables JSON API debug mode used by our product developers to obtain additional information in the response dev_messages.


  • AI-Suggested Encounter Actions: Use AI to suggest actions indicated by a dictation within an encounter. By default, this setting is disabled for all users. This setting can be enabled in the encounter tools section, as well as My Settings. When enabled, it does 2 things:
    • In the Flex Visit encounter, if you dictate into the encounter section, the automatically transcribed text has the "sparkles" icon to the left of it, and if you click that, it takes that text and chunks it up, putting parts of it into other encounter sections.
    • In the presenting meds section, if you dictated directly into that, or used the Flex Visit encounter dictation method, the "sparkles" icon shows there also, and if you click that, it shows a popup with possible actions based on what the AI interpreted the dictation for that section to mean.
  • Fax Manager Datavis: Allows the Fax Manager to be viewed in DataVis output.
  • Detail Patient Search Datavis: If enabled as your preference, when using Detailed Search within the Patient Search of E-Chart, the Search fields will display cosmetically different and your search output will be in a datavis format, where one can filter, sort, pivot, etc as needed. Utilizing a datavis method for Detailed patient chart search will also allow columns to be added to the output as needed.


User Interface

  • Force multi-row tabs open: Upon hovering over chart tabs, this acts as a pin vs floating when on chart tabs with children tabs.
  • Collapse toolbars on scroll: If enabled, chart tabs and chart header (dark grey header) will collapse (hide) when scrolling up and down to work within the chart or encounter.
  • Keep toolbars collapsed: If enabled and if Collapse toolbars on scroll is also enabled, it keeps chart tabs and chart header (dark grey header) collapsed (hidden) while you scroll up and down and until you've scrolled all the way back to the top of the page.
  • Show Quick Lists: If enabled, the right side Quick List encounter sections will be expanded open by default. Using the ‘Show/Hide Quick Lists' icon within the encounter header will also toggle this preference on or off. Caveat, some encounter sections (such as Smart Plan, Presenting Meds, Symptoms/Diagnosis, etc) are configured (by default) to force the right side Quick Lists to show all the time and will not respect this preference setting.
  • Swipe Open Dynamic Lists: Options are Automatic or Off. Automatic uses CSS media queries to attempt to automatically determine when no pointer device is available and output the swipe styles & functionality on dynamic lists. Off will disable the swipe styles & functionality, to show the options only upon hover.
  • Show Dynamic List Options: Determine if icons in dynamic lists, typically found in encounter sections, should show Always or only On Hover. Some examples of sections with Dynamic List Options that display always or on hover:

  • Use New User View: When set to Yes, an updated view is available when viewing user information in Access Control.


  • Default Coversheet: Choose the name of the fax coversheet so it will default to that when you fax documents.  You can always make a different selection for a coversheet in the fax module. This is just a default.
  • Default Fax Comment:  Automatically set to No Default Comment. Your practice may request MIE to program a comment that will appear on every single fax that you send out. Some practices have a common comment on their fax coversheet that they want to print on all faxes. If MIE has programmed default fax comment(s) for your practice, you would want to select the default fax comment here to use on your fax coversheet comments. There is also a place for other comments to free text along with the default comment that will appear.
  • Remember Last Faxed:  Yes or No for the fax module to remember and populate the last fax number you used or typed in.
  • Send Fax Notifications:  Choose Both, Send, Failed or None preference for being able to get emailed notifications of faxed document options.  A system setting must be turned on for your practice for email notifications feature and your email address must be entered in your username screen, in the Control Panel, for this to function.
    • Both: Receive (by email) both successful sent and failed fax notifications.
    • Send: Receive (by email) only successful sent fax notifications.
    • Failed:  Receive (by email) only failed fax notifications.
    • None:  You will not receive any emailed fax notifications.

Patient Search Criteria

  • Search Method: Default for how you search for a patient.
    • Simple: Usually set at simple search. This allows partial names to be entered, etc and will bring up results after clicking search.
    • Detail: Specifies more name, d.o.b options, MR# & partitions, or SSN as partially entered, exactly entered, sounds like, etc. (can change this back & forth when on E-chart, or can default set this in My Settings)
  • Search By: Default for choosing Name, MR#, DOB, or SSN depending on how you wish to search for a patient each time. Usually set to NAME.
  • Search Result: Usually 20.  Pick the # of results you wish it to show/display to you each time when you search for a patient and don't get an exact match.
  • Search Auto Select: Yes or No makes it either stop on the search query or not if it is an exact patient match. Example: if you search for Oil,Olive usually it will go directly to the account if it is an exact match.  Or it gives you a search listing if there is more than one patient with that name. If you have this Search Auto Select option as Yes, you will always see the search listing page (even if there is only one match) and then you can click on the patient to go into the account. It doesn't automatically take you into the account if there is only 1 exact match.
  • AC Name Search Method:  Last,First set as default. This is how you search for a name in any autocomplete search fields. This only works in autocomplete name search fields. You can opt to default this to FLast which is first initial immediately followed by last name  ex: jsample (John Sample) within autocomplete fields. If have preference set to FLast, you can still find names in autocomplete search fields by last name but you must indicate a comma after last name to separate and for system to result choices.

MIEWord (Transcription)

  • Check Spelling on Upload(Word): YES default. If no, it will not spell check when you upload a document to word (tasks, transcriptions, documents, etc that are WORD templated)


