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PostgreSQL Data Provider Plugin for Inji Certify

A plugin for Inji Certify that enables credential issuance using PostgreSQL data sources.


  • Parameterized SQL query execution
  • Automatic JSON transformation of database results
  • Integration with Inji Certify for VC issuance


  • Java 21
  • PostgreSQL (The database has to be same as the one used with Inji Certify)
  • Inji Certify v0.10.x


    participant Client as 🌐 Client
    box Inji Certify #E6F3FF
    participant credential_endpoint as 🔗 Credential API
    participant VelocityEngine as ⚙️ Template Engine
    participant VCSigner as 🔏 VC Signer
    participant TemplateDB as 💾 Template Store
    box PostgreSQL Data Provider Plugin #FFE6E6
    participant DataProvider as 🔌 Data Provider
    participant PostgresDB as 💾 PostgreSQL DB

    Client->>credential_endpoint: Request VC Issuance (OIDC4VCI)
    credential_endpoint->>DataProvider: Request Data (parameters)
    DataProvider->>PostgresDB: Establish Connection
    PostgresDB-->>DataProvider: Connection Established
    DataProvider->>PostgresDB: Execute SQL Query
    Note right of PostgresDB: Query processes<br/>with parameters
    PostgresDB-->>DataProvider: Return Result Set
    DataProvider->>DataProvider: Convert to JSONObject
    Note right of DataProvider: Transform DB results<br/>to JSON format
    DataProvider->>PostgresDB: Close Connection
    DataProvider-->>credential_endpoint: Return JSONObject
    credential_endpoint->>TemplateDB: Fetch Credential Template
    TemplateDB-->>credential_endpoint: Return Template
    credential_endpoint->>VelocityEngine: Process Template with JSON Data
    VelocityEngine-->>credential_endpoint: Return unsigned Credential Data
    credential_endpoint->>VCSigner: Sign Credential
    Note right of VCSigner: Sign VC
    VCSigner-->>credential_endpoint: Return Signed VC
    credential_endpoint-->>Client: Return Final VC (OIDC4VCI)
  1. Client Request: Initiate VC request via OIDC4VCI protocol
  2. Data Fetching:
    • Credential API calls PostgreSQL Data Provider
    • Secure connection established with database
    • Parameterized SQL query executed
    • Results converted to JSON format
  3. Credential Generation:
    • Template engine merges data with credential template
    • VC Signer adds cryptographic proofs
  4. Response: Signed VC returned to client

Configuration docs for Postgres Plugin

  • Pre-requisites
    • Authorisation Provider should expose the unique identifier in the sub field of the JWT token. Eg. If one is using eSignet with mock-identity-system:0.10.0 and above it can be achieved by setting: mosip.mock.ida.kyc.psut.field=individualId where individualId will be the identifier to locate the identity in the expected identity registry.
    • Refer to an existing table or create a new table referring data of a specific usecase.
  1. The schema context containing all the required fields should be hosted in a public url.

    • Refer this link for an existing context: Registration Receipt Schema Eg:<project_name>/<file_name>.json
    • Also change the respective credential name:
             "@context": {
                 "@version": 1.1,
                 "@protected": true,
                 "type": "@type",
                 "schema": "",
                 "<credential_name>": {
                     "@id": "https://<username><project_name>/<file_name>.json#<credential_name>"
                 <field1>: "schema:<type>"
                 <field2>: "schema:<type>"
    • When the authentication is done using this particular identifier then the record from certify tables can be fetched by the postgres plugin and returned as a JSON Object.
  2. For referring the table creation and template insertion, see the sql scripts under db_scripts/mosip_certify/ddl folder of inji_certify: db_scripts

  3. inji-config changes:

    • Refer to the properties file in inji-config that corresponds to the postgres plugin implementation. Certify Postgres Land Registry
    • The value for the property must be set to PostgresDataProviderPlugin
    • Refer to the below property for setting the query value against the scope for the credential that is to be issued:{
        `credential_scope`: `select * from certify.<table_name> where <table_id>=:id`
    • Add the scope defined above and the type of credential in the well-known config of the properties file. Refer to the property mosip.certify.key-values for the same.
    • Add the fields from the respective table in the well-known config.
  4. Authorization Server config changes:

    • Add the required scopes to the supported credential scopes which refers to the scope in the scope-query-mapping in the 3rd point.
    • Also add the above scopes wherever necessary so that authentication can be carried out with the particular scopes.