JavaScript轻量级函数式编程 目录 前言 序言 章节 1: 为什么要函数式编程? At a Glance Confidence Communication Readability Perspective How to Find Balance Resources 章节 2: 函数的本质 What Is A Function? Function Input Named Arguments Function Output Functions Of Functions Syntax What's This? 章节 3: 管理函数输入 All For One Adapting Arguments to Parameters Some Now, Some Later One At A Time Order Matters No Points 章节 4: 组合函数 Output To Input General Composition Reordered Composition Abstraction Revisiting Points 章节 5: 减少副作用影响 Effects On The Side, Please Once Is Enough, Thanks Pure Bliss There Or Not Purifying 章节 6: 值的不变性质 Primitive Immutability Value To Value Reassignment Performance Treatment 章节 7: 闭包与对象 The Same Page Look Alike Two Roads Diverged In A Wood... 章节 8: 递归 Definition Declarative Recursion Stack Rearranging Recursion 章节 9: 列表的操作 Non-FP List Processing Map Filter Reduce Advanced List Operations Method vs. Standalone Looking For Lists Fusion Beyond Lists 章节 10: 函数的异步 Time As State Eager vs Lazy Reactive FP 章节 11: 汇总 Setup Stock Events Stock Ticker UI 附言 A: 转换 首先弄清楚“为什么” How, Next What, Finally 附言 B: 卑微的单子 Type Loose Interface Just a Monad Maybe Humble 附言 C: 函数式编程的库 Stuff to Investigate Ramda Lodash/fp Mori Bonus: FPO Bonus #2: fasy