  • Number of Recent Documents: This option is for when you click Quick View on the left sidebar menu.  It will then show a subcategory of the recent documents and info that you have uploaded.  Set this option to what you wish to view. Usually set at 10.
  • Number of Recent Patients: On the Recent Charts portlet in Quick View or in the E-Chart sidemenu it displays a list of recent charts you have been in lately.  Set this option to how many recent charts to list in that portlet or recent charts list. Usually set at 10.
  • Number of Recent Dictations: This option is for when you click Quick View on the left sidebar menu.  It will then show a subcategory of recent dictations and the patients.  Set this option to how many ‘recent dictations' you wish to view. Usually set at 5.
  • Number of Recent Transcription: This option is for when you click Quick View on the left sidebar menu.  It will then show a subcategory of recent transcriptions you've done with the patient info.  Set this option to how many ‘recent transcriptions' you wish to view. Usually set at 5.
  • Service Date Mode: This is if you want the system to remember what date you last entered for the service date of a document when entering documents from the Add Document link in the patient's chart. Current = set the date to today's date; Saved = set the date to the last date you entered.
  • Starting Partition:  Usually set at MR #  Unless you have different databases, then choose the correct database/partition you primarily work from or interface with, then pick that type of Medical Record number choice.
  • Starting Folder: Select the chart tab (folder) that you will default to when you get into any patient's chart. This starting folder (chart tab) and view you will default to when you go advance into a patient's chart.
  • Print Definition:  Can choose the type of chart/form that you will be defaulting/using/printing primarily so it automatically highlights it in the print chart module.
  • My Station: Choose the default station that you most commonly move patients to in the workflow.  This sets the default to the station selection when you move checked in patients. If you are staff who uses one-click checkin, from the scheduler views, to check patients in, the system will automatically put the patient into the station set as this default station.
  • Pocket Starting Folder:  Select the chart tab (folder) that you will default to when you get into any patient's chart. This is the starting folder (chart tab) and view you will default to when you go to work in any patient's chart in the ‘pocket' system mode from your smart-device.
  • DICOM Series Detail Collapse: YES is whether you want to see the DICOM images as a full open series or NO to just the first picture of the series, then you can click the + and make it large.  Usually set to Yes.
  • DICOM Series Thumb Collapse: YES is to see the DICOM series thumbnail images as a full open series or NO to just see the first picture/thumbnail of the series and then you can click the + to make it larger.
  • Use DICOM Viewer Plugin:  Choose Yes or No.  This determines whether you want to view DICOM images using MIE's plugin.
  • Show DICOM Enhanced Links: The DICOM document output displays images at the width of the container in the Members webpage.  If this preference is set to YES, then it will show available links to enhanced viewing.
  • Document Add Filter: This is what you want your default filter to be when you click the Add Document link from a chart and see a list of documents in the library according to filter type.
  • Transcription Upload Return to: This sets the default of the module/tab you want to return to once you submit and upload the transcribed document into the system.  Nowhere (which leaves you on the same screen you uploaded at, Quick View, E-Chart Search, My Pending Dictation, Back to Linked Encounter or Uploaded Document.
  • Current Library: Select the name/physician you usually prescribe for.  Of course, you can change this when working in a patient's meds tab. This just sets the default.
  • Default Phone Number: Choose Nothing, Home, Work, Both. When in a patient's chart, at the top of any tab or procedure you are in, it shows the summary of MR#, Name, DOB, Age, etc.  This option you choose here will show the phone listings for that patient that you wish to have on that summary also.
  • Render Errors on Forms:  Choose Display or Hide. This is for NoMoreClipboard users to be set to Hide.  This is to hide errors that print on programmed NMC forms for NMC users. All system users will be set to Display.
  • Patient Summary in Chart Tabs:  Choose Show or Hide.  Show will display the MR#, Patient Name & DOB above the chart tabs aligned at the top right corner of your screen. This summary will be on your screen no matter what chart tab you choose, therefore you can always see what patient you are in even when scrolling down in a tab on the screen.
  • Print Def Search Field: When in the Print Definition tab and searching for print def's, you can have your field default set to Name or Description so the search text searches that column.
  • DataSend Queue Limit:  sets the datasend queue limits affecting the error and complete routes.
  • Primary Patient Language: Can auto-complete to set the default preferred language for patient charts in your system.
  • Show Global Templates: If ‘yes' then the ‘Global templates' for the Show Saved Templates functionality throughout the system will show the global templates for the system.  If set to ‘no' then only your personal saved templates will show for this functionality and won't show the ‘global' templates of other users.
  • Use enhanced CCDA viewer: If enabled, it will open the CDA document in a "CDA Viewer" mode instead of just streaming out to the browser.
  • Display Insurance in Header: Displays a chart's primary and secondary insurances in the dark grey patient header.
  • Flowsheet "Most Recent" Source: Some encounter sections (such as the Physical Exam encounter section) offer a "Set all to most recent" icon/function. When that icon/function is selected to be used, the contents will populate into the flowsheet based on what the provider's preference is set for this.
    • Any previous result for the observation: will populate the last most recent value (content) ever entered for that observation, no matter where it was entered (encounter, chart tab, import, etc) for that specific chart.
    • Only results from encounters w/ same provider: will do the same as the above option, but limited to only observations that were entered on encounters with the same provider as the current encounter using this icon/function.
  • Use DataVis in MAR/Inject Tab: By default, the setting is set to No" which displays the summary tab in the legacy list view on the MAR/Injections tab. If set to Yes, the Medication Administration and Immunizations lists update to a DataVis view.
  • Use DataVis in Tasklist: By default, the preference is set to No which displays the Your Task List in the legacy list view within the Tasklist. If set to Yes, the ‘Your Task List' tab of tasks will be listed in a datavis and can be worked on in a datavis format.


