title | navWeight |
Developer Guide |
-15 |
See Node setup on the system for prereq.
Example Google Drive Shared Folder
curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_20.x | sudo bash -
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n 22.10.0
- We use labels to set the version number based on https://github.com/marketplace/actions/create-tag-release
- See background info: #297
Copy and adjust .env.example .env
sudo apt install libkrb5-dev libssh2-1-dev
npm install
wikigdrive --workdir ~/wikigdrive --service_account ~/workspaces/mieweb/wikigdrive-with-service-account.json --share_email [email protected] server 3000
export VOLUME_DATA=~/wikigdrive
export VOLUME_PREVIEW=~/wikigdrive_html
# Create some dir for wikigdrive data
mkdir -p $VOLUME_DATA
# Create some dir for wikigdrive rendered html files
# Running zipkin is an option
docker run --name zipkin -d -p 9411:9411 --restart unless-stopped openzipkin/zipkin
# Build action runner
docker build -t wgd-action-runner apps/wgd-action-runner
# Build hugo docs
docker run \
-v ~/workspaces/mieweb/wikiGDrive/hugo:/site \
-v ~/workspaces/mieweb/wikiGDrive/website:/website \
-v $VOLUME_PREVIEW/docs:/dist/hugo \
--env CONFIG_TOML="/site/config/_default/config.toml" --env BASE_URL="https://localhost:3000" \
wgd-action-runner /steps/step_render_hugo
# Build wikigdrive
docker build -t wikigdrive .
# Run wikigdrive
docker run --rm --user=$(id -u):$(getent group docker | cut -d: -f3) -it \
-v $VOLUME_DATA:/srv/wikigdrive \
-v $VOLUME_PREVIEW/docs:/usr/src/app/dist/hugo \
-v ~/workspaces/mieweb/wikigdrive-with-service-account.json:/service_account.json \
-v ~/workspaces/mieweb/wikiGDrive:/usr/src/app \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
--link zipkin:zipkin \
--publish \
--publish \
--name wikigdrive-develop \
wikigdrive \
./src/wikigdrive.sh --watch-path /usr/src/app/src --service_account /service_account.json --share_email [email protected] --workdir /srv/wikigdrive server 3000
# Stop wikigdrive
docker rm -f wikigdrive
# 24678 - vite hot reload port
- wikigdrive.com (hosted by??)
Link to production's OAUTH configuration: https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/oauthclient/762352378313-3u5pagjnk24g9640a5j1bmlsvobtlq2k.apps.googleusercontent.com?project=wikigdrive
Stored in /home/wikigdrive/env.prod
- Link to the keys
- last key used is dcb0a0d690d0a5ac24b42a3f1962bf9802c36882 and is in here
This is for configuring Google Apps and their Console to permit the Google Marketplace to the store.
See folder /apps/app-script
in the sources
The Actions Runner runs on vps1.ovh.wikigdrive.com
Google Doc Setup Documentation
- Simple Test: https://dev.wikigdrive.com/drive/0APmwe3yIhGabUk9PVA
- Complex Test: https://dev.wikigdrive.com/drive/0AF_nrE0_QH_2Uk9PVA
root@wgd-dev:~# docker exec -it wikigdrive-prod bash
wikigdrive --service_account /service_account.json drives
Cool trick to watch changes as they happen in a document:
cd /var/lib/docker/volumes/wikiGDriveDevelop/_data/0APmwe3yIhGabUk9PVA
watch -d odt2txt 1WfXOsKmPgOtdsZxXdl6RpqMrlkQP2O1GrprnaFxK0oE.odt
Another cool trick to see diffs in images:
Start zipkin with:
docker run --name zipkin -d -p 9411:9411 --restart unless-stopped openzipkin/zipkin
Set app env var to:
./src/wikigdrive.sh --inspect --workdir ~/wikigdrive --service_account ~/workspaces/mieweb/wikigdrive-with-service-account.json --share_email [email protected] server 3000
Go to `chrome://inspect`
Visual Studio Code 1.10+
In the Debug panel, click the settings icon to open .vscode/launch.json. Select "Node.js" for initial setup.
JetBrains WebStorm and other JetBrains IDEs
Create a new Node.js debug configuration and hit Debug. --inspect will be used by default for Node.js 7+. To disable uncheck js.debugger.node.use.inspect in the IDE Registry. To learn more about running and debugging Node.js in WebStorm and other JetBrains IDEs, check out WebStorm online help.