To Wrapyfi your code:
from wrapyfi.connect.wrapper import MiddlewareCommunicator
class TheClass(MiddlewareCommunicator)
def encapsulated_method(...):
return encapsulated_a, encapsulated_b
def encapsulating_method(...)
encapsulated_a, encapsulated_b = self.encapsulated_method(...)
return result,
the_class = TheClass()
the_class.activate_communication(the_class.encapsulated_method, mode="publish")
while True:
The primary component for facilitating communication is the MiddlewareCommunicator
. To register the
methods for a given class, the class should inherit the MiddlewareCommunicator
. Any method decorated with
@MiddlewareCommunicator.register(<Data structure type>, <Communicator>, <Class name>, <Topic name>)
is automatically registered by Wrapyfi.
The <Data structure type>
is the publisher/listener type for a given method's return. The supported data
types are listed here.
The <Communicator>
defines the communication medium e.g.: yarp
, ros2
, ros
, or zeromq
. The default communicator is zeromq
but can be replaced by setting the environment variables WRAPYFI_DEFAULT_COMMUNICATOR
when both are provided) to the middleware of choice e.g.:
The <Class name>
serves no purpose in the current Wrapyfi version, but has been left for future support of module-level decoration,
where the methods don't belong to a class, and must therefore have a unique identifier for declaration in the
configuration files.
The <Topic name>
is the name used for the connected topic and is dependent on the middleware platform. The listener and publisher receive
the same topic name.
The @MiddlewareCommunicator.register
decorator is defined for each of the method's returns in the
same order. As shown in the example above, the first decorator defines the properties of encapsulated_a
publisher and listener, whereas the second decorator belongs to encapsulated_b
. A decorated method must always return a tuple which can easily
be enforced by adding a comma
after the return in case a single variable is returned. Lists are also supported for
single returns e.g.:
@MiddlewareCommunicator.register([..., {...}], [..., {...}], [...])
def encapsulated_method(...):
encapsulated_a = [[...], [...], [...]]
return encapsulated_a, encapsulated_b
Methods with a single return should be followed by a comma e.g., return encapsulated a, . This explicitly casts the return as a tuple to avoid confusion with list returns as single return element/s
Each of the list's returns is encapsulated with its own publisher and listener, with the named arguments transmitted as
a single dictionary within the list. Notice that encapsulated_a
returns a list of length 3, therefore, the first decorator contains
3 list configurations as well. This is useful especially when transmitting multiple images or audio chunks over YARP, ROS, and ROS 2.
Note that by using a single NativeObject
as a <Data structure type>
, the same
can be achieved. However, the implementation of the NativeObject
for most middleware serializes the
objects as strings before transmission. The NativeObject
may result in a greater overhead and should only be used when multiple nesting depths are
required or the objects within a list are not within the supported data structure types.
The $
symbol is used in Wrapyfi to specify that a decorator should update its arguments according to the arguments of the decorated method. This can be useful when the decorator needs to modify its behavior during runtime. For instance:
'$0', 'ExampleCls', '/example/example_arg_pass',
carrier='tcp', should_wait='$blocking')
def example_arg_pass(self, mware, msg='', blocking=True):
Setting the decorator's keyword argument should_wait='$blocking'
expects the decorated method to receive a boolean blocking
argument, altering the encapsulating decorator's behavior when the encapsulated method is called. Setting the decorator's second argument to $0
acquires the value of mware
(the first argument passed to example_arg_pass
) and sets it as the middleware for that method. These arguments take effect on the first invocation of a method. Changing arguments after the first invocation results in no change in behavior, unless a MiddlewareCommunicator
inheriting class for a given method is closed.
Currently, closing a connection requires closing all connections established by every method within that class.
Selectively deactivating method connections is not supported []( "planned link")
To close and delete a MiddlewareCommunicator
inheriting class means that the middleware connection will be disconnected gracefully. The class references will be removed from all registries, the communication ports will be freed, and the instance will be destroyed. To close a class instance:
# assuming an existing instance-> example_instance = ExampleCls()
del example_instance
In order to establish communication using any communication pattern supported by Wrapyfi, the methods need to be activated by setting them to behave according to a compatible communication mode
Modes are configurations that define the behavior of a method, i.e., should the method be executed?, should the method await a message from another method?, should the method publish its message?, or should the method await an acknowledgement from a message requester?
