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Hendrik Richter edited this page Jan 24, 2020 · 177 revisions

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Support deposit, withdraw, and trading

Support deposit and trading



  • accepts Grin for forum payments
  • TMGOX grin, mimblewimble and cypherpunk merch, all profits donated to the Grin Development Fund. Maintained by @0xb100d


Mining Calculators

Mining Pools

For a comparison of all the different pool hashrates, see Cuckaroo-29 and Cuckatoo-31.


  • Grin++, Grin node and wallet implementation in C++ for Windows, MacOS & Linux
  • grin-dotnet, Grin node implementation in C# (Inactive)
  • gringo, Grin node implementation in Go (Inactive)


  • Wallet 713 is a command line wallet that integrates with Grinbox and Keybase for easily sending transactions if you can't or don't want to expose your IP-address publicly. It also supports generating proofs that prove you sent a transaction or amount.
  • Ironbelly iOS/Android wallet for Grin. Open sourced at cyclefortytwo/ironbelly
  • Niffler Open Sourced Grin GUI Wallet; support mac/linux/windows; support English\简体中文\русский.
  • Vite Grin Mobile Wallet A open-sourced multi-crypto HD mobile wallet supporting GRIN! In addition to all native GRIN transactions (transaction file, HTTP address), Vite Grin Mobile Wallet supports a unique way of transferring through VITE address where the receiver is not required online at all. At the time being, Vite Grin Mobile Wallet iOS version is formally released while Android will come soon. Source code can be found at here. Telegram support link click me
  • Grin++, Open source, easy-to-use GUI powered by an ultra-fast, custom C++ node and wallet backend. Supports sending/receiving via file, http(s), and grinbox. Supports Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
  • Wimble is a wallet designed specifically for Grin, supports MacOS only at the moment. Beta


  • Grin Vault Android Wallet. Currently open beta with support only for Floonet.
  • Grin Purse Grin Purse is the first GRIN GUI wallet that redefines GRIN's transfer method and uses a bitcoin-like address for transfer, just as simple as using a Bitcoin wallet.
  • SuperGrin is a GUI Grin wallet for Mac. Open Source.
  • smirk is a user-friendly Grin wallet, built using Electron.
  • Superlinear is a native Grin wallet for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

Other services

  • Grinbox, a transaction building service for Grin (for "offline" txs)
  • Knockturn Allee Grin payment processor which supports integration with existing e-commerce platforms in a few clicks
  • Installation Script by JackRack (Inactive)
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