M-RETS defines renewable generation as energy generated by a facility that any state, province, or territory participating in M-RETS considers renewable by law or policy. M-RETS issues one electronic Certificate for each MWh of renewable energy produced by Generators registered and approved in M-RETS. To ensure that double-counting does not occur, Generators participating in M-RETS must report 100% of their generation output in M-RETS. M-RETS maintains a list of state definitions of renewable energy located in the M-RETS compliance footprint here.
Any Generator that delivers energy into North America may register in M-RETS. Other states, provinces, territories, countries or Generators outside of North America may request to use M-RETS subject to the approval of the M-RETS Board. In addition, M-RETS will track other generation forms (e.g. nuclear generation) or other environmental attributes. Requests to add a generator outside North America or to track other generation forms should be made in writing to the M-RETS System Administrator ([email protected]) and M-RETS leadership listed here.
M-RETS may issue Certificates for any energy production serving a load that the grid would otherwise serve if not for the Generator. M-RETS will not create Certificates for generation supplying station service/parasitic load.
For customer-sited distributed Generators, the original data source for reporting total energy production must be from metering at the AC output of an inverter, adjusted to reflect the energy delivered into either the transmission or distribution grid. In the absence of a meter measuring production as described above (i.e. if there is no meter at the inverter), the original data source for reporting total energy production must be from metering placed to measure only the hourly positive generation flowing to the distribution system, adjusted to reflect the energy delivered into either the transmission or distribution grid. Test energy is not treated differently and must also be delivered to the transmission or distribution grid.
M-RETS defines a Generator as an electric generating facility consisting of one or more Generating Units with the same essential generation characteristics with a single meter that measures the output.
All Generator Owners must first establish an Organization subscription and then register the Generating Unit(s) with M-RETS. As part of the Generator Registration Agreement, the User must attest that this Unit is not registered in any other Registry. Generating Unit(s) that are jointly owned must privately appoint a single Organization where the Generator will reside.
To register the Generating Unit(s), the owner of the Generating Unit or the Responsible Party must submit to M-RETS the following:
A completed on-line Generator registration form containing information related to the characteristics of the Generating Unit and associated meter.
If applicable: A completed Schedule A from the M-RETS Terms of Use outlining the Generator Owner's Designation of Responsible Party.
Any documentation requested by M-RETS to verify the registration information
a. It is helpful for Generators to include a Generator interconnection agreement that helps support the registration information. See Acceptable Documentation in Appendix A: Generator Static Data Fields.
b. Providing a Generators EIA Entity ID which is an official, unique identification numbers assigned by EIA can expedite the approval process. The EIA Entity ID is required for all Generators over 1 MW in the United States and may be found by accessing the report here.
If this Generator will use MISO as the reporting entity, please fill out and upload this form in the Generator documents. It is important that the form reflects the correct MISO node.
The Generator registration process will include both mandatory and optional data entry and M-RETS shall verify all data prior to making a Generator Active.
NOTE: Registration with M-RETS does not imply or confer acceptance into or eligibility for any state's Renewable Portfolio Standard program.
A Visual Guide to the Generator Registration Process
Static data fields describe the physical attributes of the Generating Unit. Users provide this data to M-RETS during the Generator registration process, and the subsequent update processes described below.
M-RETS shall verify all static data before including it in the System. Appendix A: Generator Static Data Fields lists the method of verification for each data field. In addition, M-RETS may conduct site visits to further verify the information as needed.
Upon completion of the Generator registration process, the User represents and warrants to M-RETS that all information for this Generator shall be true, complete, and correct to the best of its knowledge, information, and belief. Any changes after submission may result in a delay in the approval process. The Generator approval process begins once the Generator is submitted from a draft status.
In the event data submitted is inaccurate or if there is a discrepancy between the information submitted during the on-line registration process and the materials provided to verify the information, M-RETS will notify the registrant of the issue. A process of either correcting the data in the online registration form, withdrawing the registration, or providing proof that the information on the registration form is correct will ensue between M-RETS and the registrant until M-RETS is satisfied that the information provided meets M-RETS approval standards.
Section 4.3.3: M-RETS Interaction with State Commissions and Certification of Facilities for State Programs
M-RETS shall be responsible for verifying any information submitted to M-RETS during the Generating Unit Registration Process. Each individual state will be responsible for determining whether a Generating Unit qualifies for a state program. The State Commissions may use the information collected and verified by M-RETS to conduct this determination.
State regulatory commissions have the option of asking M-RETS to send them an electronic version of the registration information for all Generating Units in their jurisdiction or claiming to be eligible for any state programs. If the state commission has exercised this option, M-RETS will send an electronic message to the designated contact at the state commission each time M-RETS registers and verifies such a Generating Unit. The state commissions reserve the right to conduct site visits or request additional information from a Generator to determine whether the facility meets all the requirements.
A multi-fuel Generator is one that can produce energy using more than one fuel type, where the quantity of each of the fuels used is greater than 1% annually on a total heat input basis, excluding fuels used for start-up. A multi-fuel Generator can be a Generating Unit that uses a renewable fuel with a fossil fuel or one that uses multiple types of renewable fuels. Such facilities must register with M-RETS as a multi-fuel Generator. If the Generator Owner or M-RETS cannot measure or calculate the relative quantities of electricity production from each fuel, the Generator is not eligible to register as a multi-fuel Generating Unit in M-RETS.
M-RETS only creates Certificates for renewable fuel types. Each Certificate issued for a multi-fuel Generating Unit will reflect only one fuel source. The total number of Certificates issued for a fuel type in a reporting period will be proportional to the electric output from that fuel type for that reporting period.
The Generator or its owning Organization must maintain supporting documentation related to the derivation of the proportion of electric output per fuel type for each month at the generation facility for a minimum of two years from the date of submission to M-RETS. M-RETS may require copies of such calculations and supporting documentation will be subject to audit by M-RETS, state regulators, or their agents. M-RETS shall treat as Confidential Information all data submitted to or audited by M-RETS subject to the requirements of this paragraph not contained in reports available to the public.
For purposes of creating M-RETS Certificates reflecting the fuel source mix of multi-fuel Generating Units, the proportion of Certificates attributable to each fuel source shall be determined consistent with the following rule. For renewable fuels co-fired with fossil fuels or using fossil fuels for startup or supplemental firing: In each month, the Certificates for each fuel in such multi-fuel Generating Units will be created in proportion to the ratio of the net heat content of each fuel consumed to the net heat content of all fuel consumed in that month, adjusted to reflect differential heat rates for different fuels, if applicable.
Upon registration, all multi-fuel Generators must submit to M-RETS a report prepared by a licensed professional engineer containing documentation for measuring and verifying the quantities of each fuel type, the method of determining the net heat content and moisture content of each fuel source, and the heat rate of the Generator, if applicable. M-RETS will share this documentation with state or provincial regulators upon request of the regulator.
Generating Units register on a meter basis. In the case where there is more than one Generating Unit associated with a single meter, the Generator Owner or Responsible Party can register more than one Generating Units under one registration if, and only if, all the Generating Units have the same essential generation characteristics.
If the Generating Units associated with a single meter do not have the exact same essential generation characteristics, the Generator Owner or Responsible Party has two choices---they can either install a new meter(s) such that all Generating Units associated with a single meter have the same generation characteristics, or they can designate a percentage allocation on an MWh output basis for each different Generating Unit(s) associated with the meter.
Example: If there are two Generating Units (a biomass direct combustion Generating Unit and a biomass gasification unit and technology type is considered an essential characteristic) associated with one meter, the registrant would indicate that X% of the output as measured at the meter comes from the direct combustion unit and Y% comes from the gasification unit.
For small (<1 MW) Generating Units, M-RETS will allow aggregation ("Distributed Generation Aggregation") of Units not metered together and which do not share the same location, but which are located within the same state or province, and which otherwise share the same essential generation characteristics identified in Appendix B: Fuel Type & Fuel Source.
Aggregated Generators must meet the following criteria:
a. The M-RETS State/Province programs allows for aggregation if an eligibility is sought; and
b. The Aggregated Units do not exceed a total nameplate capacity of 1 MW.
M-RETS may require documentation to verify each Aggregated Unit and generation data including proof of the right to registration and proof that each unit is within acceptable proximity to the other units.
M-RETS requires Users to update/review Generators once a year during the month of January to ensure correct information. M-RETS will email Users with the requisite permissions as well as prompt them within the System to complete the review.
It is the User's requirement to confirm that they represent and warrant to M-RETS that all information for their Generator shall be true, complete, and correct to the best of their knowledge, information, and belief.
M-RETS requires that Organizations review and accept all Generator data by January 31^st^. Failure to complete the annual review for each Generator in an Organization by January 31^st^ each year will result in the loss of access to the Organization until a User with proper permissions reviews and confirms all of the data for every Generator in the Organization.
In addition to the annual update, Users must notify M-RETS of the following that have the effect of changing static data tracked by M-RETS within 30 calendar days of the effective date and/or knowledge of the change:
a. A change in fuel type at a Generating Unit, and the date on which the change occurred.
b. A change in Generating Unit ownership (See Section 4.3.12: Changing the Organization to which the Generator is Associated).
c. A change to Generator eligibility for any programs or certification tracked by M-RETS. Before M-RETS adds an eligibility to a Generator, M-RETS will verify the Generator meets the states eligibility requirements. In the case where a state requires preapproval, M-RETS will require the appropriate documentation and reserves the right to verify this information with the appropriate state, province or independent certifier. A User may remove an eligibility at any time.
d. A change to any of the "essential generating characteristics".
M-RETS can remove Generators for cause, including willful misrepresentation of static data. M-RETS may rely on the M-RETS dispute resolution process (See M-RETS Terms of Use) to address such situations, and M-RETS will accept no liability for Generator misrepresentations. M-RETS reserves the right to take appropriate action in consultation with the M-RETS Board to respond to willful misrepresentation of static data, including but not limited to withholding issuing Certificates, Inactivating an Organization associated with a particular Generating Unit, or withholding participation in M-RETS for Generating Units that have willfully misrepresented static data.
To ensure data integrity, unused or retired Generators are set to an 'Inactive' status. Only M-RETS can Inactivate a Generator. Setting a Generator to Inactive prevents any subsequent generation uploads and Certificate creation by the Generator. Inactivating a Generator does not affect previously issued Certificates.
If M-RETS has cause to suspend the Generating Unit's participation in M-RETS, Certificate production will cease until M-RETS approves a re-instatement of the Generator. Suspension of a Generator does not affect Certificates previously issued in accordance with the M-RETS Terms of Use and Operating Procedures.
If M-RETS has cause to permanently terminate the Generating Unit's participation in M-RETS, M-RETS will cease any further production of Certificates, and the Generator will be inaccessible. Termination of a Generator does not affect Certificates previously issued in accordance with the M-RETS Terms of Use and Operating Procedures.
If the Generator Owner or Responsible Party ("Transferor") wants to change the Organization to which a Generating Unit is associated, they can do so by requesting the change from M-RETS in writing or via email.
The Transferor must confirm the following:
a. The Organization Name and Organization I.D. of the Transferor.
b. The Generator Name and M-RETS I.D.
c. The effective date of the change and the last vintage that should be issued to the Transferor.
The Transferee must confirm the following:
a. The Organization Name and Organization I.D.
b. The Generator Name and M-RETS I.D.
c. The Account Name and Account I.D. to which the Generator will initially issue Certificates upon competition of the change.
d. The effective date of the change and the first vintage that should be issued to the Transferee.
e. Any changes to the static Generator data (e.g. new Reporting Entity, Eligibilities).
Certificates from generation that occurred up to the day the Organization change takes effect will be issued into the Organization that the Generating Unit was associated with at the time the generation occurred.
For example, if the Generator owner changes the Organization to which a given Generating Unit is associated with from Organization A to Organization B, and the change is effective on March 1, then the Certificates from generation that occurred prior to March 1, will be deposited into Organization A (even though the date of Certificate deposit will be after March 1, because of the lag time between generation occurrence and Certificate issuance.)
There cannot be any lapse in time where the Generator is not associated with an M-RETS Organization. If there is a period when the Generator is not associated with an M-RETS Organization, M-RETS will treat this as an Inactivation/Reactivation of the Generator instead of a change of Organization.
Any fractional remainder MWhs (i.e. any kWh) will transfer to the new owner of the Generator.
The owner of a Generating Unit or Responsible Party may assign the right to register the Generating Unit(s) in M-RETS to an M-RETS Organization for the purposes of allowing that party the ability to control and manage the disposition of any M-RETS Certificates resulting from the operation of the Generating Unit(s). This assignment of registration rights will give the designated Organization full and sole management and authority over the transactions and activities related to the Generating Unit within M-RETS. For the purposes of M-RETS, this party is the Responsible Party for that Generating Unit.
M-RETS will require both parties to confirm an assignment of registration rights and the date the assignment will be effective, and the termination date if applicable.
The Generator Owner or the Responsible Party may terminate the Rights of Registration subject to confirmation by M-RETS that both the Generator Owner and Responsible Party agree to the termination. The User will file the Generating Unit Termination form with M-RETS. The form specifies who the new Responsible Party with the Rights of Registration is and the date the change in registration will occur. Termination of Rights of Registration has the effect of deregistering the Generating Unit from M-RETS. Thus, no new Certificates will be issued from that generating upon the effective date of the termination. See Section 4.3.12: Changing the Organization to which the Generator is Associated for additional information.
When changing the Rights of Registration, the disposition of the Certificates from that Generating Unit will follow the rules in Section 4.3.13: Assignment of Rights of Registration -- Designation of Responsible Party. This function applies equally to the Generator Owner or to a Responsible Party, meaning that the Responsible Party can change the Rights of Registration to another party.
When changing the Rights of Registration, M-RETS will confirm that both parties (the Generator Owner or current Responsible Party and the new Responsible Party) agree to the change. If the Generator Owner or Responsible Party wants to change the Organization to which a Generating Unit is associated, they can do so by filing the Generating Unit Transfer Form with M-RETS. The form specifies who the new Responsible Party with the Rights of Registration is, and the date the change in registration will occur. There cannot be any lapse in time where the Generating Unit is not associated with an M-RETS Organization. If there is a period when the Generating Unit is not associated with an M-RETS Organization, M-RETS will treat this as a deregistration/re-registration of the Generating Unit.
In addition, the User must review---and update if necessary---the basic Generator Registration data when the Right of Registration is changed from one party to another.