Selecting the mode for each method is tha starting point for establishing communication through Wrapyfi. Wrapyfi supports
the common PUB/SUB and REQ/REP communication patterns, with different modes supported for each.
The MiddlewareCommunicator
's child class method modes can be independently set to accomodate the communication pattern. We separate the modes into their corresponding patterns:
- none(default): Run the method as usual without triggering
publish, listen, receive, reemit, transceive, request
. hint: Setting the mode toNone
within a yaml configuration file) has the same effect - disable: Disables the method and returns None for all its returns. Caution should be taken when disabling a method since it could break subsequent calls
publish: Run the method and publish the results using the middleware's transmission protocol. The results of executing the method are returned directly from the method: The method runs as expected, with the additional publishing of its returns
listen: Skip the method and wait for the publisher with the same port name to transmit a message, eventually returning the received message
receive: Similar in behavior to the
mode, but receives the input as an argument and executes the method assuming the argument/s are received from a publisher. The method is then run based on the received argument/s value/s and the returns are resulting from running the method itself, rather than passively listening for input only -
reemit: Similar in behavior to the
mode, but also publishes the returns eventually, similar to thepublish
mode -
transceive: Similar in behavior to the
mode, however, unlike publishing methods, it listens for returns from another publisher, and returns the resulting message instead, similar to thelisten
The possible mode combinations for each method to communicate successfully with its corresponding methods operating on the same topic are:
: Both method returns are identicalpublish
: Method returns are not identical: This only works whenpublish
decorater argumentshould_wait=False
, since there is no listener, givendisable
mode always returnsNone
and does not establish a connection with the publisherpublish
: Method returns are not identical: This only works whenpublish
decorater argumentshould_wait=False
, since there is no listener, given"none"
mode always runs the method and acquires its returns but does not establish a connection with the publisherpublish
: Method returns are not identicaltransceive
: Both method returns could be identical
- reply: Run the method and publish the results using the middleware's transmission protocol. Arguments are received from the requester
- request: Send a request to the replier in the form of arguments passed to the method. Skip the method and wait for the replier with the same port name to transmit a message, eventually returning the received message
The possible mode combinations for each method to communicate successfully with its corresponding methods operating on the same topic are:
: Both method returns are identical. For every request (client) there should be a corresponding reply (server) and would not operate (hangs indefinitely) without acknowledgement from the server
The mode of each method can be set by calling:
activate_communication(<Method name>, mode=<Mode>)
where <Method name>
is the method's name (string
name of method by definition) and <Mode>
is the transmission mode
, "listen"
, "transceive"
, reemit
, "reply"
, request
, "none"
| None
, "disable"
) depending on the communication pattern .
The activate_communication
method can be called multiple times. <Method name>
could also be a class instance method, by calling:
activate_communication(<MiddlwareCommunicator instance>.method_of_class_instance, mode=<Mode>)
for each decorated method within the class. This however requires modifying your scripts for each machine or process running
on Wrapyfi. To overcome this limitation, use the ConfigManager
from wrapyfi.config.manager import ConfigManager
ConfigManager(<Configuration file path *.yml>)
The ConfigManager
is a singleton that must be called once before the initialization of any MiddlewareCommunicator
. Initializing it
multiple times has no effect. This limitation was created by design to avoid loading the configuration file multiple times.
The <Configuration file path *.yml>
's configuration file has a very simple format e.g.:
encapsulated_method: "publish"
where TheClass
is the class name, encapsulated_method
is the method's name, and publish
is the transmission mode.
This is useful when running the same script on multiple machines, where one is set to publish and the other listens.
Multiple instances of the same class' method can have different modes, which can be set independently using the configuration file. This
can be achieved by providing the mode as a list:
where the list element index corresponds to the instance index. When providing a list, the number of list elements should correspond to the number of instances. If the number of instances exceeds the list length, the script exits and raises an error.
Wrapyfi supports the publisher-subscriber (PUB/SUB) pattern as well as the request-reply (REQ/REP) pattern. The PUB/SUB pattern assumes message arguments are passed from the publisher-calling script to the publishing method. The publisher executes the method and the subscriber (listener) merely triggers the method call, awaits the publisher to execute the method, and returns the publisher's method returns. The REQ/REP pattern on the other hand assumes arguments from the client (requester) are sent to the server (responder or replier). Once the server receives the request, it passes the arguments to its own method, executes it, and replies to the client back with its method returns.
Communication patterns in Wrapyfi are set by passing the configuration mode
argument to activate_communication
method as described in the configuration documentation.
in REQ/REP, the requester transmits all arguments passed to the method as a dictionary encoded as a string. This is not ideal for predefined services, where the service expects a certain object/message type. A better approach would include the option to pass a single item of a certain value and type []( "planned link")
The publishers and listeners of the same message type should have identical constructor signatures. The current Wrapyfi version supports
4 universal message types for all middleware. The extended types such as ROSMessage
and ROS2Message
are exclusive to the provided middleware.
YARP publishers remain [persistent](,made%20whenever%20possible.%20These%20are%20called%20%22persistent%20connections%22.). To disable persistence, pass the argument `persistent=False` to the `@MiddlewareCommunicator.register` decorator.
All messages are transmitted using the yarp
Python bindings
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image using eitheryarp.BufferedPortImageRgb
. When JPG conversion is specified, it uses ayarp.BufferedPortBottle
message carrying a JPEG encoded string instead - AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk with the sound properties usingyarp.Port
- NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays and other formats usingyarp.BufferedPortBottle
- Properties: Transmits properties
ROS requires a custom message to handle audio. This message must be compiled first before using Wrapyfi with ROS Audio.
Refer to [these instructions for compiling Wrapyfi ROS services and messages](
All messages are transmitted using the rospy
Python bindings as topic messages
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image usingsensor_messages.msg.Image
. When JPG conversion is specified, uses thesensor_messages.msg.CompressedImage
message instead - AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk usingwrapyfi_ros_interfaces.msg.ROSAudioMessage
- NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays, and other formats usingstd_msgs.msg.String
- Properties: Transmits and receives parameters to/from the parameter server using the methods
respectively - ROSMessage: Transmits and receives a single ROS message per return decorator. Note that currently, only common ROS interface messages are supported and detected automatically. This means that messages defined in common interfaces such as std_msgs, geometry_msgs, and sensor_msgs can be directly returned by the method do not need to be converted to native types
ROS 2 requires a custom message to handle audio. This message must be compiled first before using Wrapyfi with ROS 2 Audio.
Refer to [these instructions for compiling Wrapyfi ROS 2 services and messages](
All messages are transmitted using the rclpy
Python bindings as topic messages
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image usingsensor_messages.msg.Image
. When JPG conversion is specified, uses thesensor_messages.msg.CompressedImage
message instead - AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk usingwrapyfi_ros2_interfaces.msg.ROS2AudioMessage
- NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays, and other formats usingstd_msgs.msg.String
- Properties: Transmits properties
- ROS2Message: Transmits and receives a single ROS 2 message per return decorator
ZeroMQ exchanges in REQ/REP rely on a broker with a dedicated socket. By default, Wrapyfi will not spawn a new connection to the socket when multiple threads are created. For multi-threaded applications, this leads to race conditions. We avoid that by detecting whether a new instance of the socket is available in the thread's local storage. This multi-threading-friendly mode is enabled by passing `multi_threaded=True` to the `@MiddlewareCommunicator.register` decorator. This is only recommended when registering methods that are going to be multi-threaded.
All messages are transmitted using the zmq
Python bindings. Transmission follows the proxied XPUB/XSUB pattern
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image wrapped in theNativeObject
construct. Note that allImage
types are transmitted as multipart messages, where the first element is the topic name and the second element is the header (e.g., timestamp), and the third element is the image itself - AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk wrapped in theNativeObject
construct - NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays and other formats usingzmq context.socket(zmq.PUB).send_multipart
for publishing andzmq context.socket(zmq.SUB).receive_multipart
for receiving messages. Thezmq.PUB
socket is wrapped in azmq.proxy
to allow multiple subscribers to the same publisher. Note that allNativeObject
types are transmitted as multipart messages, where the first element is the topic name and the second element is the message itself (Except forImage
) - Properties: Transmits properties
Websocket assumes a server is running on the specified address and port. The forwarding of messages can only be done manually by the user. An example server can be found [here](
Unlike the majority of middleware supported by Wrapyfi, websockets are bidirectional, meaning that the publisher can also be a listener. This allows Wrapyfi to support multiple publishers on the same topic ([namespaces]( and [rooms](
All messages are transmitted using the python-socketio
Python bindings. Transmission follows the protocol
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image wrapped in theNativeObject
construct - AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk wrapped in theNativeObject
construct - NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays and other formats usingsocketio.emit
for publishing andsocketio.on
for receiving messages - Properties: Transmits properties
All messages are transmitted using the eclipse-zenoh
Python bindings. Transmission follows the zenoh protocol
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image wrapped in theNativeObject
construct aszenoh.Bytes
- AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk wrapped in theNativeObject
construct aszenoh.Bytes
- NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays and other formats aszenoh.Bytes
for publishing and an asynchronus callback for receiving messages
MQTT runs on a public online broker by default for convenience (no setup required), however, it is recommended to use a local broker like [Mosquitto]( for production.
All messages are transmitted using the paho-mqtt
Python bindings. Transmission follows the MQTT protocol
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image wrapped in theNativeObject
construct - AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk wrapped in theNativeObject
construct - NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays and other formats usingclient.publish
for publishing andclient.on_message
for receiving messages - Properties: Transmits properties
The servers and clients of the same message type should have identical constructor signatures. The current Wrapyfi version supports
3 universal message types for all middleware. The extended types such as ROSMessage
and ROS2Message
are exclusive to the provided middleware.
All messages are transmitted using the yarp
Python bindings for RPC communication.
The requester encodes its arguments as a json
string supporting all native Python objects, numpy
arrays, and other formats using yarp.Bottle
The requester formats its arguments as ([args], {kwargs})
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image encoded as ajson
string usingyarp.Bottle
. JPG conversion is currently not supported - AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk encoded as ajson
string usingyarp.Bottle
- NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays, and other formats usingyarp.Bottle
ROS requires a custom service to handle audio. This service must be compiled first before using Wrapyfi with ROS Audio.
Refer to [these instructions for compiling Wrapyfi ROS services and messages](
All messages are transmitted using the rospy
Python bindings as services.
The requester encodes its arguments as a json
string supporting all native Python objects, numpy
arrays, and other formats using std_msgs.msg.String
The requester formats its arguments as ([args], {kwargs})
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image usingsensor_messages.msg.Image
JPG conversion is currently not supported - AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk usingwrapyfi_ros_interfaces.msg.ROSAudioMessage
- NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays, and other formats usingstd_msgs.msg.String
ROS 2 requires custom services to handle arbitrary messages. These services must be compiled first before using Wrapyfi in this mode.
Refer to [these instructions for compiling Wrapyfi ROS 2 services](
All messages are transmitted using the rclpy
Python bindings as services.
The requester encodes its arguments as a json
string supporting all native Python objects, numpy
arrays, and other formats using std_msgs.msg.String
The requester formats its arguments as ([args], {kwargs})
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image usingsensor_messages.msg.Image
- AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk usingwrapyfi_ros2_interfaces.msg.ROS2AudioMessage
- NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays, and other formats usingstd_msgs.msg.String
All messages are transmitted using the zmq
Python bindings. Transmission follows the proxied XREP/XREQ pattern
The requester encodes its arguments as a json
string supporting all native Python objects, numpy
arrays, and other formats using zmq context.socket(zmq.REQ).send_multipart
The requester formats its arguments as ([args], {kwargs})
- Image: Transmits and receives a
image wrapped in theNativeObject
construct - AudioChunk: Transmits and receives a
audio chunk wrapped in theNativeObject
construct - NativeObject: Transmits and receives a
string supporting all native Python objects,numpy
arrays, and other formats usingzmq context.socket(zmq.REP)
for replying andzmq context.socket(zmq.REQ)
for receiving messages
Differences are expected between the returns of publishers and listeners, sometimes due to compression methods (e.g., setting `jpg=True` when transmitting an **Image** compresses the image but the encoding remains the same), intentional setting of different devices for different tensors (refer to [device mapping for tensors](#device-mapping-for-tensors)), and differences in library versions between receiving and transmitting plugins (refer to [plugins](#plugins)).
