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Translation Manager

Purpose of the Translation Manager

The Translation Manager is used to map or translate codes to and from interfaces, in lieu of an actual interface engine. The Trans Mgr tab is found in the Control Panel, typically under the Interface parent tab.

Translation Manager

Using the DataVis Version (RC202209 and newer)

By default, the initial view is in Summary format by Interface Category. There are 4 perspectives available OOTB, or you may create your own perspective using the "New Perspective" option, and grouping the data that you need.

You may select the Detail radio button and click the plus signs (+) to view details of each category.

Checking a box for an item provides translation options at the bottom of the screen. All options may not be available for all rows.

The Columns

Show All Unmapped-All

The "Show All Unmapped" button will be accessible for use when unmapped translations are present in any interface/category. Clicking on "Show All Unmapped" within the main translation manager will list any/all unmapped translations regardless of interface/category.

One can then select an unmapped translation to edit it and finish the translation mapping details as needed.

Show All Unmapped-Individual Interface Category Group

Unmapped individual translations are also visible as "unmapped" within an individual specific interface/category when branched open to see what translations are mapped to that interface/category.

Clicking on the "unmapped" individual button will advance you right into that individual translation mapping, where you can checkmark it and edit it to finish any mapping details needed.

Add Translations

When setting up a new interface, or when the Duplicate feature does not apply, use the "+Add Translation" button in the upper right corner to add a new translation, and fill in the blanks. When complete, use the "Save" button for a single translation, or the "Save & Add Again" to retain the Interface, Category and Type settings.

The Trans From has options for Start With, Contains, and Ends With. Select Starts With, Ends With, or Contains to allow the translation to match any values that either begin with, end with, or contain your 'Trans From' value. Click again to deselect the button to only apply the translation to exact matches.

Duplicate Translations

In Detail view, select an item to duplicate by checking the box, then the "Duplicate" button at the bottom. Change any of the 3 categories (Interface, Category, Type) then press Save.

In the below example, the "doctype" translation from ISO was DUPLICATED, then the Interface changed to labcorp, Category changed to lab_types, and Type changed to doc_type.

NOTE: Use the autocomplete for the interface name. If no autocomplete, the interface does not exist in the system.

When the "Save" button is selected, the end result is added to the list:

Edit Translations

To edit any level of the translations that exist, checkmark any section, make the changes to Interface, Category, Type, Trans From and/or Trans To then click "Save".

If you see this error, there may have multiple items selected, or are attempting to edit a row that is not allowed to be edited:

Delete Translations

Similar to editing or duplicating translations, select the row(s) to delete then use the "Delete" button. The user will be prompted to confirm what is being deleted, either as a single deletion or multiple:

Legacy Version Highlights (prior to RC202209)

Systems prior to RC202209 will continue to use the original version of the Trans Mgr, found in the Control Panel - Trans Mgr tab.

The user may search for translations by using the criteria provided:

Translations may be added by clicking on the link "Add Translation" in the upper right corner of the screen, and manually filling in the Interface Name, Category, Type (if needed), as well as the Trans From and Trans To.

The Type of translation has an editor as well. By selecting the "Manage Types" link, the user may edit or remove existing types.

NOTE: To create a New type, refer to the Add Translation screenshot and enter the new Type in the "Other Category" field.

Learning Management System

To learn more about the Translation Manager, follow the link below to the Learning Management System course: