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1kvN6W9kFSzR6njvg1ufm3anrTBixBWLJZacjdLmYra4 |
System Report Writing |
2025-02-12T17:02:46.167Z |
782 |
anichols |
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This documentation applies to writing a system report in the system report writer as well as in layouts with a query in an {{#each}} statement or the legacy tag. For our customers with ODBC connections, this document is a good primer for understanding key parts of the schema.
Start by adding a report. Control Panel -> System -> System reports -> Add Report
Enter a name and this SQL example that will find recently archived encounters and some related information.
SELECT d.doc_id,e.encounter_id, pc.cond_id,d2.doc_id
FROM documents d
-- encounter_documents has the documents created by archiving the encounter
INNER JOIN encounter_documents e ON e.doc_id=d.doc_id
-- module=6 are conditions in the assessment
LEFT JOIN encounters_link el ON el.encounter_id=e.encounter_id AND el.module=6
LEFT JOIN patient_conditions pc ON pc.cond_id=el.linked_id
-- module=5 are any documents linked to the encounter such as
-- order requisitions created while the encounter was current
LEFT JOIN encounters_link el2 ON el2.encounter_id=e.encounter_id AND el2.module=5
LEFT JOIN documents d2 ON d2.doc_id=el.linked_id
-- Find documents that were archived in the last week by encounters that
-- use the WCEXAM document type. storage_type=4 are HTML documents.
WHERE d.service_date>=DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK) AND d.doc_type='WCEXAM'
AND d.storage_type=4
Save and Explain that. Then go back to System -> System reports and click edit on it.
There is a model tab that queries data from our model table. This table has information on each table (object) and its columns (field). The table can also be queried from an ODBC connection. One useful field is the fk column that will list all foreign keys. We do not have many actual foreign keys defined in the database, but we do enforce these relationships in the application.
There is a newer model browser available from the Model button. You can search for a table name and it will display the columns on that table. Clicking a column name will give more information about it. The Referenced by section displays other tables that relate to this table.
Encounters_link is in this example because it is not easy to understand just by looking at the database. The module column is an integer with values defined in code. Here are those values from our code.
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_MEDS 0 // Table: rxlist
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_CONDS 1 // Table: patient_conditions
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_CONDS_FAM 2 // Table: patient_conditions_family
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_OBS 3 // Table: observations
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_ENC_EXT 4 // Table: NONE; I don't believe that this guy really belongs here. it's more of a hack for WCPATVIEWENCOUNTER tags.
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_DOCUMENT 5 // Table: documents
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_ASSESS 6 // Table: patient_conditions; An assessment is an encounter link with a condition signifying that it is relevant to the encounter
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_ENC_SELF 7 // Table: encounters; An identity relationship. Just used for user_tran_stats right now.
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_INCIDENT 8 // Table: incidents
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_CLINRESTRICT 9 // Table: patient_clinical_restrictions
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_ENC_CC 10 // Table: NONE; I don't believe that this guy really belongs here. it's more of a hack for WCPATVIEWENCOUNTER tags.
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_PREOP_ASSESS 11 // Table: patient_conditions; Pre-operative Assessment -- Similar to Type ENC_LINK_MOD_ASSESS
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_POSTOP_ASSESS 12 // Table: patient_conditions; Post-operative Assessment -- Similar to Type ENC_LINK_MOD_ASSESS
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_PAT_PROC 13 // Table: patient_procedures
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_PROC_CODE 14 // Table: bill_procedure_codes
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_INSURANCE 15 // Table: insurance_policy
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_ACCOMMODATION 16 // Table: accommodations
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_BILL_TRX 18 // Table: transactions.trx_id
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_LAB_REQUESTS 19 // Table: lab_requests
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_USER_ENTITY 20 // Table: users
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_ORGANIZER 21 // Table: Encounter (Represents a CDA "Organizer" for values that is connected to an encounter)
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_LOCATION 22 // Table: location
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_INJECTION 23 // Table: injections (immunizations)
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_ALLERGY 24 // Table: rxlist_allergylist
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_PROCEDURE 25 // Table: patient_procedures
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_PANEL_STATUS 27 // Table: patient_panel_status
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_PAT_TARGET 28 // Table: patient_targets
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_ENC_BILLING 29 // Table: encounter_billing
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_ENC_ORDER 30 // Table: encounter_orders
#define ENC_LINK_MOD_INVALID 31 // NOTE: place new modules before me and change my value
Many objects also reference documents.doc_id. Here is a query to illustrate a relationship. This is how an order requisition is stored
SELECT d.doc_id, req.request_id, req.set_name,
GROUP_CONCAT(icd.icd10) AS `ICD Codes`
FROM documents d
-- order_requests
INNER JOIN order_requests req ON req.doc_id=d.doc_id
-- order_items has each order that is on the request
LEFT JOIN order_items oi ON oi.request_id=req.request_id
-- order_list has the catalogue of all orders that can be ordered
LEFT JOIN order_list ol ON ol.order_id=oi.order_id
-- order_request_icd9cm has all the conditions (ICD and snomed concept ID) related to the order
LEFT JOIN order_request_icd9cm icd ON icd.request_id=req.request_id
WHERE d.service_date>=DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 WEEK) AND d.storage_type=15
GROUP BY d.doc_id
This is an example of how we store a lab result and also questionnaires
SELECT d.doc_id,o.obs_name,o.obs_result,o.obs_range,o.obs_units,o.obs_flag,
FROM documents d
INNER JOIN lab_requests lr ON lr.doc_id=d.doc_id
INNER JOIN observations o ON o.request_id=lr.request_id
WHERE d.storage_type=13
In clinical reports we usually like to exclude test patients and respect partition restrictions, as well as locked charts.