To direct arguments specifically toward the publisher or subscriber without exposing one or the other to the same argument values, the corresponding arguments can be added to the dictionary listener_kwargs
to control the listener only, or publisher_kwargs
to control the publisher only. Both dictionaries can be passed directly to the Wrapyfi decorator.
Since the transmitting and receiving arguments should generally be the same regardless of the communication pattern, publisher_kwargs
and listener_kwargs
also apply to the servers and clients respectively.
We introduce three communication schemes: Mirroring, Channeling, and Forwarding. These schemes are communication forms that can be useful in different scenarios.
For the REQ/REP pattern, mirroring is a communication scheme that allows a client to send arguments to a server, and receive the method returns back from the server. As for the PUB/SUB pattern, mirroring allows a publisher to send the returns of a method to a subscriber based on the publisher's method arguments. Following both patterns, the returns of a method are mirrored on the receiver and the sender side. This is useful when the pipeline for each receiver is identical, but we would like to delegate the processing to different publishers when processing requires more resources than a single publisher can provide.
In the, the module transmits a user input message from the publisher to a listener (PUB/SUB pattern), and displays the message along with other native objects on the listener and publisher side. Similarly, we transmit a user input message from the server to a client (REQ/REP pattern), when the client requests the message from the server. The example can be run from the examples/communication_schemes/ directory.
Forwarding is a communication scheme that allows a server or publisher to forward the method arguments to another server or publisher (acting as a client or listener), and in return, forwards the received messages to another client or listener. This is useful when the server or publisher is not able to communicate with the client or listener directly due to limited middleware support on the client or listener side. The middle server or publisher can then act as a bridge between the two, and forward the messages between them, effectively chaining the communication. The chain can be extended and is not limited to two servers or publishers.
In the,
the module constantly publishes a string from chain_A
to a listener on chain_A
. The chain_A
listener then forwards the message by publishing to chain_B
The string is then forwarded to a third instances which listens exclusively to chain_B
, without needing to support the middleware used by chain_A
The example can be run from the examples/communication_schemes/ directory.
Channeling differs from mirroring, in that there are multiple returns from a method. Disabling one or more of these returns is possible, allowing the server or publisher to transmit the message to multiple channels, each with a different topic, and potentially, a different middleware. This is useful for transmitting messages using the same method, but to different receivers based on what they choose to receive. Not all clients or subscribers require all the messages from a method, and can therefore selectively filter out what is needed and operate on that partial return.
In the,
the module constantly publishes three data types (NativeObject, Image, and AudioChunk) over one or more middlware. The listeners
can then choose to receive one or more of these data types, depending on the middleware they support. When --mware_...
for one of the
channels is not provided, it automatically disables the topic for that channel/s and returns a None
type value.
The example can be run from the examples/communication_schemes/ directory.
The `<Data structure type>` is the object type for a given method's return. The supported data types are listed [here](<#data-structure-types>) section.
Wrapyfi natively supports a number of middleware. However, more middleware could be added by:
- Creating a derived class that inherits from the base classes
, orwrapyfi.connect.Server
depending on the communication pattern to be supported - Decorating the classes inside scripts residing within:
- the
directory with@Listeners.register(<Data structure type>, <Communicator>)
- the
directory with@Publishers.register(<Data structure type>, <Communicator>)
- the
directory with@Clients.register(<Data structure type>, <Communicator>)
- the
directory with@Servers.register(<Data structure type>, <Communicator>)
- the
- Appending the script path where the class is defined to the
environment variable - Ensure that the middleware communication pattern scripts reside within directories named
, orservers
nested inside theWRAPYFI_MWARE_PATH
and that the directory contains
- ROS 2
- ZeroMQ [beta feature]:
- Websocket Only PUB/SUB [alpha support]
- Zenoh Only PUB/SUB [alpha support]
- MQTT Only PUB/SUB [alpha support]
The NativeObject message type supports structures beyond native Python objects. Wrapyfi already supports a number of non-native objects including numpy arrays and tensors. Wrapyfi can be extended to support objects by using the plugin API. All currently supported plugins by Wrapyfi can be found in the plugins directory. Plugins can be added by:
- Creating a derived class that inherits from the base class
- Overriding the
method for converting the object to ajson
serializable string. Deserializing the string is performed within the overriddendecode
method - Specifying custom object properties by defining keyword arguments for the class constructor. These properties can be passed directly to the Wrapyfi decorator
- Decorating the class with
and appending the plugin to the list of supported objects - Appending the script path where the class is defined to the
environment variable - Ensure that the plugin resides within a directory named
nested inside theWRAPYFI_PLUGIN_PATHS
and that the directory contains
An example for adding a plugin for a custom Astropy object is provided in the example.