  • RX Manager Mode: Select the default you wish to use when searching to add a drug in the Meds tab.  Auto-Complete (most used) will attempt to finish your typing and give you drop-down choices that match. If want to use Simple Search, you would type in the letters/name of drug and then have to click the SEARCH button and then it will pop-up choices that match.  Of course, you can change this when working in a patient's Meds tab without changing it back here.
  • Show RX Header:  Select Yes or No. The RX header is the list of allergies, medications & conditions this patient has that appears towards the top of any chart tab or document you are viewing on the computer screen.  If set to yes, this RX summary header will always appear on the screen for the patient to view. If set to no, the allergies, medications, conditions the patient has will not be shown on the computer screen when in a patient's chart or document.
  • Med Details in Header: Select Yes or No. The RX Header must be set to Yes for this option to be available.  Set this to Yes if you wish to have the patient's medication details (dosage, quantity, sig, etc) to be displayed within the list of medications the patient is on when viewing the RX summary header in the patient's chart.  Set to No if you just want the names of the medications to be displayed in the RX summary header (no sigs, dosages, quantities, etc will be shown w/ the medication).
  • Quick Add Auto Disp Indication: Choose Yes or No. If set to Yes, in the Meds tab, when clicking Quick Add it will automatically pop open the autocomplete with suggested indications when a user tabs over to the indication field. If set to No then it won't pop up automatically.
  • Drug Info Links on Med List: Choose Yes or No. Yes will make the blue-circled (i) appear next to a drug in all views/procedures. This allows access to the drug guide and information. Choose No and the (i) and access will not be available to you.
  • Prescription Doc Type:  Choose the name of the prescription that you want to set as a default for when you print/fax prescriptions for a patient. The main script is called (Standard) Script. If you have other types/layouts of scripts that MIE loaded for you, then you can choose from those too.
  • Prescription Print/Transmit:  Choose Print, Transmit or None. It will default to your choice when you render prescriptions.  You can always change your selection when you are in the module. This is just to set the default choice. If set to None, the prescription will display in the Visit Order summary/Prescribed Meds List and NOT display on the prescription send queue. If using the legacy Prescribe module under the Allergies/Meds chart tab, when None is selected, the checkbox for Print/Transmit will be unchecked.
  • Drug Guide Printing Checkbox:  Choose Unchecked or Checked. Defaults to Unchecked. This Drug Guide Printing check-box appears in the prescribing medications module.  Unchecked will leave this box unchecked so you can choose when or if to print the drug guide each time. If you default this to checked, then it will automatically always check-mark the drug guide box to print for a prescription you prescribe.
  • Show Classes:  Choose Show or Hide. This will show or hide the Drug Classes column for each drug in the Meds module in Medication History summary for the chart.
  • Show Deleted:  Chose Show or Hide.  This will show or hide the Deleted medications in the Meds module of the Medication History summary for the chart.
  • Show Modified By:  Choose Show or Hide.  This will show or hide the Modified by column of who modified medications for the patient in the Meds module in Medication History summary.
  • Show Prescriber:  Chose Show or Hide. This will show or hide the Prescriber column of each medication in the Meds module in Medication History summary for the patient. This is who prescribed the medication.
  • Show Discontinued:  Choose Show or Hide. This will show or hide the Discontinued medications in the Meds module in Medication History summary for the chart.
  • Separate Prescribed:  Choose Together or Separate. Together will show all medications internally prescribed by your practice and also the medications prescribed by the patient's other physicians that they said they were taking.  This appears in the Meds module in the Medication History summary for the patient. Separate will separate the in-house medications your practice prescribed for the patient in a separate category in the patient's Medication History summary. It will also then make another separate category in Medication History for Outside (Other) medications the patient is taking (medications other physicians have prescribed that the patient reported.)
  • Sort Method When Prescribing:  User preference for sorting method of med names when prescribing. The option is alphabetical for users who might prefer that to the default method that depends on the frequency of usage.
  • Supervising Prescriber: User preference to set if you need a supervising physician set on your prescriptions. Some states require NP's, PA's etc to have a supervising prescriber/physician on their scripts.  This is an auto-complete to set your supervising prescriber for your username. Once set, the supervising prescriber info will be sent to SureScripts with the electronic prescriptions.  If need to show supervising prescriber on printed/faxed scripts, contact your Implementer and they can program it.
  • Pharmacy Search Filter:  City/State means when you are in the fax mode of e-meds, it will have the radio button selected at City/State search field as a default when searching for a pharmacy to fax to.  If you wish to always have your pharmacy search default set to Postal Code, you may select that.
  • Pharmacy Search Exclude NPI:  You can set your default to Yes or No.  If set to Yes, when you are in e-meds faxing and searching for a pharmacy to fax to, Yes will make this check-box be checked and will exclude NPI pharmacies from your search.  If you always wish to default to show NPI pharmacies when searching, you can set this default to No. That will keep it un-checkmarked in the fax search mode and will show NPI pharmacies in your search result.  Of course, at any time, you can checkmark or uncheckmark the Exclude NPI box when in the e-meds search pharmacy fax mode itself.
  • Show Only Best Formulary: Default is no, but if set to Yes, then if you have the SureScripts Advanced functionality, you would only see the one best formulary for the patients when prescribing.
  • Cross-Browser EPCS: Recommend this to be set to ‘Yes' utilizing EPCS.  Setting this to Yes, and after downloading 2 apps needed to make it work (from the Plugins page), users can perform EPCS using a browser other than Internet Explorer (IE).
  • Unsent Scripts in Alert Bar: This alert (found in the alerts toolbar) displays a count of prescriptions that have been prescribed in the system, with that logged in user's name as the Prescriber, that have not been printed, faxed, or transmitted. The count will display ALL unsent prescriptions, regardless of medication schedule, for the logged in Prescriber (user) where those prescriptions are unsent.
  • Use Datavis in Meds/Agy Tab: Choose Yes or No. If set to No, the Medications/Allergies stand alone chart tab displays the legacy version of the meds/allergies listings. If set to Yes, the listing of Medications & Allergies in the stand alone Medications/Allergies chart tab will be listed and can be worked on in a datavis format.
  • Use Quick Prescribe: Choose Yes or No. If set to No, the Prescribe portion of the Medications/Allergies stand alone chart tab will use the legacy entry method. If set to Yes, the Prescribe portion of the Medications/Allergies stand alone chart tab will be an entry screen that mimics the Medication Orders quick list prescribe function within an encounter exam.


  • Show Conditions in Med Header:  Choose Yes or No.  If you choose yes, the patient's entered active conditions will appear in the med header at the top of each chart tab (under the patient's reported Allergies & current Medications).
  • Condition Code Display: None: Allows users to search for conditions by description only when creating an e-order or viewing/creating/editing conditions or diagnoses within the system . ICD9: Allows users to search for conditions by ICD9 descriptions and codes only when creating an e-order or viewing/creating/editing conditions or diagnoses. ICD10: Allows users to search for conditions by ICD10 descriptions and codes only when creating an e-order or viewing/creating/editing conditions or diagnoses. ICD9 and ICD10: This is the default preference that will be set.  Allows users to search for conditions by both ICD9 and ICD10 descriptions and codes when creating an e-order or viewing/creating/editing conditions or diagnoses. When searching to add or edit a condition/diagnoses, the user will see the ICD9 code in parenthesis immediately following the condition description to help with their selection.  If there is an exact ICD10 mapping to that ICD9, then the ICD10 code will display in another additional parentheses immediately following the ICD9 code, but if there is not an ICD10 mapping to that ICD9, then no additional information will follow the ICD9 code.
  • ICD10 CALCULATOR:  Choose Yes or No. If you choose yes, when entering new conditions you may be prompted to choose a better ICD-10 code, and existing conditions with an ICD-10 code that could be improved will have a calculator icon next to them.
  • Risk Adjustment Factor: Displays a RAF score at the top right hand area of the dark grey patient header of charts. Patient RAF Scores are automatically calculated by the system. An interpretation flag to the right of the RAF score will indicate High, Medium or Low. If a chart does not have a RAF score calculated for the current calendar year, the RAF value will display as Unknown.
  • Problem List Default on New: If this preference is set to No, the Problem List and Past Medical History radio buttons will default to "No" upon adding an assessment/diagnosis to a chart. If this preference is set to Yes, the Problem List and Past Medical History radio buttons will default to "Yes" upon adding an assessment/diagnosis to a chart.


  • Display Concept ID: If this is set to YES, the concept ID of the procedure will display in the Procedures/Surgeries portlet in the Summary dashboard of a chart.


  • Number Documents in Multi-Sign: Choose in increments of 10. The number you choose here will set the number of documents that pull up at one time when you click Multi-Review in your E-Sign pending queue.
  • Notify me on E-Sign Addition:  If this is set to YES, it will send the user an email when someone assigns an E-Sign request to them. The user's full email address must be put in their username access control in the email field for this to function.
  • Use DataVis in E-Sign: By default, the preference is set to No which displays the Pending Reviews in the legacy list view within the E-sign functionality. If set to Yes, the ‘Pending Reviews' tab of e-sign will be listed in a datavis and can be worked on in a datavis format.

Dashboard (Summary Tab)

  • Use Popups: Choose Yes or No.  If you have this setting as YES, in the Summary tab of each patient's chart (also considered ‘dashboard') when you click on a document to look at (in the Summary tab only) then it will pull that document up (pop-up) in a new window.  To get out of the document and back into Summary or chart, etc you would close this pop-up window by clicking on the X at the top right corner. Then you would be back to the Summary tab that you started at. If you have this setting as NO, then when you click on a specific document to view in the Summary tab of the patient's chart it will just bring up this document.  It will not pop-up a different window for the document.  When done viewing the document, you then use the back key or click the Summary tab again to get back.


