Account : M-RETS provides several different Accounts for holding and retiring M-RETS Certificates
Active Account : The Active Account is the holding place for all active M-RETS Certificates. If the Organization is a registered Generator, or is the designated representative of a registered Generator, their Active Account will be the first point of deposit for any M-RETS Certificates created that are associated with the Generating Unit ID number, unless the Certificate is subject to an automatic recurring transfer. An Active Account may be associated with one or more Generating Units.
Retirement Account : A Retirement Account is used as a repository for M-RETS Certificates that the Organization wants to designate as retired and remove from circulation. Once a Certificate has been transferred into an M-RETS Retirement Account, it cannot be transferred again to any other Account.
Active Account : See Account
Active Certificates : Any Certificate that is held in an M-RETS Active Account. Active Certificates may be traded, transferred, exported, retired, etc. at the discretion of the holder of the Active Account or his/her Agent.
Agent : Any party other than the Organization that has been granted access by the Organization to "use" their Organization. Agents may include viewing information, performing transactions, changing personal information etc. The Organization may at any time revoke the permissions granted to an Agent by notifying M-RETS. The M-RETS System will be able to track the specific activities of each Agent through the unique User ID and password. Also known as a User.
**Automatic Recurring Transfers: ** Normally, the first point of deposit for M-RETS Certificates is the Account to which a Generating Unit selects as its issuance Account. With an Automatic Recurring Transfer, the Organization to which the Generating Unit is registered requests that the Certificates be directly deposited into another Account when the Certificates are created. Automatic Recurring Transfers may be set up for transfers to:
- One internal Account
- Multiple internal Accounts
- An external Organization within M-RETS
- A Compatible Certificate Tracking System (Export)
Automatic Recurring Transfers can be set as Irrevocable during the confirmation of the transfer process. However, only M-RETS can edit Irrevocable Automatic Recurring Transfers once they are set.
Certificate : The term "Certificate," as used in this document, refers to an M-RETS Certificate of generation, or M-RETS Certificate. An M-RETS Certificate represents all the attributes from one MWh of electricity generation from a renewable Generating Unit registered with M-RETS or a Certificate imported from a Compatible Tracking System (CTS) and converted to an M-RETS Certificate. M-RETS will create exactly one Certificate per MWh of generation that occurs from a registered Generating Unit or that is imported from a CTS. See also definition of "Whole Certificate."
Compatible Tracking System : A Compatible Tracking System (CTS) is a generation tracking system that meets the guidelines that M-RETS has established to ensure the security and integrity of the Certificate information and reciprocity of Certificate conversion. Consequently, the transfer of Certificates between CTSs is allowed. Transfers cannot occur until guidelines have been established for converting Certificates from another tracking system into M-RETS Certificates. Please consult the Transfer Appendix for a current list of Compatible Tracking Systems.
Control Area/Control Area Operator : An electric system or systems, bounded by interconnection metering and telemetry, capable of controlling generation to maintain its interchange schedule with other Control Areas and contributing to frequency regulation of the Interconnection. For the purposes of this document, a Control Area is defined in broad terms to include transmission system operations, market, and load-serving functions within a single Organization. A Control Area operator may be a system operator, a transmission grid operator, or a utility.
Conversion : A process by which Certificates from a CTS are made available for import into M-RETS. The process involves designating the Certificate as exported from the compatible tracking system according to the protocol agreed upon jointly by the Administrator of the CTS and M-RETS. After such designation is made, M-RETS will issue a corresponding M-RETS Certificate that can be used within M-RETS.
Creation Date : The date that M-RETS Certificates are created. Certificates are created monthly, seven days after the Organization has accepted the generation amount of the Generation Activity Log.
Customer-Sited Distributed Generation: Generation interconnected behind a retail customer meter and therefore not directly interconnected with either the distribution system or transmission system (including net metered facilities).
Date of First Operation : The month and year a Generating Unit first began commercial operation or for non-commercial facilities, the date approved by the licensing or permitting agency. For repowered or refurbished Generating Units, this is the date of original operation, not the date of the repower or refurbishing. For incremental capacity, this is the date of original operation for the non-incremental capacity. M-RETS may refine the definition of Date of First Operation for small non-commercial Generating Units in the future.
Dispute Resolution Process : Administrative process managed by M-RETS to resolve disputes regarding M-RETS functionality and actions, including but not limited to disputes related to the number of Certificates in an Account, static data, Organization requests to reverse permanent transactions (such as retirements), and Certificate creation.
Dynamic Data : Dynamic data is variable information that is associated with a specific MWh from a registered Generating Unit, such as Certificate serial number or date of generation. See Appendix B-1 for a list of dynamic data fields.
Emission Factor : The emission factor of a Generating Unit indicates the amount of emissions released in terms of mass of emitted substance per MWh.
Facility/Generating Facility : See Generator.
Fuel Source : The specific source or origin of the fuel being used at a Generating Unit or Generator. Fuel source will be indicated during Generator registration if the fuel type has more than one potential fuel source and where indication of the fuel source is relevant to eligibility for one or more state or provincial program. A list of fuel sources is available in Appendix B-4.
Fuel Type : The type of fuel or other naturally occurring energy source that the Generating Unit or Generator uses to create electricity. A list of fuel types is available in Appendix B-4.
Generating Unit : A piece of equipment or machinery that can generate electricity.
Generation Activity Log : The Generation Activity Log is an electronic ledger where generation is posted prior to Certificate creation. Each time generation data is received by M-RETS for a particular Generating Unit, the date and quantity of MWhs is posted to the Generation Activity Log. Similarly, adjustments received will be posted likewise.
Generation Month : The generation month is the calendar month in which the generation occurred.
Generator Registration Agreement : The agreement between an Organization and M-RETS which sets forth terms and conditions for use of the M-RETS System.
Generator : An electric generating facility consisting of one or more Generating Units with the same essential generation characteristics and whose output is measured with a single certified meter.
Incremental Capacity : Nameplate capacity added to an existing Generator. Incremental Capacity may consist of one or more new Generating Units. Incremental capacity does not include repowered capacity
Interface Control Document : An Interface Control Document contains the protocol for collecting and transferring generation data from participating control areas and other reporting entities to M-RETS for the purposes of creating M-RETS Certificates. The Interface Control Document will identify M-RETS Registered Generators to be reported for that interface, as well as the collection of information such as meter IDs, data format, communication protocols, timing, and security requirements for data collection.
Load Serving Entity (LSE): This term refers to any Organization selling retail electricity to end Users, such as investor owned utilities, municipal utilities, and electric coops. Sometimes referred to as an "electric provider." In M-RETS LSE can also mean Organizations that aggregate for member or customer LSEs.
M-RETS Administrator : M-RETS is the entity with the authority to administer or oversee the administration and implementation of the M-RETS Operating Rules.
M-RETS Board : The Board of Directors of Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System, Inc., a Wisconsin nonprofit corporation.
M-RETS Certificates : See Certificate.
Marketer : Any person that either purchases RECs for sale to others or a broker that arranges sales of RECs between two or more parties is defined as a marketer.
Month and Year of Generation : See Vintage.
Multi-Fuel Indicator : An indication that the Generating Unit or Generator is capable of using more than one fuel type to generate electricity. The multi-fuel indicator will be selected during registration or later if the Generating Unit or Generator is converted to multi-fuel capability after registration is complete.
Nameplate Capacity/Maximum Generator Nameplate Capacity : The maximum rated output of a Generator, prime mover, or other electric power production equipment under specific conditions designated by the manufacturer. Size classification is based on Nameplate Capacity.
Organization : An M-RETS Organization is a party that has registered with M-RETS and has established an Organization within M-RETS. Also referred to as a Subscriber or User.
Program : An M-RETS feature that is created to prevent irrelevant Certificates from being retired. This is based on a predetermined ruleset that narrows the field of acceptable Certificates. Users may create Programs for internal or external use.
External Program : A Program that is created by a Program Administrator, such as a Regulator, that allows one or multiple Organizations participate.
Qualified Reporting Entity : A Reporting Entity that is (1) the control area operator, interconnecting utility, scheduling coordinator, or an independent third-party meter reader and is not affiliated with the owner of the Generator for which the entity is reporting; or (2) the control area operator or interconnecting utility and that is affiliated with the Generator owner, but having sufficient segregation of duties such that the person performing the Qualified Reporting Entity duties does not have access to transfer or retire Certificates created for that Generator. A Qualified Reporting Entity must enter into an agreement with M-RETS describing the terms and conditions under which the Qualified Reporting Entity agrees to conduct business with M-RETS and must report data in accordance with the standards set forth in these Operating Procedures
Registered Generator : A renewable energy source, known as a Generating Facility or Generator, that has registered with M-RETS.
Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS): Generally, a Renewable Portfolio Standard is a legislative or administrative requirement on electrical utilities or load-serving entities in a jurisdiction to include a designated percentage of renewable electricity in their generation/retail portfolio.
Reporting Entities : A Reporting Entity is an entity reporting meter reading and other generation data to M-RETS. Reporting Entities may include Qualified Reporting Entities, and for certain Customer-Sited Distributed Generation, the generation owner or customer (see Self-Reporting Generator). The protocol for such reporting is the Interface Control Document.
Reporting Entity Terms of Use : The agreement between a reporting entity and M-RETS that describes the terms and conditions under which the reporting entity agrees to exchange information and conduct business with M-RETS.
Repowered Capacity : Nameplate capacity added to an existing electric generating facility that replaces generating capacity which is removed from operation.
Repowered Indicator : An indication that the Generating Unit or part or all of the Generator has been repowered. The repowered indicator will be selected during registration or at a later date if the repowering occurs after registration is complete.
Repowered : A Generating Unit or Generator is repowered when existing electric generating nameplate capacity is removed and replaced with new generating capacity. Repowering may consist of replacing existing capacity with the same or different electric generation technology.
Responsible Party : An M-RETS Organization who has been assigned the Rights of Registration for a given Generating Unit. This gives the designated Organization full and sole management and authority over the transactions and activities related to the Generating Unit within M-RETS.
Retirement Account : See Account
Retirement of Certificates : Retirement of Certificates is an action taken to remove a Certificate from circulation within M-RETS. Retirement may be initiated only by the M-RETS Organization for Certificates in his/her own Account(s). Retirement is effectuated by transferring Certificates into a Retirement Account.
Revenue Meter : As of January 1, 2020, M-RETS no longer requires Generators use a revenue quality meter. For Generators that are interconnected to a utility or control area operator, a revenue-quality meter is any meter used by the reporting control area operator for settlements. The data must be electronically collected by a meter data acquisition system, such as a MV-90 system, or pulse accumulator readings collected by the control area's Energy Management System and verified through a control area checkout/energy Accounting or settlements process which occurs monthly. The preferred source for the data is a meter data acquisition system. If the control area does not have an electronic source for collecting revenue meter data, then manual meter reads will be accepted.
Meter Output : The energy delivered into the transmission grid at the high side of the transformer. The data must be electronically collected by a meter data acquisition system, such as a MV-90 system, or pulse accumulator readings collected by the control area's energy management system, and verified through a control area checkout/energy Accounting or settlements process that occurs at the end of each month.
Self-Reporting Generator : A Generator that does not use a QRE to report generation. All Certificates from Self-Reporting Generators will be indicated as self-reported.
Static Data : Static data describes the attributes of the Generating Unit. Static information generally includes information related to the characteristics of the generation facility such as technology type, ownership or location. See Appendix B-1 for a list of M-RETS Static Data Fields.
Station Service : The electric supply for the ancillary equipment used to operate a generating station or substation.
Vintage : Month and Year of generation. The vintage on the issued Certificate will be the last month and year of generation contributing to an accumulated MWh.
Whole/ Whole Certificate : A "Whole Certificate" is one where none of the renewable attributes have been separately sold, given, or otherwise transferred to another party by a deliberate act of the Certificate owner. Renewable attributes shall include the environmental attributes that are defined as any and all Certificates, benefits, emissions reductions, offsets, and allowances, howsoever entitled, directly attributable to the generation from the Generating Unit(s). Renewable attributes do not include greenhouse gas avoidance Certificates based on the upstream capture of methane combined with the subsequent destruction of the methane. Individual states and provinces may create different definitions of renewable Certificates. M-RETS may consider revision of the definition of an M-RETS Certificate in the future if needed to better meet the needs of state and provincial programs. See also definition of "Certificate."
Wholesale Generation Also Serving On-Site Loads : Generators interconnected to the transmission systems, but with on-site loads other than station-service drawing service from the Generator before the control area's metering point. Such Generators either (i) have the net generation supplied to the grid reportable by the control area to M-RETS, or (ii) are not reportable by the control area to M-RETS on a unit-specific basis.
Wisconsin Electric Provider : An electric utility or retail electric cooperative serving customers in the State of Wisconsin. A list of electric providers eligible to establish an Organization will be provided to M-RETS by the Wisconsin Public Service Commission.