In the example, we append the example's directory to the WRAPYFI_PLUGIN_PATHS
environment variable and import the plugin.
The plugin ( in the plugins directory
is then used to encode and decode the custom object (from within the examples/encoders/
# create the publisher with default middleware (changed with --mware). The plugin is automatically loaded
Python3 --mode publish
# create the listener with default middleware (changed with --mware). The plugin is automatically loaded
Python3 --mode listen
from the two terminal outputs, the same object should be printed after typing a random message and pressing enter:
Method result: [{'message': 'hello world', 'astropy_table': <Table length=3>
name flux
bytes8 float64
-------- -------
source 1 1.2
source 2 2.2
source 3 3.1, 'list': [1, 2, 3]}, 'string', 0.4344, {'other': (1, 2, 3, 4.32)}]
Due to differences in versions, the decoding may result in inconsitent outcomes, which must be handled for all versions e.g., MXNet plugin differences are handled in the existing plugin.
Wrapyfi primarily supports Image
, AudioChunk
, and NativeObject
types, with additional types supported for different middleware and communication patterns.
Other than native Python objects, the following objects are supported by NativeObject
(pandas v1)torch.Tensor
To map tensor listener decoders to specific devices (CPUs/GPUs), add an argument to tensor data structures with direct GPU/TPU mapping to support re-mapping on mirrored nodes e.g.,
class MXNetTensor(Plugin):
def __init__(self, load_mxnet_device=None, map_mxnet_devices=None, **kwargs):
where map_mxnet_devices
should be {'default': mxnet.gpu(0)}
when load_mxnet_device=mxnet.gpu(0)
and map_mxnet_devices=None
For instance, when load_mxnet_device=mxnet.gpu(0)
or load_mxnet_device="cuda:0"
, map_mxnet_devices
can be set manually as a dictionary representing the source device as key and the target device as value for non-default device maps.
Suppose we have the following Wrapyfied method:
@MiddlewareCommunicator.register("NativeObject", args.mware, "Notify", "/notify/test_native_exchange",
carrier="tcp", should_wait=True, load_mxnet_device=mxnet.cpu(0),
map_mxnet_devices={"cuda:0": "cuda:1",
mxnet.gpu(1): "cuda:0",
"cuda:3": "cpu:0",
mxnet.gpu(2): mxnet.gpu(0)})
def exchange_object(self):
msg = input("Type your message: ")
ret = {"message": msg,
"mx_ones": mxnet.nd.ones((2, 4)),
"mxnet_zeros_cuda1": mxnet.nd.zeros((2, 3), ctx=mxnet.gpu(1)),
"mxnet_zeros_cuda0": mxnet.nd.zeros((2, 3), ctx=mxnet.gpu(0)),
"mxnet_zeros_cuda2": mxnet.nd.zeros((2, 3), ctx=mxnet.gpu(2)),
"mxnet_zeros_cuda3": mxnet.nd.zeros((2, 3), ctx=mxnet.gpu(3))}
return ret,
then the source and target gpus 1 & 0 would be flipped, gpu 3 would be placed on cpu 0, and gpu 2 would be placed on gpu 0. Defining mxnet.gpu(1): mxnet.gpu(0)
and cuda:1
: cuda:2
in the same mapping should raise an error since the same device is mapped to two different targets.
The plugins supporting remapping are:
When encoding dictionaries, `json` supports string keys only and converts any instances of `int` keys to string, causing a difference between the publisher and subscriber returns. It is best to avoid using `int` keys, otherwise handle the difference on the receiving end.