  • Default Visit Type: When manually adding an encounter to a chart using the Encounters chart tab, the system will default the visit encounter type field selection to what visit type is selected here as your default visit type.  This is to save you time in finding the encounter you most likely create in charts. However, if using one-step checkin, if the appointment type the patient is being checked in for does not have any default encounter type set on it, it will then create the encounter you have set here as a default.  So if using one-click checkin, most leave this preference set to Checkin default visit type.  If you do not use one-click checkin, then you may find it efficient to set an encounter visit type here to save you time when manually adding encounters to charts.
  • Link Patient Doctors New Encounter: User can set this to yes and then any referring, family physicians or any other physicians (set via system setting) on the patient's demographics tab will show automatically in the CC (carbon copy) section of the encounter automatically instead of manually typing in that physician into the CC section of the encounter.
  • Impressions Linked As Active: Various setting choices Note:  Whoever opens/creates the patient's encounter – this is what is respected.  So if you have other staff members opening/creating patient encounters; the encounter impression section will display and respect as whatever the user that created the encounter is set to for this.
    • None: no conditions will be linked at all. All ACTIVE conditions shown in this section for the patient's visit will be displayed with a strikethrough and status is N/A. You would "activate" the ones that are applicable to today's visit by changing the "status" to active and you can also "rank" in that column if wish for those.
    • Last Enc Visit Type (No match –none): the linked conditions on the last previous encounter of the same visit type will be linked to this encounter (ranking and status is respected & displayed as was on previous matching encounter of same visit type); but of no match is found of the same encounter visit type previously then it means no conditions will be linked (all will be set as strikethrough aka: N/A status). There may be some users who would rather have their 'first' encounters always created with no linked conditions even though they will want subsequent ones to copy a previous one.  If that is desired, this is the setting to use.
    • Last Enc Visit Type (No match – all): the linked conditions on the last previous encounter of the same visit type will be linked to this encounter (ranking & status is respected & displayed as was on previous matching encounter of same visit type); but if no match is found of the same encounter visit type previously then it means all the patient's conditions displayed will link to show as "active" status not as a strikethrough.
    • Last Enc (No Match – none): the linked conditions on the last known encounter will be linked to this encounter (ranking & status is respected & displayed as was on last known encounter); but if no last encounter is found (patient has no previous encounter) then no conditions will be linked (all set as strikethrough). There may be some users who would rather have their 'first' encounters always created with no linked conditions even though they will want subsequent ones to copy previous one.  If that is desired, this is the setting to use.
    • Last Enc (No match – all): the linked conditions on the last known encounter will be linked to this encounter (ranking & status is respected & displayed as was on last known encounter); but if no last encounter is found (patient has no previous encounter) then all the patient's conditions displayed will link to show as "active" status, not as strikethrough.
    • All Active Conditions: It shows all the active conditions the patient has as status "active"; regardless of any encounter you ever get into or last encounter.  You would "N/A" the ones that are not applicable to today's visit by changing the "status" to N/A for those.
  • Audiogram STS Display: Displays the red STS alert if found on an Age Corrected and/or Non Age Corrected, depending on what you have your preference set to.
  • Assessment Entry in Orders: User can set this to Yes, and then an Assessment section will display under any encounter applied order item (pending due list item also) being resulted in an encounter, if the applied encounter order item has no layout configured to it, or has Generic Order layout configured to it.
  • Remember provider and location: Will auto-populate the Performing Provider/Location field with last remembered provider/location entry in the same manually created encounter visit type you have used.
  • Co-Signing Provider: When a Co-Signing Provider is set here for a user, and the user is auto-populated as the Performing Provider at the time the encounter is manually created, then this Co-Signing Provider name will display in the CC encounter section by default. A Co-Signing Provider user role (within the class of Medical Care Team) must exist in the system.

Forms Editor

  • Lock Boxes: This is for MIE use, to lock the boxes on forms programming so programming cannot be edited.

Injury and Illness

  • Show Closed Incidents: Yes allows closed incidents to be accessible on the patient incident listview. When set to "No", only open incidents will be shown.

Time Tracking

  • Logging Time Method: The Time Tracking module allows one to enter time in by hours or minutes, based on this preference. The choices are Hours or Minutes for this preference. Acceptable formats are: 1h5m, 1:05, 65m. If this preference is set to Minutes, we consider the logged time as minutes, but the time will be converted to hours for the stored value and reporting purposes.



