diff --git a/README.rst b/README.md
similarity index 63%
rename from README.rst
rename to README.md
index 690c1ac..48e2a5d 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.md
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@ To install run
+    >>> # First we want to import the duckduckgo API
     >>> import duckduckgo
+    >>> # Then we are assigning 'r' to the search Duck Duck Go 
     >>> r = duckduckgo.query('Duck Duck Go')
     >>> r.type
+    >>> # Since we are accessing the results part of the Duck Duck Go API, if we set the element to 0 we can see this: 
     >>> r.results[0].text
     'Official site'
     >>> r.results[0].url
@@ -30,15 +32,17 @@ Usage
     >>> r.abstract.source
+    >>> # Now we are going to access the search Python
     >>> r = duckduckgo.query('Python')
+    >>> #In the API, we are using teh disambiguation type, so this is what is returned 
     >>> r.type
+    >>> #Again, we can see the text involved in element 6 of the related API 
     >>> r.related[6].text
     'Python (programming language), a computer programming language'
     >>> r.related[6].url
-    'http://duckduckgo.com/Python_(programming_language)'
+    'http://duckduckgo.com/Python_(programming_language)'  
+    >>> #Searching for 1 + 1 : 
     >>> r = duckduckgo.query('1 + 1')
     >>> r.type