Wrapyfi currently supports JSON as the only serializer. This introduces a number of limitations (beyond serializing native Python objects only by default), including:
- dictionary keys cannot be integers. Integers are automatically converted to strings
- Tuples are converted to lists. Sets are not serializable. Tuples and sets are encoded as strings and restored on listening, which resolves this limitation but adds to the encoding overhead. This conversion is supported in Wrapyfi
Wrapyfi reserves specific environment variable names for the functionality of its internal components:
: Path/s to plugin extension directoriesWRAPYFI_MWARE_PATHS
: Path/s to middleware extension directories. These are simply middleware classes that are not part of the core libraryWRAPYFI_DEFAULT_COMMUNICATOR
when both are provided): Name of default when none is provided as the second argument to the Wrapyfi decorator
ZeroMQ requires socket configurations that can be passed as arguments to the respective middleware constructor (through the Wrapyfi decorator) or using environment variables. Note that these configurations are needed both by the proxy and the message publisher and listener. The downside to such an approach is that all messages share the same configs. Since the proxy broker spawns once on first trigger (if enabled) as well as a singleton subscriber monitoring instance, using environment variables is the recommended approach to avoid unintended behavior. This can be achieved by setting:
: IP address of the socket. Defaults to ""WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_SOCKET_PUB_PORT
: The publishing socket port. Defaults to 5555WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_SOCKET_SUB_PORT
: The sub-socket port (listening port for the broker). Defaults to 5556WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_PUBSUB_MONITOR_TOPIC
: The topic name for the pub-sub monitor. Defaults to "ZEROMQ/CONNECTIONS"WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_START_PUBSUB_MONITOR_BROKER
: Spawn a new broker for enabling topic discovery since topic discovery is not natively supported on ZeroMQ. Defaults to "True"WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_PUBSUB_MONITOR_LISTENER_SPAWN
: Either spawn the pub-sub monitor listener as a "process" or "thread". Defaults to "process"WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_START_PROXY_BROKER
: Spawn a new broker proxy without running the standalone proxy broker. Defaults to "True"WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_PROXY_BROKER_SPAWN
: Either spawn broker as a "process" or "thread". Defaults to "process")WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_PARAM_POLL_INTERVAL
: Polling interval in milliseconds for the parameter server. Defaults to 1 (currently not supported)WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_PARAM_REQREP_PORT
: The parameter server request-reply port. Defaults to 5659 (currently not supported)WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_PARAM_PUB_PORT
: The parameter server pub-socket port. Defaults to 5655 (currently not supported)WRAPYFI_ZEROMQ_PARAM_SUB_PORT
: The parameter server sub-socket port. Defaults to 5656 (currently not supported)WRAPYFI_WEBSOCKET_SOCKET_IP
: IP address of the socket. Defaults to ""WRAPYFI_WEBSOCKET_SOCKET_PORT
: The socket port. Defaults to 5000WRAPYFI_WEBSOCKET_NAMESPACE
: The socket namespace. Defaults to "/"WRAPYFI_ZENOH_IP
: IP address of the Zenoh socket. Defaults to ""WRAPYFI_ZENOH_PORT
: The Zenoh socket port. Defaults to 7447WRAPYFI_ZENOH_MODE
: The Zenoh mode indicating whether to use the router as a broker or adopt peer-to-peer communication. Defaults to "peer"WRAPYFI_ZENOH_CONNECT
: The Zenoh connect endpoints seperated by a comma e.g., "tcp/,udp/". This overridesWRAPYFI_ZENOH_IP
. Defaults to an empty listWRAPYFI_ZENOH_LISTEN
: The Zenoh listen endpoints seperated by a comma e.g., "tcp/". Defaults to an empty listWRAPYFI_ZENOH_CONFIG_FILEPATH
: The Zenoh configuration file path. Defaults to None. Conflicting keys are overriden byWRAPYFI_ZENOH_IP
: The MQTT broker address. Defaults to ""WRAPYFI_MQTT_BROKER_PORT
: The MQTT broker port. Defaults to 1883
ROS and ROS 2 queue sizes can be set by:
: Size of the queue buffer. Defaults to 5WRAPYFI_ROS2_QUEUE_SIZE
: Size of the queue buffer. Defaults to 5