  • Display: This changes what is displayed in the Scheduler view on your screen.
    • Appointments Only: Only just shows appointments.
    • Schedules Only: Just shows templated time (scheduled times) if schedules are entered for your physicians (resources) by a super-user.
    • Merged: Shows appointments and resource schedules merged together on your display in the scheduler.  Any open slot will show as a scheduled/allowed time. Appts then show as busy time. This is the common preference if your system uses schedules for resources/providers.
    • Separate: Shows appointments and schedules separate on your display in the scheduler.  The schedule for that physician (resource) shows on the left, then their appts list on the right.
  • Duration: You can change the duration (minutes, etc) of your scheduler view.  If you wish to view in 30 minute increments, change this to 30min (example).
  • Start Time: Choose the times you wish to view on your scheduler when you bring them up.  If most of the doctors, etc work 5am to 4pm, you would choose these times (example)
  • End Time: Choose the time you want to see all schedules ending at.
  • View When/Who Scheduled: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show who added a patient's appt and when they did.  This will show up for every patient in the schedule that you are viewing.
  • View Attending Physicians:  Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the attending physician for the patient in their appointment line.
  • View Referring Physicians: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show who referred this patient, if the info. was given/typed in when making the appt to the scheduler. This does not pull the referring physician from the patient's demographics screen.
  • Show Apt Types: Choose Yes to show the type of appt person is scheduled for  ex: type of service, type of appointment and what pertaining to. These ‘types' have to be set up by a superuser.
  • Show Patient Insurance: Choose Yes or No to show what kind of insurance and info the patient has on the appointment. Insurance name will only appear if you have this feature in the demographics screen for your workflow needs .
  • Show Cancelled: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show canceled appointments on your views.  These canceled appointments will show up at the very bottom of the list, multi, or weekly views automatically for each date.  Otherwise, you can click the cancel category in the scheduler to view the canceled appointments.
  • Show Comments: Choose No, Partial, or Full if you wish the scheduler to show the comments one can type in for a patient's appointment.  It will either show none, partial of the comments, or the entire comments if someone typed them in.
  • Show Confirmed Info: Choose No, Display Only, or Editable. Confirmed info has to be input by a user and clicked in a patient's appointment.  Sometimes clients use this if 1st get general info, then call back later to the patient to confirm the appointment, etc.
    • No: will not show [c] or [u] for confirmed or unconfirmed info.
    • Display Only: will display the [c] or the [u]
    • Editable: will allow you to edit the confirmed or unconfirmed info from the appointment.
  • Show Location: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the location of the appointment.
  • Show DOB:  Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the patient's date of birth in their appointment.
  • Show Add Dictation: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the add dictation option next to the patients in their appt when viewing appointments.  If YES, you can click it and add dictation directly from the scheduler for a patient. If dictation were already added/linked to the appointment via an encounter dictation, this link dictation ID here will only show the dictation id and the status of the dictation. If normal dictation was already added/linked to the appointment (non-encounter) the dictation ID will be shown as a hyperlink here to be able to quickly play from the scheduler view.
  • Use Dictate Day: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler (list, multi, week views) to show the Dictate Day option.  If YES, you can click it and it lets a user go through all un-dictated patients and add dictation in schedule order.  If No, the Dictate Day option will not appear on scheduler views.
  • Show Add Document: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the add document link/option next to all patients in their appt. info when viewing appointments.
  • Show Add Task: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the add task link/option next to all patients in their appt. info when viewing appointments.
  • Show Add Vitals: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the Show Vitals link/option next to all patients in their appt. info when viewing appointments.
  • Show Add Encounter:  Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the Add Encounter link/option next to all patients in their appt. info when viewing appointments. Choose Use One Click if you wish to bypass the add encounter confirmation screen from the multi-view and listview scheduler screens when using the add encounter link/option in the scheduler. If set to this and you click add encounter from the scheduler, it will automatically create and open the encounter the appt type has set to as default visit type.  If no default visit type is set to the appt type, then you will be taken to the ‘add encounter' screen for selection of which encounter to open. Using one-step checkin also creates the encounter automatically if an appt type has a default encounter visit type set to it.
  • Show Linked Encounters: Choose Yes or No if you with to list encounters linked to an appt on the scheduler views. If click on the encounter hyperlink on the patient's appt-the encs which are closed and archived will display the archived document, unless the document cannot be found in which case it will show the encounter properties screen. For all other encounters, that encounter will be set as current and the user will be directed to the list of encounters screen.
  • Show Print Chart: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the Print Chart link/option next to all patients in their appt. info when viewing appointments.
  • Show Checkin: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler views to show the Checkin hyperlink within each patient's scheduled appointment.  This is recommended to have set to Yes so user can quickly checkin a patient via the scheduled appointments.
  • Show Print Label: If enabled, users may generate and print a chart label within the scheduled appointment details on List, Multi, or Week Views in the scheduler.
  • Show Chart Online: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show (Chart Online) next to all patients in their appt. info when viewing appointments.
  • Show Patient Phone: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the patient's phone numbers in their appt. info when viewing appointments (shows home,cell,alt,work or whatever the patient has documented)
  • Default View: Choose List, Multi, or Week. When you click the scheduler tab on the left sidebar menu, the next screen will be this view  you are choosing here. Choose how you would like your scheduler to pop-up as.
    • Multi: Brings up a person's schedule for all of today. (can add/edit appts from this view)
    • Week: Brings up a person's schedule for the whole week. (can add/edit appts from this view)
    • List: Brings up a person's schedule for all of a single day in a list view (cannot add/edit appts from this view. This is a summary view for the day.)
  • Auto-scroll to Current Time: Choose Yes or No.  When you click on a scheduler view, if you choose YES, it will show from current time until the end of the day each time you log-on or view appointments (example: it is noon and you logged in to see the schedule for after lunch time). If this is set to YES, the scheduler will show you now only the appointments with yellow time slots from noon and on for today. If you choose NO, it will show the entire days schedule each time you view appointments, regardless of the current time it is.
  • Color Apt by Apt Type: Choose Yes or No.  When a super-user adds an appointment type, there is an option to make it in a background color to catch attention or stand-out from the other appointment types. Example: Recheck appointments may be set at color RED.  Then, if you have Yes on this option, the patient's appointment with the background of the color that is correlated with that will appear in the scheduler view determined from the appointment type.
  • Scroll Apt Block: Choose Yes or No.  Sets the Scheduler to put the scroll bar to the left of the calendar (right end side of the scheduler block) instead of all the way at the right side of the entire screen.  This way everything is on one page and only the appointments scroll, not the entire page w/ calendar.
  • Use Thin List View: Choose Yes or No. Yes will set the view to show only appointment time & patient info.  Leaves off the appointment information. This is meant for people using pocket IE.
  • Show Dictations w/o Apt:  Choose Yes or No. Yes will show the summary of Dictations without Appointments at the bottom of the scheduler multi or week view. It lists dictations for a day and resource that do not have a matching appointment.
  • Compact Apt: Choose Yes or No or Patient Name. No will show the entire appointment information in the appointment block, Yes will compact the appointment block information.  You can view the rest of the appointment information by clicking the appointment block for a specific patient. (Click again to hide the information). Patient Name will compact the appointments to show only the patient name on the appointment block.  You can view the rest of the appointment information by clicking the appointment block for a specific patient.  (Click again to hide the information).
  • Show Problem List:  Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the conditions list/link in their appt. info when viewing appointments.
  • Force Default Resources:  Choose Yes or No. Default is No. If you choose Yes, after you add or edit an appointment, it will then default your scheduler view to show all those resources and show the ones the appointment has on it.  If set to No, you will not see all of these physician's appointment schedules in your view.
  • Show Email Link:  Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the Email link/option next to all patients in their appt. info when viewing appointments. This allows you to send an individual patient an email about their appointment, rather than from the mass email link at the top of the scheduler views.
  • Auto Refresh:  Can choose the minute increments you wish the Scheduler view to automatically refresh in or not.
  • Show Add Order Link: Choose Yes or No if you wish the scheduler to show the Add Order link/option next to all patients in their appt. info when viewing appointments. This allows you to add an order from their appointment slot.
  • Print with Page Breaks: To default as checked/unchecked for the "Start each resource on new page" box when printing a schedule.
  • Default Appt Email Layout: This is the default selected email template/layout when emailing from scheduler in the drop-down Email Template field.
  • Show Merge Link:  Shows the Merge Patient link on the appointments listed in the scheduler view so a user can quickly merge patient temp accounts. The preference applies to the patient you are currently seeing on the scheduler screen. If your preference is set to tmp_only (which is the default setting it's set to), you will only see the merge link on the patient that has a temp mr#, because he/she is the tmp one. If your preference is set to always, that doesn't mean the merge link shows for every patient, it just means the link shows and is available on both the tmp patient and the non-tmp patient accounts. Preference set to no means you will not see a merge patient link on your scheduler appointments view.
    • Tmp Only: Only shows the link if the current patient is a tmp patient and has a single possible match
    • No: Merge link is never shown
    • Always: Merge link is shown for all patients who have a single possible match
  • Show Last Eligibility: Default is no, but if set to Yes and have SureScripts Advanced functionality on the system, then while working in a patient's record, the last eligibility date that was run will show in the scheduler view.
  • View Range: The ‘New Scheduler' tab within the Scheduler module allows a range preference to be set for viewing the ‘New Scheduler' screen by Day, Work Week, or Week.
  • Show Employer Organization: Displays the patient's Employer Organization on the appointment scheduler view.

One-Click Checkin

  • Use One-Click Checkin:  Choose Yes or No if you wish to use the one-click checkin method from the scheduler views.  Using One-Click Checkin checks a patient in automatically, sets the station of the patient to the station that is set as your default station, and generates/opens the specific encounter (if needed) according to the scheduled appointment type, all with one-click.  One-Click Checkin is much more efficient, but is only for scheduled appointments from the Scheduler views.
  • Link Referrers to Encounter: This preference will control whether the referring physician in the appointment gets linked to the encounter or not when using One-Click Checkin.
  • Link Referrers to Patient:  This preference will control whether the referring physician in the appointment gets linked to the patient's chart when using One-Click Checkin.


  • Number Results:  Choose the amount of results you wish to show up when you search for appointment. openings when adding an appointment for a patient.  Example: if you choose 1, it will show you 1 opening (the 1st opening) for an appointment that is fit for your patient appointment type.
  • Days out to search: Choose the number of days you want the scheduler to default to when search for an open time when you click the Search for times from start date button in the wizard. Example: Setting is set for 7 days:  if it doesn't find an open time that you want within 7 days, it will pop-up that there were no openings found for you.
  • Days to search at a time: Choose the number of days you want the scheduler to search at a time for when you are searching for an open time when click Search for times from start date button in the wizard. Example: if setting is set for 1 it will search an open time for you, 1 day at a time. As soon as it finds an opening, it will stop, if set at 1.


  • Show Only Templated Apt Types:  Choose Yes or No.  Yes makes the scheduling wizard (when you add appointment) to only display appointment types that are templated for the selected resource/location. This is a way of simplifying the list of appointment types by the resource/location you select.


These options are for users using the Pocket PC or Outlook syncing programs:

  • Days Back to Start Sync: It will retrieve appointments from <days back to start? And then get a total of <days to sync? Worth of appointments.
  • Days to sync: Means synchronize X days from the system to Outlook/Pocket Outlook. Syncing generally starts from today, but can be set to go back up to a month. The number of days that are selected here specifies the total days. Ex: 14 days back and 28 days means 14 days in the future, 14 days in the past. These numbers may not seem round, but they are multiples of 7.
  • Appointment subject contains: The subject line in Outlook will be filled with . Options include: Chief Complaint; Appt Type; Patient Name; Patient Name & Acct.
  • Retrieve: Specifies if the user wants to sync appointments, schedules, both in a merged view, both in a separated view, or Where am I view. These work just like the multi-view in the scheduler.  Options include: Appts Only; Schedules Only; Both Merged; Both Separate


  • Default View:  When you have security rights to add/edit schedules (in the schedules tab) for a resource (physician, etc) you can opt to have it automatically open to the month or list view.



  • Streaming Quality:  Controls how dictation sounds when you play it back from the server. The better the quality, the longer it takes to download it. For a dial-up user to work at all, you would use a lower quality.  The higher the speed, the more quality you can afford. Choose from: Best; Better; Good
  • Play on Top: If set to YES, when you open a dictation, the MIE Dictation player will always appear on ‘top' of any other screens or windows you additionally open. It keeps the MIE Dictation Player on top of your screen views so you can always see the Dictation Player and get to it quicker without having to find its opened minimized program in the toolbar at the very bottom of your computer screen. If set to NO, when opening a dictation the MIE Dictation Player will be on the screen unless you open another screen or window to view other information. The MIE Dictation Player is still opened, but doesn't appear on the screen ‘on top' of everything else you opened.  It automatically minimizes the Dictation Player and you can click to open it again from the bottom of your computer status toolbars.
  • Single Tap Record:  Choose YES or NO. NO means that you have to press and keep holding down the record button while you dictate. As soon as you release, it will pause/stop the dictation. Most clients set it to this NO option meaning you do not want to tap each time to record, pause, etc. You would press and hold the button continuously while recording, then release. YES means that when you press the record button, you can release it and it will keep on recording. To pause/stop the dictation, you would have to tap the record button again to turn pause/stop it.
  • Confirm Overwrite: Choose Yes or No. Yes: will ask them every time they want to overwrite a section of their dictation.  If set to NO: they will not be prompted at all and the recording will overwrite what was already there.
  • Olympus Folder: Can set default folder to upload stored Olympus dictations from.
  • Dictation View: Choose and set the tab you wish to always default and open to when you open the Dictation left sidebar tab.
  • Default Job Type: Choose and set the job type you wish to default to when using the dictation module. You can keep as No Job Type and you would then always select a specific job-type manually when you dictate. Or, if you always mainly dictate a specific job-type, then you can set this here and won't have to manually change it all the time when dictating.
  • Dictation Window Position:  Choose and set the position where you would like the MIE Dictation Player to open and appear on your computer screen. Default is usually top left corner.
  • RW/FF Jump: Can set the specific seconds that it will jump each time you click the Rewind or Fast Forward button in MIE Dictation Player.
  • Auto Refresh: Choose no for the system not to automatically refresh the Dictation queue tab.  Otherwise, choose an automatic time frame the system will automatically refresh the Dictation queue tab.
  • Control Device:  Can choose which control device you use for the MIEplayer. This goes along with version 2.24 of the MIEplayer. The player supports generic HID devices that may conflict with the SpeechMike so we now need to specify which control device to use. This chooses which device your MIEplayer uses. If there is more than one control device hooked up to a computer, this tells it to use a certain one.  Example: There may be a physician who likes to use a foot pedal but shares the computer with other physicians that uses the SpeechMike. The Configure in Player selection for this setting will use the setting that is stored on the computer and accessed in the player's config window. If a specific control device is selected (SpeechMike, USB Pedal, etc) then this preference setting will override what the player has configured.
  • Use SpeechMike for Playback: Can choose yes or no to tell the dictation control to always use the SpeechMike for playback or not and will override what the MIEPlayer is configured to. If this preference is set to ‘configure in player', then it means the settings in the config screen of the MIEPlayer will be respected. What you set this to here allows for multiple users to share a computer yet keep your settings to how you like to use playback while another user using the same computer may have it set to something else for their use.
  • Use SpeechMike for Record:  Can choose yes or no to tell the dictation control to always use the SpeechMike for recording or not and will over-ride what the MIEPlayer is configured to. If this preference is set to ‘configure in player', then it means the settings in the config screen of the MIEPlayer will be respected.  What you set this to here allows for multiple users to share a computer yet keep your settings to how you like to use record while another user using the same computer may have it set to something else for their use.