LEFT JOIN patient_extended_values AS px ON px.pat_id = p.pat_id AND px.ext_id = (SELECT ext_id FROM patient_extended_index WHERE name = ‘excluded_from_quality_care') AND px.value = ‘1'
WHERE px.pat_id IS NULL
The reference of pat_restrict_join is actually replaced with:
LEFT JOIN patient_restrictions AS plcpr ON p.pat_id=plcpr.pat_id
LEFT JOIN patient_restrictions AS pulcpr ON p.pat_id=pulcpr.pat_id AND pulcpr.user_id=@user_id
LEFT JOIN user_patients up ON up.pat_id=p.pat_id AND AND up.id_type='user'
LEFT JOIN user_patients up2 ON up2.pat_id=p.pat_id AND up2.id_type='realm'
LEFT JOIN user_realms ur ON AND ur.user_id=@user_id
LEFT JOIN patient_mrns pprpm ON p.pat_id=pprpm.pat_id
LEFT JOIN patient_partitions pprpp ON pprpm.wc_partition=pprpp.wc_partition AND>0
LEFT JOIN patient_partitions_restricted pprppr ON pprpp.wc_partition=pprppr.wc_partition AND pprppr.id_type='user' AND pprppr.allowed_id=@user_id
LEFT JOIN patient_partitions_restricted pprppr2 ON pprpp.wc_partition=pprppr2.wc_partition AND pprppr2.id_type='realm'
LEFT JOIN user_realms pprur ON pprur.realm=pprppr2.allowed_id AND pprur.user_id='60634'
LEFT JOIN user_patients ppreup ON ppreup.pat_id=p.pat_id AND AND ppreup.id_type='user'
LEFT JOIN user_patients ppreup2 ON ppreup2.pat_id=p.pat_id AND ppreup2.id_type='realm'
LEFT JOIN user_realms ppreur ON AND ppreur.user_id=@user_id
The reference of pat_restrict_where is replaced with:
We DO NOT use the pat_restrict_join/where on Employer/Supervisor reports because that will require that Supervisors and Subordinates have to have the Portal User user-patient relationship! If you need to restrict Employer/Supervisor reports, add restrictions right on the system report reference in the corresponding editor.
We support replacing SQL variables with data sent in CGI. It will set the variable's value to use in your SQL. Example below.
URL: webchart.cgi?f=ajaxget&s=system_report&report_name=MySystemReport&last_name=Smith
SELECT first_name,last_name
FROM patients
WHERE last_name=@last_name
You can send multiple values for a given variable. We support some formatting of the data to create an IN clause of numbers or strings.
URL: webchart.cgi?f=ajaxget&s=system_report&report_name=MySystemReport&last_name=Smith&last_name=Jones&last_name=Johnson&pat_id=123&pat_id=456
SELECT first_name,last_name
FROM patients
WHERE last_name IN (@last_name%s)
AND pat_id IN (@pat_id%u)
You can write SQL that you want to use in multiple reports and reference it. This helps simplify maintaining the shared SQL.
LEFT JOIN patient_extended_values AS px ON px.pat_id = p.pat_id AND px.ext_id = (SELECT ext_id FROM patient_extended_index WHERE name = ‘excluded_from_quality_care') AND px.value = ‘1'
AND px.pat_id IS NULL
SELECT p.last_name
patients p
WHERE p.last_name='Smith'