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Task Search

To access the Task Search tab within the Task List sidemenu module, users must have security for Task Search.

The Task Search screen contains search criteria fields to help render a listing of created tasks in the {{% system-name %}} system.

The search requires at least one search criteria field to be specified before any results can generate.  Using the search criteria fields can help narrow down the results to as granular as needed.

The search criteria fields are described as:

  • Task ID: If known, type in the specific Task ID number to search for.
  • Sender: Can type the first or last name of the user who sent the task(s) being searched for. The system will then autocomplete and display choices of users.  Multiple senders can be set in this field to generate matching results.
  • Owner: Can type the first or last name of the assignee who was set as owner of the task(s) being searched for. The system will then autocomplete and display choices of users. Multiple owners can be set in this field to generate matching results.
  • Department: Can type a specific department the task(s) were assigned to.  Begin typing the name of the department and it will autocomplete selections. Multiple departments can be set in this field to generate matching results.
  • Description: Can type in part of the description that the task(s) had.  This will result in a list of tasks that have that in any of its task description.
  • Regard Type:  Can select a specific type the task was regarding.
  • Priority Type:  Can select the priority level of the task(s) being searched for.
  • Entry Start/End Date:  Can enter start & end dates of the task(s) being searched for. These are the date ranges the task(s) was entered/created in the system.
  • Due Start/End Date:  Can enter Due start & end dates of the task(s) being searched for.  These are the Due Date ranges entered for task(s) if keyed into tasks.
  • Remind Start/End Date:  Can enter Remind start & end dates of the task(s) being searched for. These are date ranges of Reminder dates if keyed into tasks.
  • Complete Start/End Date:  Can enter Completed start & end dates of the task(s) being searched for. These are the date ranges the task(s) were marked as completed.
  • Completed By:  Can type first or last name of the user who completed the task(s) being searched for. The system will then autocomplete and give you choices of users to choose from. Multiple users can be specified here to render matching results.
  • Notes:  Can type in part of the notes text that the task(s) may have had in it that are being searched for.
  • Task Template: Can select the fast task template the task(s) used if searching for task(s) related to a specific fast task template.
  • Document Type: Tasks created in the system store as their own document.  Typically they store as Task Note document, but some fast tasks store as their own unique document type.  In this field, can enter in task document type(s) to render matching results.

Once any applicable search criteria fields are filled out, click the Submit button to display matching results. Task Search Results will display on the screen.

{{% tip %}} The Show CSV link is available to export the results into an excel spreadsheet to do further filtering or sorting if needed. {{% /tip %}}

If need to run another Task Search, but want to keep most of the search criteria fields the same as previously entered and only modify a few, simply click the Modify Search Criteria hyperlink found at the top right corner of the results screen.

Clicking that will take you back to the Task Search, but keeps all the search criteria fields set to the previously entered criteria.  At that point, you can simply modify any specific search field(s) needed, without having to enter fields and data again from scratch. Click the Submit button to run a modified search.