View Defaults

  • Show Overdue:  YES default. This shows the subcategory OVERDUE tasks in Your Task List. If no, it will ‘hide' your overdue tasks in Your Task List. You can always click on the Overdue Count summary that is hidden when you are in Your Task List screen and it will appear at anytime. This is just a default.
  • Show Personal: YES default. This shows the subcategory USER TASKS in Your Task List. If no, it will ‘hide' your User/individual tasks that are assigned to you specifically in Your Task List. You can always click on the summary that is hidden when you are in Your Task List screen and it will appear at anytime. This is just a default.
  • Chars of note to display: ALL/FORMATTED will fully show all the notes in that column in the task to do, but with all the lines in this summary view.
    • All/Compressed: (usual default) will fully show all the notes in that column in the task to do, but compresses it and leaves out lines in this summary view.
    • 10, 20, 30: Will only show the first 10, 20 or 30 characters of in the note column in a task to do in this summary view. To view the entire display of notes, you would have to click open the task.
  • Email me on task addition: If this is set to YES, it will send you an email when someone assigns a task to you. Your full email address must be put in your username access control in the email field.
  • Send SMS on task addition: When set to YES, the user will receive a SMS text communications when a task has been added for them. The text does not contain any hyperlinks to the system, it is clearly informational and reads "Task Added:" followed by the Task Description. Texts will be sent to the cell phone as listed on the user's account. Additionally, customers must have a SMS/Texting agreement in place as standard texting rates apply.
  • Email me on task completion: If this is set to YES, it will send you an email when someone completes a task you assigned to them. Your full email address must be put in your username access control in the email field.
  • Show Reply Link in List: Yes will show the link/option Reply  off to the right under Options so you can reply to a task. Otherwise, No just shows the Mark Done link/option only
  • Show Complete Checkbox:  If this is set to YES, it will show a box in the options column of the tasklist screen. Check-marking this box will consider the task completed and puts a strike through it and eventually takes it out of the task queue. This is just a preference to quickly mark a task complete, or go thru the other steps of marking a task completed.
  • Show MR:  If this is set to YES, it will show the patient's MR# in the tasklist regarding column and will also show the patient's name of who the task is regarding.  If set to NO, only the patient name will appear to identify who the task is regarding.
  • Expand Task in Document View:  If set to YES, when you are looking at a specific document in a patient's chart, it will always open and list in detail any tasks related to that specific document below the document on the screen. If set to no, you will only see the task hide/show link beneath the document on the screen. To open and view the task in detail you would just click show. This setting set to YES will always keep that detail open on any patient, any document. If set to NO, the task details do not appear, just the link to open them for viewing when desired.


User Interface

  • Edit Order Search Method: Autocomplete (default): When you start typing an order to search, you only need to type the first few characters of the item/order then click SEARCH and it will pop-up all choices that started with the few characters you typed in.
  • Default Action: View Recent: Select if user wants the order summary view for the patient or to continue an existing order.  Default view shows summary of orders in a patient's chart order tab (this doesn't apply/pertain to the orders tab at left sidebar).
    • Add Order: Select if user adds orders when in order tab. Default view shows the Order Add screen instead of summary of patient's orders in tab (this doesn't apply/pertain to the orders tab at left sidebar).
  • Show Edit Order Warning:  When you edit an order, it is used in pick lists. You will get a warning telling you that the order is in use by picklists. What this setting does is determine if you get the warning if it's only used in one picklist or multiple. If you set the warning to When Multiple Uses, then you will only be notified when the order is in multiple picklists. If you set it to Always Warn, you will be warned anytime the order is in a picklist. This came about because if you're editing an order, you should know what picklist it is in. Some clients don't know anything about their orders, so they want to be told what picklist everything is in.
  • Page Refresh: Select time or no refresh. Under Orders left sidemenu tab, this determines how often the page refreshes or if at all.
  • Expand Panels: Yes or No. When printing an order, this determines whether to display the contents of the order panels or not.
  • Set/Group Addition Method: Choose Add New or Use Existing.  This affects the way you can add orders and sets, etc.  To add a new order set, you must be set to use existing.
  • Show Un-Ordered in Alert Bar:  Choose Yes or No. This is the summary line of un-ordered orders outstanding for you and your departments. This summary line appears at the very, very top of the system (in an alert bar) after you are logged in. It is above all chart tabs. You can click on a category link here in this summary line, instead of getting into the orders module to view un-ordered orders (orders that need to be done/printed/created). This summary also keeps you updated (shows the count) as to if you even have any and/or the number (count) of un-ordered orders outstanding to do. Choosing the NO setting on this preference means that this un-ordered orders summary/work link at the very top of the system in the alert bar (above the chart tabs) will not appear to you. You would have to get into the orders module instead of glancing up to see the # of pending E-signs and/or tasks.

Encounter Orders

  • Filter Picklist by Insurance:  Choose Yes or No. If the user chooses YES, when the user adds orders in an encounter via an order picklist, the orders the user will see will be those that are approved by the patient's preferred insurance plan. There is a drop-down at the top of the picklist window that includes all the patient's insurance plans. This drop-down includes the ‘default' option to not filter by insurance and to just show everything in that particular picklist. When the user changes the insurance drop-down, the orders selected get added, the picklist window closes and a new picklist window opens with the orders that are accepted by the newly chosen insurance plan.  If the user has this preference set to NO, the insurance drop-down will not be rendered and the picklist will not be filtered by insurance (will continue to function as has before).


  • Ordering Physician: Begin typing in the first or last name of the physician you want the Orders ‘ordering physician' name to default to. It will auto-complete your typing and give you matching choices to select. The physician selected here will be the default physician name in the ordering physician field when you are in add order (e-orders module). This list pulls the physicians department. This list also shows active and login disabled users in case there are ordering physicians that don't actually log in to the system.
  • Location: Choose the location you want the Orders ‘location' name to default to. When you add an order for a patient, this field will pop up your default location name in the location field.
  • Default Order Set: Select Order name. This determines the specific order that will automatically pop up when click Orders tab in a patient's chart and add an order. This order fills in the Order Set name. You would want to set the default if you usually enter a certain order all the time.
  • Performing Facility: If system has field in e-orders to capture Facility, then that field will be prefilled with this selected preference default if any is set here.
  • Tests and Procedures Picklist: Sets the default picklist to branch open when using the Picklist icon/pop-up window from the encounter Tests & Procedures section. One can still select a different picklist within that section, this just defines the default one to open.
  • Bill Type: This determines what bill type to default (if any) when creating an order requisition.
  • Use New Requisition Screen: This new preference allows users to see the new Order "Requisition" screen, when users click on the Add Order hyperlink from lightning bolt or from the chart's Quick Links portlet. Also, when creating an order using the new Order Requisition screen within an encounter, when this preference is set to ‘yes', it offers an ability to "Clone" a requisition document, using the same requisition method screen. To then edit an open order request, you could ‘clone' it to be whatever you want/fixing/updating anything and that essentially ‘overwrites' the original requisition done in this manner.


