Export Transfer
M-RETS will work with Compatible Tracking Systems (CTSs) to ensure a credible and reliable method for exporting RECs to a CTS. Currently approved CTSs for exporting are:
- Michigan Renewable Energy Certification System (MIRECS)
- North American Renewables Registry (NAR)
- North Carolina Renewable Energy Tracking System (NC-RETS)
The processes for export and import transfers are identical. Please see the import transfer process below for more information on how to complete a transfer with a CTS.
Import Transfers
M-RETS will work with a CTS to ensure a credible and reliable method for importing RECs from CTS. Currently approved CTSs for importing are:
- Michigan Renewable Energy Certification System (MIRECS)
- North American Renewables Registry (NAR)
- North Carolina Renewable Energy Tracking System (NC-RETS)
- Texas Renewable Energy Trading Program (ERCOT)
The following Import Process defines how Certificates are imported to M-RETS from Compatible Tracking Systems (CTS)
- CTS Organization selects a batch of Certificates and initiates an export transfer in a CTS. As part of the export process the CTS Organization is asked to select from a drop-down menu which registry the Certificates should be transferred to what Organization.
- M-RETS will receive a notification that an import has been initiated. The CTS Administrator will provide an Import File to M-RETS with all applicable data as required by M-RETS.
- M-RETS confirms that the Generating Unit has previously been approved as an Import Generator in M-RETS. If yes, transaction will proceed. If no, M-RETS will complete the Import Generator Certification with the applicable Eligibility Flags verified using the information provided in the Import File.
- If M-RETS cannot validate the Import Generator meets the eligibility criteria for M-RETS, M-RETS informs the CTS Administrator of the unsuccessful transfer by email.
- If the transfer is approved, M-RETS will allow the applicable Certificates to be issued and delivered to the designated M-RETS Organization. The import serial number uses the standard M-RETS format with the CTS name inserted into the format, for example:
MIRECS-123-MI-01-2009-123-1 to 1