User Interface

  • Transaction Search: In the Inventory module, this user preference to Show Search or Hide Search determines if the transaction screen advanced search fields will automatically show or hide on the landing page each time the user opens the Transaction Search tab of Inventory module.
  • Number of Verify Needed: Select # of Verification Needed Fills you wish to display on your screen for each patient at a time.  Example: if select 5 as your user preference, it will only show the first 5 Verification Needed Fills for that patient, then you would click next to get the next 5, etc. This applies to MedQueue tab and Dispense tab and if verification functionality is turned on via system setting for the system.
  • Number of Verified: Select # of Verified Fills you wish to display on your screen for each patient. Example: if select 5 as your user preference, it will only show the first 5 Verified Fills for that patient, then you would click next to get the next 5, etc. This applies to MedQueue tab and Dispense tab and if verification functionality is turned on via system setting for the system.
  • Number of Fill Requests: Select # of Requests you wish to display on your screen for each patient. Example: if select 5 as your user preference, it will only show the first 5 fill requests, then you would click next to get the next 5, etc. This applies to MedQueue tab and Dispense tab.
  • Prioritize Inventory in ACs: Inventory items can be ordered from the Medication Orders encounter section and the auto-complete field there (for the medication order drug) prioritizes inventory items over other items, when this preference is enabled.


User Interface

  • Super Doc Search Batching:  Advanced Batch will only work if the system setting for your practice is turned on by MIE. This allows the user to use Advanced Batch Printing (if turned on in the main system). Checkoff Batch: is the usual default and view. When doing a document search in the reports tab, it will have all of your document results check-marked in the box and you can print/fax/create a batch from there.


  • Default Thumbview Setting:  Choose On or Off.  When searching for EOB's from the EOB left sidebar menu tab, the search automatically defaults to show the thumbviews of the EOB scanned pages on the left side. You can click Hide Thumbnails when in the EOB search. However, instead of clicking this hide option every time you search for an EOB, you can make this default setting to Off. Then, the thumbnails will not automatically appear on the left side when doing an EOB search.  It is in List View only and if want to see a thumbnail of an EOB, you would click Show Thumbnail.  This setting is for your preference if you want EOB search to always show the thumbnails or not, even though you can override/change your choice when in the EOB search.



  • Blank Page Threshold: This setting is to set the default percentage of minimum allowed black on the page before the program considers it blank and marks to delete it in MIEWebScan. This setting allows the program to automatically determine and purge/delete blank pages when using the Process BarCodes/Blank button. The threshold is the percentage (%) of black on the page which considers it not blank so it doesn't automatically think it's a blank page and set it to delete.  If you scan pages with very little on it, you would need a low percentage. If the page has 1% black and 99% white and the setting is 2%, it will mark it as deleted/blank. This setting is usually set at fairly low numbers. If it is a blank page and the program doesn't automatically delete it as blank, then the scanner may be dirty or the page has some blank smudges and the program still reads this as black, not white/blank according to the % threshold set here.
  • Default Mouse Mode: This is the default you set your mouse to perform when you are clicking on the image on the right side of the screen.
    • ZOOM: Selecting this will make the mouse perform the zoom (magnifying glass) function when you click on the document image.
    • PAN: Selecting this will make the mouse perform the pan (hand) function when you click on the document image.  You would only be able to scroll/move the image up and down.
    • POINTER: Selecting this will only allow your mouse to use the scroll and can't do anything to the document image.
    • CROP: Selecting this will make the mouse perform the crop (+) function when you click on the document image.  When you use the mouse on the document image, it will be in crop mode.
  • Auto Link Form Pages: If a form has a barcode on it and is a multiple paged doc.type, and this is set to YES, it will automatically link all the pages of that document to page 1 of the specific form/document. Otherwise, you have to manually link while indexing those pages of that kind of document. In other words, if this is set to YES, and the form is programmed with a certain barcode, it will know to link subsequent pages to the initial page.  It knows it is a multiple paged document.
  • Auto Un-tumble Form Pages: If a form has a barcode on it, and the form was programmed to tumble in the print definition (tumble is printing on both sides and the backside is upside down for like use on a clipboard) this setting of YES would un-tumble the pages when scanned back in with WebScan. It would flip them right side up (the back page) for your indexing purposes on the screen.  If set to NO, the images would appear as they were scanned in using WebScan and you would have to manually rotate the image on the screen to get it right side up if a form was tumbled on the back (backside is upside down). Some forms are set to tumble for clipboard use. This is a quick way to un-tumble them when indexing that batch.
  • Clear Indexing Fields:  If this preference is set to YES, it clears the index information fields at the top when you advance to the next row (page) in the list.
  • Confirm All Bubble Sheets:  If set to yes, then every bubble sheet scanned/indexed in will bring up the confirmation box, even when there are no missing required fields or values outside of the historical range.
  • Auto-Rotate to find Barcodes: if you are indexing landscape forms or have forms in the forms library that print and display landscape (sideways) the barcode is on the sides then instead of top like other normal forms.  In this case, this setting needs to be set to YES in order for the system to automatically rotate and look for barcodes in other areas of a form (ie: landscape forms that are scanned in). If this is set to YES, the system can read the barcode no matter where it is on the paper and index it for you.
  • Auto-Rotate Linked Pages: Default is yes and rotates the linked pages as the same rotation of the first page. Setting this to no turns off the auto-rotating of linked pages. Linked pages would have to individually be rotated.


  • Resolution: Set the dpi resolution you wish WebScan to default in when scanning in documents.
  • Color Depth: Set the mode you wish WebScan to default to when scanning in documents.
  • Duplex: Set Yes to have WebScan default to scan documents front & back (duplex).  Set No to have WebScan default to single sided scanning.
  • Show UI: Set Yes to have WebScan default to show/open your scanner's settings screen.

Incoming File Queue

  • Default Category: If your system is set up with categories for incoming faxes, you can set a category to default to when working and batching and forwarding faxes in the FaxQ module.

To save settings, click Submit Settings at the top or bottom of the screen.

Password/PIN Control

  • Your Current Password: You can change your password from the MY SETTINGS tab if you wish. Type your current password in here, then go to new password field and type new one in, then verify it at the next box and click Submit PWD to submit your new password you reset your username login to be.
  • New PIN VeriCode: Enter a new PIN number here if your e-orders module requires you to enter a PIN number when trying to create an e-orders for a patient. This is also used if the dial-in dictation server is configured to ask for a pin password, along with a pin. Click Submit PIN to submit your new PIN you set yourself to.
  • Security Question & Answer: This can be used to help facilitate password resets. If the user needs to manually reset their password due to login failures, if the user has a security question & answer on their user account, the user will be prompted to answer the question correctly to be able to manually reset their password. Click Submit Security to submit your security question & answer you set yourself to.
    • Note: Our recommendation is to have your system be set up with password reset functionality to use an email, phone, or text PIN method instead of using the security question & answer method. If using an email, phone or text PIN method, then the security question & answer fields need to remain blank.

Learning Management System

To learn more about My Settings, follow the link below to the Learning Management System course: